Up one Torch 68000 second processor. By Lee Davison. Up to top

The Torch 68000 second processor.

This is a second processor board for the BBC Micro. This board is incomplete and while I can guess some of the components I am missing the ROM and one or two other chips I can't identify.

Apart from the board itself I have no information on this board and I would like at least to complete the board and get the circuit diagram for it. So, if you have further information, or know where such can be found, please e-mail me [e-mail].

Found out that IC10 is a PROM so here's what's inside as a binary dump.

The Torch Atlas 68000/Z80 second processor.

This is another version of the 68000 second processor board for the BBC Micro. This board appears to be a later version of the board above and is also is incomplete. While I can guess that the components missing are the 68000, RAM and ROM I don't know what was in the ROMs.

Update. now I have a Torch 725 I've discovered that one of the loactions I thought held a ROM is in fact an AM2950ADC which seems to be an I/O port chip. The board ROM is actually CCCP 1.02, the same as is on the Torch Z80 card.

Other details about this board can now be found in the Torch 725 pages.

Last page update: 18th August, 2005. e-mail me e-mail