EASy68K Example programmes. By Lee Davison.


"EASy68K is a 68000 Structured Assembly Language IDE. EASy68K allows you to edit, assemble and run 68000 programs on a Windows PC. No additional hardware is required. EASy68K is an open source project distributed under the GNU general public use license."

EASy68K is available for download from its home page.

I use EASy68K a great deal and have found it invaluable in developing software for fun and for real 680x0 systems. So to get you started here are some example programmes for it.

Documentation for each example is usually embedded in the source, not as a separate file.


Volcano is a volcano effect similar to the volcano in BattleZone. This update adds client/server network support on Sim68K 5.6.0 or later.

Bitmap shows how an image can be offset, zoomed and rotated using a mix of fixed point and integer maths.

EASyZONE is a BattleZone type game that offers both the traditional green wireframe view and a red/blue 3D wireframe view. This update for EASy68K 3.6 beta or above adds window size control, new sounds and new enemies.

DigiClock is a digital clock with both red LED type and blue/green VFD type colour schemes.

MHz is a benchmark test that attempts to gauge the clock speed of the 68000. In tests on real 68000 hardware it has given results accurate to better than 2%

Flame is a simple, double buffered, flame simualtion. Updated V1.01

Rain is a simple raindrop simualtion with a patterned background. This is fairly slow but the source is not too hard to follow. Updated V1.01

Rain 2 is a developement from Rain and features selectable pallettes and a switchable background. While much faster than the original the source is correspondingly harder to follow. Updated V2.01

TermClock is a digital clock that only uses the text I/O functions in Sim68K. This would allow it to be run on any 68000 system that can emulate the corresponding Sim68K TRAP #15 I/O calls.

Random generates a binary file of 65536 pseudo random bytes which can be analysed to gauge the effectiveness of the random number generator.

EhBASIC is a full featured BASIC interpreter for the 680x0 microprocessor. A version of EhBASIC for EASy68K has it's own page here

The objective of Eight eights is to get all eight digits of the LED display lit. This can be done using the eight toggle switches below the display in as few as forty five switches.

Draw 3D is a short 3D demo that renders a bounding box, a flat plane object and the normal to that object. The object is highlit when the front face is visible. Source is in both EhBASIC and assembly. Updated V1.01

LED clock is another EASy68K clock. This one differs in that it uses the simulated LED hardware for the display.

The Matrix is a simulation of the familiar green column text as seen in The Matrix series of films. This update for EASy68K 3.6 beta or above adds window size control. Updated V1.01

Swarm has individual wasps being chased round the screen by swarms of bees. Bee and wasp speed and acceleration parameters can be changed while the program is running. This update for EASy68K 3.6 beta or above adds window size control and treats the mouse pointer as a wasp. Updated V1.01

3D swarm is a Frankenstein like combination of Draw 3D and Swarm and has individual wasps being chased round a 3D environment by swarms of bees. This update for EASy68K 3.6 beta or above adds window size control. Updated V1.01

Bitmap loader shows how bitmap image files can be loaded and displayed in EASy68K. It also demonstrates the new file dialog function of the simulator.

Lightsout A recreation of the 'Lights Out' game by Tiger. This game has sounds, has two modes and over 1000 puzzles. Requires EASy68K 3.6 or later. Updated V1.01

Stars is a swooping, swirling starfield with adjustable swoop (velocity) and swirl (spin). Requires EASy68K 3.6 or later. Updated V1.01

PDP-8 Sim is a PDP-8 simulator. Now updated, it is faster and able to run DECs ODT but is still not fully tested and only includes a "Hello world!" program that runs.

Land is a simple fractal landscape generator. Once the image has been generated it can be saved as a bitmap file. Update V1.02, 2/10/2008, allows screen size changes.

Maze just generates mazes. If you want to do anything else with them you'll have to write the code yourself or ask me really, really nicely.

Invader 1000 is a recreation of the Galaxy invader 1000 handheld game. I had this game a while after it was first out but that one has long gone. Recently I was given a part working one, so I created this. Requires EASy68K 3.7.10 beta or later. Updated V1.02

A satisfied user said .. "Stunning! I can almost smell the vacuum fluorescent display."

Band is demonstration code that can be used to select a reigion of the current window with the mouse. Updated V1.01

Fractals allows limited exploration of the Mandelbrot set.

Asteroids is a recreation of the arcade game of the same name for EASy68K.

Getstring is a small function to return a string consisting of only user defined valid characters. Any invalid characters are ignored and not echoed to the screen.

Scroll demo is an example of using the scroll text rectangle task. Updated 1.07

The Levenshtein distance between two strings is calculated and shown in this demo. Updated 1.02

Plants and animals Little red buds grow into green foliage, little white animals eat it. Updated to V1.20

Fungus. Like plants and animals but with a third link in the food chain. Updated to V1.01

Fireworks has been languishing in the unfinished code pile for quite some while as I could never quite get the physics right. Now the physics is fixed and the code gets to see the light of day.

Towers of Hanoi is an example of a recursive subroutine. I'm not sure when I wrote this or why I neglected to add it to the examples.

Last page update: 22nd April, 2012. e-mail me