Up one Chocolate sponge cake. By Lee Davison. Up to top

Chocolate sponge ...mmmmmmmm... Introduction.

This is the recipe for a basic chocolate sponge. After it's done it is up to you to add decoration, jam, cream or whatever you want, to, on, or in it.

  • 1 Big bar (200g) Cadbury's Bournville dark chocolate.
  • 6 large eggs.
  • 6 oz (170g) of plain flour.
  • 8 oz (225g) of caster sugar.
  • 8 oz (225g) of butter.1
  • 1 Guano Apes - 'Proud like a god' CD2
  • Method.

    Put the Guano Apes CD on your CD player, select 'Repeat' and 'Shuffle' then press 'Play'. Adjust the volume so you can hear it in the kitchen, but not so loud it's going to annoy the neighbours.


    Put the oven on to heat up, about 150o will do if you have a TURBO OVEN like I do or 180o for a more sane, normally aspirated, oven type.

    See it really is a TURBO OVEN

    Start melting the chocolate on a low heat. If you haven't melted chocolate before then go look here.

    Heat proof bowl, breakfast bowl, close enough

    Cream the butter and the sugar in a bowl. It's at this point you realise you should have taken the butter out of the fridge about four bloody hours ago. How do I know? Guess. So if you didn't you can leave it in the oven for a few minutes and they can both warm up.

    It's easier with warm butter

    Separate the egg whites and yolks, leave the whites in a bowl to whisk later but keep the yolks handy, you'll need them soon. You can do this with one of those clever egg separator thingies, I used my fingers.

    The whites look like a bowl of snot

    Seive the 6 oz of plain flower into another bowl. And no, I didn't weight the seive. These scales are clever and can show you how much more something weighs.

    No I didn't weight the seive.

    About now the chocolate should be melted, if not you can give it a bit of a stir until it is.

    Lump free liquid goodness
    At this point, the book I was following said..
    "..then quickly beat in the melted chocolate until evenly mixed."

    and had a picture of chocolate being poured with one hand, and beaten in with an electric food mixer with the other. Two problems here, first I don't have enough hands to spoon hot melted chocolate and hold a food mixer (let alone photograph it all as well), and second, my electric food mixer has long since gone the way of the Dodo.

    So what you do is make a crater in the butter/sugar mix, spoon in all the chocolate as quickly as possible and then stir like hell. It seemed to work.

    Make a crater in the butter sugar mix,
then pour in the melted chocolate..
    ..and now stir like hell
    Now you need to beat in the flour and egg yolks. Do a little of each in turn, i.e. some flour, a yolk, some flour, a yolk, until it's all mixed in. ..a little of the flour
    ..and now one of the yolks

    Now whisk the egg whites to a peak (instructions here) and then gently fold3 into the mixture.

    it's easy, trust me

    Spread the mixture evenly in a lightly greased 8" (20cm) cake tin and place in your pre heated oven for about 1 hour 45 minutes or until a knife poked into the middle of the cake comes out moist but clean. This time is for my TURBO OVEN at 150o, I guess baking in a sane oven at 180o would be quicker.

    It's beginning to look cake like

    Remove from the oven and leave until it's not so sodding hot. You can then turn it out from the tin4 and leave it to cool on a wire tray.

    Smells ...mmmmmmmmmmmmm....

    The bit they never mention in the cook books is the washing up.

    Oh bother!
    Out takes.
  • Why a TURBO OVEN may not be a good thing.
  • Look what I found.
  • [1] We're making a cake ferchrissakes! This is no time to be worrying about your cholesterol levels.
    [2] This bit probably isn't essential but I find it helps.
    [3] Use a big spoon and sort of turn it round and round.
    [4] It's now you realise 'non-stick' isn't, and that you should have greased it after all.

    Last page update: 6th July, 2003. e-mail me e-mail