2005 site news and updates. By Lee Davison.

Current 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
15th December 2005.

RS232 port pinouts Because I keep forgetting and then have to go find them again.

11th December 2005.

Not much, just this update.

12th October 2005.

Hex keypad diagram added to the Tangerine section.

24th September 2005.

Again a little more here.

13th September 2005.

A little more here.

11th September 2005.

The site is four years old today. Happy birthday My corner. A Tangerine section gets added to the 6502 pages. Go look see how to get video out from a standard looking Microtan 65

6th September 2005.

Same page but more pictures, more tubes, more light and more volts. Now with 120% maximum.

5th September 2005.

I managed to scrounge a couple of cold cathode tubes recently, see how I lit them up here.

18th August 2005.

A recently acquired Torch 725 gets its own page and the Torch 68000 page gets an update. Not much there yet but more to come.

17th August 2005.

Recycling, it has to be done. With electronic parts it just takes the right tool.

27th July 2005.

Updated ehbasic for the EASy68K simulator. Deatils are here.

12th July 2005.

Added a little more to the Battlezone page in the 6502 section.

29th June 2005.

A first page about the hardware and software of Battlezone is in the 6502 section.

31st May 2005.

While clearing up the house as a prelude to moving, I uncovered my first ever completed project. It's been added to the misc section on it's own page here.

8th May 2005.

An update to the MPF-1 section tidies up some details and adds an HTML version of the manual to the MPF-1 Tiny BASIC page.

8th April 2005.

A fairly major update to EhBASIC for the 6502 brings the version numbers up to 2.xx and the interpreter more into line with how the 680x0 version behaves. This will probably be the only update for a while as I update the Mitsubishi 740 family version try to get the 65816 and Z80 versions running.

6th April 2005.

A sampled sound card eventually gives up it's secrets in the misc section.

21st February 2005.

An update to the mystery board page at last. No I don't know exactly what it is but I do know a lot more than I did.

17th February 2005.

EhBASIC68 gets a couple of fixes. Both the EASy68K simulator version and the 68008 board version have also been updated.

16th February 2005.

EhBASIC68 gets a long needed update. The new version is pure, i.e both relocatable and re-entrant and now works properly in environments with more than 128K or RAM. Both the versions for the EASy68K simulator and the 68008 board have also been updated.

30th January 2005.

A QuickBASIC utility to read and convert Vic 20 .PRG files into text and/or html is the latest addition. Source included.

29th January 2005.

An improved wiggly line program. sincos.bas in the EhBASIC68 examples section should also work on the 6502 version of EhBASIC.

28th January 2005.

I got a secondhand pan / tilt / zoom camera late last year, one of those 'big black eyeball' ceiling mounted type. How I got a PC to pan / tilt / zoom it is in the misc section, here.

24th January 2005.

Updated the 6502 pseudo random number generator page with a description and example of the Galois method. This is in the 6502 code section.

The 68000 version has also been updated.

21st January 2005.

Another year gone! While the site has been quiet lately my life hasn't. After two decades as an engineer I'm no longer employed, my daughter has left her mother and moved in and the car has blown up twice!

A big thank you to everyone who has sent me information, often unasked. I will get round to posting it - eventually. Pages take time to construct and I try to maintain some sort of order over the site. It also doesn't help no longer having a permanent internet connection and having to rely on 'borrowing' bandwidth where available.

Just a minor update to 6502 shorts for now with eight bit rotates but there are plans for much more, new versions of the BASICS, more hardware projects, fluffy toy vivisection and more usefull information. Stay tuned.

2004 2003 2002 2001

Last page update: 15th December, 2005. e-mail me