2004 site news and updates. By Lee Davison.

Current 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
26th May 2004.

A minor update to EhBASIC68, this makes it V2.21. The update also applies to the dart board and EASy68k versions.

A bigger update to the EASy68k version is that the graphics extension commands have been re-written and an example program has been added. The extension version is 2.17.

4th May 2004.

Happy STAR WARS day! It's been a long time comming but here it is. EhBASIC68 makes it to V2.xx. The update also applies to the dart board and EASy68k versions.

1st May 2004.

Another section for the Vic 20 projects page. The magic smoke came out of the Vic's power supply, so now you get to see inside it.

28th April 2004.

An addition to the Vic 20 projects. This is a multi thread TCP version of the Vic 20 web server. This greatly improves the aparent performance.

20th March 2004.

Just a couple more 6502 shorts.

29th February 2004.

More 6502 bits. A ROM filesystem which is a spin off from one of the new Vic 20 projects. These comprise a 32KB RAM/ROM expansion, an ISA card slot expansion and software for a web server. So you to can network your old Vic.

21st January 2004.

Added zoom and pan to the HP-GL Viewer. Also added limited text plotting.

15th January 2004.

Another year is upon us and something new in the miscellania section on the site. HP-GL Viewer is a basic HP-GL graphics file interpreter written in QuickBASIC 4.5. Nothing spectacular and no real clever code so it should translate to any other language without too much trouble. Enjoy.

2003 2002 2001

Last page update: 26th May, 2004. e-mail me