Binary to BCD. By Lee Davison.

Another one I'd not thought about until recently when I was asked if I had it. Here's what I eventually came up with....

I know it's almost a bit long for this section but it is the complement to the BCD to binary routine.

The code.
The byte to be converted is in A and the result is returned in low(/high) and A(/X). The bytes low and high can be anywhere but are probably best in page zero.

If you know that the value to be converted lies in the range $00 to $63 (0 to 99 decimal) then all the code between the ***** lines can be omitted.

; table of BCD values for each binary bit, put this somewhere.
; note! values are -1 as the ADC is always done with the carry set

	.byte	$63,$31,$15,$07,$03,$01,$00

	SED			; all adds in decimal mode
	STA	low		; save A
	LDA	#$00		; clear A
	LDX	#$07		; set bit count
	LSR	low		; bit to carry
	BCC	skip_add	; branch if no add

	ADC	b2b_table-1,X	; else add BCD value
	DEX			; decrement bit count
	BNE	bit_loop	; loop if more to do

; if you only require conversion of numbers between $00 and $63 (0 to 99
; decimal) then omit all code between the "*"s

	BCC	skip_100	; branch if no 100's carry
				; if Cb set here (and can only be set by the
				; last loop add) then there was a carry into
	INX			; the 100's so add 100's carry to the high byte
				; now check the 2^7 (128) bit
	LSR	low		; bit 7 to carry
	BCC	skip_fin	; branch if no add

	INX			; else effectively add 100 part of 128
	ADC	#$27		; and then add 128 (-1) part of 128
	BCC	skip_fin	; branch if no further carry

	INX			; else add 200's carry
	STX	high		; save result high byte

; end of 100's code

	STA	low		; save result low byte
	CLD			; clear decimal mode

The two BCD digit version is $1C bytes long (assuming temp is in page zero) including the table which means it just about makes it small enough for this section.

There is no error checking and it is up to the calling routine to ensure that the source byte will become a valid BCD byte or word.

Last page update: 28th August, 2003. e-mail me