2011 site news and updates. By Lee Davison.

Current 2012
27th July 2011.

A new project in the beginners circuits section adds a simple intercom to the page.

22nd July 2011.

A new project in the beginners circuits section adds an audio amplifier to the page.

11th July 2011.

A new page in the Vic 20 section adds a PSU replacement page.

5th July 2011.

A new page in the miscellinia section brings beginners circuits to the site. Only three circuits so far but there will be more, eventually, perhaps.

2nd July 2011.

The ESR meter project gets a new page showing a transformer being wound.

1st July 2011.

A shrink wrapped battery pack gets added to the miscellinia page which has a new, clickable image of the workbench.

30th June 2011.

The simple, linear regulated PSU is not so simple now with the addition of an adjustable current limit.

27th June 2011.

A universal charger gets made over into a more universal charger over on the miscellinia page.

16th June 2011.

A simple, linear regulated PSU gets added to the miscellinia page.

13th June 2011.

Both the VIC 20 emulator and the C64 emulator get the CPU cycle timing completed, a virtual i/o area so that the alternate characters can de displayed and more keys mapped to the right key codes.

12th June 2011.

Both the VIC 20 emulator and the C64 emulator get a CPU cycle timing update.

9th June 2011.

How hard is it to make a VIC 20 emulator from a C64 emulator? Not very it would seem.

8th June 2011.

Yet another update to the C64 emulator replaces the pixel by pixel writing to the screen with image tiles. Much faster. Also fixed the keyboard shift sense.

8th June 2011.

Another update to the C64 emulator has given it a much needed boost in speed. Writing to the C64 screen is still slow though.

7th June 2011.

The C64 emulator has been updated and on a fast enough machine will now run at near the correct speed.

6th June 2011.

A bit of a diversion programming wise leads me to a very feature poor C64 emulator in with the other 6502 projects.

4th June 2011.

Fireworks is yet another EASy68K example programme. This one uses fixed point math to simulate objects in ballistic flight effected by drag and gravity.

29th May 2011.

Plants and animals on the EASy68K example programmes page gets an update and a companion program with more lifeforms, fungus.

28th May 2011.

A new program on the EASy68K example programmes page. Plants and animals has little red growing things and little white eating things.

20th May 2011.

For some reason I'm unable to update the multimania mirror of the site. In spite of having an alleged 1GB of storage for my site I'm getting a "No space left on device" error when I try to upload anything.

13th May 2011.

A new program on the EASy68K example programmes page. The Levenshtein distance between two strings is calculated and displayed.

10th May 2011.

A new program on the EASy68K example programmes page. Scroll demo is an example of using the scroll text rectangle task.

10th May 2011.

Another year! Where does the time go? Better get on with it then.

2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Last page update: 27th July, 2011. e-mail me