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Ethernet, USB host+device, and SD-card interface

This board is a small board that nevertheless packs an SD Card, an Ethernet as well as a USB host and USB device interface on it!

All parts are connected via the SPI65b SPI interface. SD-Cards do SPI anyway, Ethernet is implemented via an ENC28J60 chip. USB is done with a MAX3420 (device) and MAX3421 (host) chip with the usb65 drivers.

    2013-01-04 Published this page

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This is a test driver for the SD-Card access via SPI65B schematics below.

It initializes the card, reads the operations conditions register, the card id data, and can read and write a block.

Please note that it is clutterd with debug code.


This is a uIP stack with a builtin driver for the ENC28J60 via SPI65B as on this board.


The USB drivers for host and device are now hosted on github.

Version: 2.0B

Status: prototype


This board has been successfully tested with SD-Card, Ethernet as well as USB host and device operations.

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Last modified: 2013-01-13

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