Up one Example programs. By Lee Davison. Up to top


Here are some example programs that can be run under EhBASIC. They don't rely on any specific hardware and only need ASCII I/O to run properly.

Many of these programs are not original and, where the source is known, copyright messages have been included or left in place.

Additions, comments and suggestions always welcome. Enjoy.

The programs

Program Description HTML page Zipped source
hello.bas Classic 'hello world' program View
sine.bas Draws a sine curve down the display View
sincos.bas Draws two curves down the display View Download Download zip file
eliza.bas AI psychiatrist View Download Download zip file
startrek.bas Classic 'Kill the Klingons' View Download Download zip file
amazing.bas Generate random 2D mazes View Download Download zip file

More to come ..

Last page update: 29th January, 2005. e-mail me e-mail