Micro Professor 1 Plus. By Lee Davison.


This is the big brother to the MPF 1 and added an alphanumeric display, QWERTY keyboard and more memory.

So far all that is here are the circuit diagrams and a binary dump of the 8k monitor ROM. These are of the original Multitech board and not the version Flite Electronics still sell.

I don't own one of these but have some starburst VF displays and hope to build a clone. If I do I will add photographs and details of this here.

  • View the circuit, sheet 1 of 5.
  • View the circuit, sheet 2 of 5.
  • View the circuit, sheet 3 of 5.
  • View the circuit, sheet 4 of 5.
  • View the circuit, sheet 5 of 5.
  • Download all the diagrams in one zip file.
  • ROMs.
  • The monitor ROM as a raw binary image.

  • Last page update: 5th July, 2003. e-mail me