Up one Torch 725 UNIX system. By Lee Davison. Up to top


This system is based on a BBC Micro host with a Torch SCSI interface, Torch Modem and a Torch Atlas 68000/Z80 second processor.

Also inside the box is a fan, power supply, a Rodime RO200 series hard drive (capacity unknown) connected via a Xebec S1410 SCSI to ST506 interface, two BASF 6138 80 track drives and various adapters, cables and extenders to connect all this together.

Atlas 68000/Z80.

This is the heart of the Torch 725, the Atlas 68000/Z80 processor card. This has a 10MHz 68000 and 1MB of RAM as well as a Z80 that is used to initialise the 68000 and talk to the BBC host over the TUBE interface.

The EPROM is CCCP 1.02 which is the same EPROM that is used on the Torch Z80 card. The dump from this one is here.

ICs 40, 24, 26, 35 and 40 are all PAL16L8 and IC25 is a PAL16R8 so here's what's inside them as jdec files.

  • IC04, labeled A3, fuse map as a jdec file.
  • IC24, labeled A1, fuse map as a jdec file.
  • IC25, labeled A4, fuse map as a jdec file.
  • IC26, labeled A2, fuse map as a jdec file.
  • IC35, labeled A5, fuse map as a jdec file.
  • IC40, labeled A6, fuse map as a jdec file.

  • Other images.

    Last page update: 18th August, 2005. e-mail me e-mail