2003 site news and updates. By Lee Davison.

Current 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
12th December 2003.

Nearly another year gone and far too long since the last update. Just some minor tweaks here and there this time, the most noticeable being to the Microprofessor MPF-1B pages. Enjoy.

7th September 2003.

An update to the PC network card page sees support for the 3Com 3C509B added. This also needed a small change to the ISA interface.

28th August 2003.

Added another page to Shorts .. Another short code bit. Binary to BCD.
Added the 6502 code section for those slightly longer routines.

18th August 2003.

The PC network card got Slashdotted this weekend. Fame at last!

15th August 2003.

The PC network card software has been updated. It can now serve four web pages and a small graphic, and includes code that shows how a response can be returned from the browser.

11th August 2003.

This is something I've wanted to do for ages, a microprocessor on my network. Using a 38067 microcontroller and an ISA interface I managed to drive a PC network card.

28th July 2003.

An update to the baking section adds jam filling and butter icing to the chocolate sponge. Easier than writing an embedded web server, trust me on this.

14th July 2003.

Long awaited, the update to EhBASIC is finally here. Not a huge functional change but quite a bit of internal change has been made. Details are here

7th July 2003.

Added a baking section. A bit of a change from the usual fare on offer but something I do from time to time. First up is chocolate sponge cake.

During July 2003.

There will be some minor changes to page layouts, graphics and the like. I'm trying to get the 'look and feel' standard across the whole site. It's tended to drift a bit as I've had new ideas.

26th June 2003.

Added a new section to the miscellania section. PanoCAM is an idea for a 360 degree panoramic camera.

19th June 2003.

An update to the Mitsubishi 740 series version of EhBASIC introduces an interrupt driven input buffer. It also has some changes to the underlying BASIC code which have not yet migrated to the generic version. They will.

4th June 2003.

Added a new subsection to the 6502 page. The Mitsubishi 740 series are 6502 cored microcontrollers and this page here describes projects for two boards that use the 38067 chip from that family.

23rd May 2003.

Added the input/output board to the Microprofessor page.

22nd May 2003.

Small diagram corrections on the Microprofessor page.

12th May 2003.

Added ROM images to the Microprofessor page. Also corrected a small error in the EPROM pin assignments on the EPROM programmer page.

25th April 2003.

An update to EhBASIC68 including the 68008 SBC and the EASy68k vesrions. Version is now 1.10. Details are here. Another change to the EASy68k specific version adds a new function. Version is now 1.10/1.01 and details of that are here.

20th April 2003.

Added an I2C Bus section to the 68008 SBC pages.

17th April 2003.

An update to EhBASIC68 for EASy68k. Version is now 1.09/1.00. Details are here.

16th April 2003.

Another update to EhBASIC68. Version is now 1.09. Details are here. There are also minor updates to many of the pages in the 68k section plus the version of EhBASIC68 specifically for the EASY68k Assembly tool now has it's own page here.

14th April 2003.

An update to EhBASIC68 in the 68k section. Version is now 1.08. Details are here.

12th April 2003.

Updates to the 68008 SBC in the 68k section. There is the latest binary for EhBASIC68 and the COM port connection cable details.

11th April 2003.

Another update to EhBASIC68. Version is now 1.07. Details are here.

9th April 2003.

A small update to EhBASIC68. Details are here.

4th April 2003.

A small update to Startrek in the EhBASIC68 example programs section. This fixes a rounding error in the photon torpedo routine.

28th March 2003.

An update to EhBASIC68. This fixes a problem with SQR(). Details are here.
Also an update to startrek.bas in the example programs section.

14th March 2003.

Amazing.bas has been added to the EhBASIC68 example programs section.
Also added a ROM image for EhBASIC for the dartboard control PCB.

13th March 2003.

An update to EhBASIC68. This changes a few internal routines and fixed DEEK() and LEEK(). Details are here. The language reference has also been updated.

7th March 2003.

Another version of EhBASIC68. This changes the string functions as well as a few internal routines. Details are here. Also startrek.bas in the example programs section has been updated.

5th March 2003.

This version of EhBASIC68 changes slightly the way the power function works, details are here. Also startrek.bas has been added to the example programs section.

4th March 2003.

Another new version of EhBASIC68. Details are here.

3rd March 2003.

Added ASCII LOAD and SAVE for the simulator version of EhBASIC68. Details are here.

1st March 2003.

Added some documentation to the EhBASIC68 section.

28th February 2003.

Update time again and this one has been a while comming. In the 68k section you will find that EhBASIC68 now has a source file available for download.

20th February 2003.

Update time again but this time it's in the Misc section (along with a new workshop photo). I always wanted an EPROM emulator and this is in some ways a better solution.

27th January 2003.

Added another page to Shorts .. Another short code bit. BCD to binary.

2002 2001

Last page update: 15th January, 2004. e-mail me