2002 site news and updates. By Lee Davison.

Current 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
21st December 2002.

To go with the EuroBeeb I got a long while back I've scored more Eurocards and parts. For a sample of what I got go look here.

15th December 2002.

Added a Micro-Professor 1 Plus section to the Z80 section.

12th December 2002.

Updated the KIM MicroChess page. The source has changed so the board squares are now the correct way round (black/white) and [C]lear now works properly. This was my fault and nothing to do with the original code.

8th December 2002.

Added to the 6502 section is the MEMORY PLUS Manual. While not exclusively a 6502 product it was aimed at the well heeled 6502 enthusiast.

26th November 2002.

Having recently re-discovered KIM MicroChess I made this version which can be run on a 6502 simulator. This is posted with the permission of the original author. I've also added a links page with links to related sites and a page about SYM 1 BASIC to the 6502 section.

20th November 2002.

Added another page to Shorts .. Another short code bit.

16th November 2002.

Added a 68k version of the pseudo random number generator. This one is 32 bit.

13th November 2002.

I know it's been a while but what with being away from home and some major project work there hasn't been a lot of time. To keep you going there is a new section added to the 6502 pages .. Shorts .. Some very short code bits.

6th September 2002.

Updated the keypad interface card page for the CUBE. Included now is an assembly listing for the interface code.

4th September 2002.

Added the EPROM pin assignments to the Micro Professor EPROM programmer page.

2nd September 2002.

Added the EPROM programmer for the Micro Professor Just the diagrams so far. Some modification details and software lists to follow.

15th August 2002.

Added the circuit diagram for the CUBE BBC compatible Eurocard computer CPU card.

7th August 2002.

Added a section on the CUBE BBC compatible Eurocard computer to the 6502 pages.

7th August 2002.

This site is the founder member of the . The navigation bars are also on the 68k projects and the home pages.

7th August 2002.

This site is a member of the . The navigation bars are also on the Z80 projects and the home pages.

25th July 2002.

An update and another undocumented feature of EhBASIC are both covered in the latest version. Read about it here and here. Version is now 1.05

8th July 2002.

An update to EhBASIC brings a small increase in size and an improvement in speed for two functions. Also from this version onward both binary and hex dumps will be available for download. Read about it here. Version is now 1.04

14th May 2002.

Added a jdec file of the PAL on the 6541 mystery board

4th May 2002.

Another undocumented feature of EhBASIC turned up. I didn't spot this one. Read all about it here. Version is now 1.03

3rd May 2002.

Another undocumented feature (or two) of EhBASIC turned up, good thing I spotted these first. Read all about them, and some other small changes, in the errata here. Version is now 1.02

2nd May 2002.

Yes I've been a busy bee the last few days....
Added the Torch Z80 to the Z80 section and added the Torch 68000 and the Torch Atlas to the 68000 section. Added a 6809 section for the Acorn 6809 SBC and the Micromos 6809 board. Added a mystery board to the 6502 section and I've also added a Compukit board to the new Miscellania section, but probably not the one you'd expect.

1st May 2002.

Added more to the 68008 SBC section in the 68k section. Also added a Micro-Professor section to the Z80 section.

30th April 2002.

Updated the webring pointer so it now points to this site.

28th April 2002.

You're reading this so you must be on the new Lycos hosted site. More space, less adds and no pop ups. There are some minor changes to the layout from the Yahoo site and that site will no longer be updated. So bookmark this site now.

20th February 2002.

All of you who have a MicroBotics 8-UP!(DIP) RAM card for ZorroII Amigas can now see the user guide here.


Last page update: 15th January, 2004. e-mail me