2007 site news and updates. By Lee Davison.

Current 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
10th December 2007.

A new program on the EASy68K example programmes page. Lightsout is a recreation of the 'Lights Out' game by Tiger.

30th September 2007.

A new program on the EASy68K example programmes page. Bitmap loader shows how bitmap files can be used in EASy68K.

19th April 2007.

On the EASy68K example programmes page updates to the programs Swarm, Swarm3d, The Matrix and EASyZONE add some new features as well as window size control.

24th February 2007.

An update to the HP-GL viewer allows you to save the screen as a bitmap image file.

7th February 2007.

On the EASy68K example programmes page an update to the program Swarm that allows you to change some parameters while the program is running and Swarm 3D, a Frankenstein like combination of Swarm and a 3D environment from another example program.

1st February 2007.

Yet another new program on the EASy68k example programmes page.

28th January 2007.

Another new program on the EASy68k example programmes page.

8th January 2007.

Ok, so I've been getting behind with the updates. A few changes went unannounced in the last half of last year, these were mostly corrections and small changes not worthy of their own announcement.

First for the new year is another program on the EASy68k example programmes page.

2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Last page update: 10th December, 2007. e-mail me