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6502 Software Application and Usage Notes

Here are some notes on how to implement certain functionalities or use cases with the new 65k features available.

    2013-11-17 Started this page to show how to efficiently use the new features.

The idea of the B register, together with the stack-/PC- and B-relative addressing modes comes from this use case: how do I access local, static and global variables? (static in the Java sense - local to a class, i.e. all instances at the same time)

The idea behind is that:

  • The stack contains local variables, i.e. variables available to this thread only. The code would look about this:
    	.(		; start of subroutine
    	SBS #20		; make place for local variables
    	STA (S,0)	; use values on stack with stack-relative addressing
    	ADS #20		; clean up stack
  • The B-register would point to a parameter block. This would be the parameters for the method. Variables there would be accessed by
    	LDA (B,12)	; load parameter
  • The code itself is compiled to a specific address, and "static" variables belonging to this code are compiled into a fixed offset (or one that is adjusted ad load time). So variables accessible to all threads running this code could use:
    	LDA (P,10)	; load shared variable
  • Finally, global variables can be accessed via non-offset addresses as ususal:
    	LDA $1234


All Copyrights are acknowledged. The information here is provided under the terms as described in the license section.

Last updated 2013-11-17. Last modified: 2013-11-17

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