2006 site news and updates. By Lee Davison.

Current 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
5th July 2006.

Added a VFD power supply to the Miscellania page. Bask in the bluey greenness.

26th June 2006.

I've been meaning to add the EPAC pages to the 68000 section for some time now but never seem to be able to complete them. So I've posted what is finished so far and hope to complete this section soon.

22nd May 2006.

Another section for the Vic 20 projects page. This time it's an ISA FM radio, music from your Vic.

23rd April 2006.

Another couple of short 6502 code bits. Shifts and extending signs.

14th March 2006.

Sometimes it's just not your fault.

4th March 2006.

Added an on light to the Miscellania page. This one is a little different.

3rd March 2006.

Added a CPLD Projects section to the Miscellania page. Quite a bit to see there.

22nd February 2006.

Another program for the EASy68k example programmes page. This one is in EhBASIC and assembler.

13th January 2006.

Another year gone! Connection problems mean the site hasn't received many large updates recently though some minor tweaks have gone in unannounced.

The year starts with a new page of Example programmes for the EASy68k 68000 Simulator, enjoy.

2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Last page update: 5th July, 2006. e-mail me