Acorn 6809 SBC. By Lee Davison.

The Acorn 6809 single board computer.

This was an alternate board to the 6502 based Acorn system one and as such could use the keyboard, display and casette interface board from the 6502 system.

As well as the board itself I now have the the circuit diagram for it. See it via the link further down. There are still things I'd like to find out. The memory map, what the code in the ROM does .. So, if you have further information, or know where such can be found please e-mail me .

Here are a couple of larger image versions.

  • A 640 x 480 jpeg image.
  • A 1024 x 768 jpeg image.

    The EPROM dump is available as both a binary dump and in Motorola S record form.

  • Download the EPROM as a Motorola S record file.
  • Download the EPROM as a binary dump.

    IC11 turns out to be a PROM (TBP28LA22N = SN74S470N) used for address decoding. So, one quick visit to the EPROM programmer later and a dump is available as both a binary and Motorola S record file.

  • Download the decoder PROM as a Motorola S record file.
  • Download the decoder PROM as a binary dump.
  • The circuit diagram.
  • This is a monochrome 1024 x 702 image.

  • Last page update: 7th May, 2002. e-mail me