65002 Opcode Overview
This page gives an overview over the 65002 opcodes, sorted by opcode page. The default page is the standard, 6502 opcode page. The other pages require the corresponding prefix opcode.
LSB-> MSB | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F |
0 | BRK #byte
| ORA (zp,X)
| LDA zp,Y
| prefix1 | TSB zp
| ORA zp
| ASL zp
| prefix1 | PHP
| ORA #byte
| prefix2 | TSB abs
| ORA abs
| ASL abs
| EXT |
1 | BPL rel
| ORA (zp),Y
| ORA (zp)
| prefix1 | TRB zp
| ORA zp,X
| ASL zp,X
| prefix1 | CLC
| ORA abs,Y
| prefix2 | TRB abs
| ORA abs,X
| ASL abs,X
| |
2 | JSR abs
| AND (zp,X)
| STA zp,Y
| prefix1 | BIT zp
| AND zp
| ROL zp
| prefix1 | PLP
| AND #byte
| prefix2 | BIT abs
| AND abs
| ROL abs
| SYS |
3 | BMI rel
| AND (zp),Y
| AND (zp)
| prefix1 | BIT zp,X
| AND zp,X
| ROL zp,X
| prefix1 | SEC
| AND abs,Y
| prefix2 | BIT abs,X
| AND abs,X
| ROL abs,X
| |
4 | RTI
| EOR (zp,X)
| LDA (abs),Y
| prefix1 | BSR relwide
| EOR zp
| LSR zp
| prefix1 | PHA
| EOR #byte
| prefix2 | JMP abs
| EOR abs
| LSR abs
5 | BVC rel
| EOR (zp),Y
| EOR (zp)
| prefix1 | EOR zp,X
| LSR zp,X
| prefix1 | CLI
| EOR abs,Y
| prefix2 | EOR abs,X
| LSR abs,X
| |||
6 | RTS
| ADC (zp,X)
| LDA (abs,X)
| prefix1 | STZ zp
| ADC zp
| ROR zp
| prefix1 | PLA
| ADC #byte
| prefix2 | JMP (abs)
| ADC abs
| ROR abs
| reserved prefix |
7 | BVS rel
| ADC (zp),Y
| ADC (zp)
| prefix1 | STZ zp,X
| ADC zp,X
| ROR zp,X
| prefix1 | SEI
| ADC abs,Y
| prefix2 | JMP (abs,X)
| ADC abs,X
| ROR abs,X
| |
8 | BRA rel
| STA (zp,X)
| BSR rel
| prefix1 | STY zp
| STA zp
| STX zp
| prefix1 | DEY
| BIT #byte
| prefix2 | STY abs
| STA abs
| STX abs
| reserved prefix |
9 | BCC rel
| STA (zp),Y
| STA (zp)
| prefix1 | STY zp,X
| STA zp,X
| STX zp,Y
| prefix1 | TYA
| STA abs,Y
| prefix2 | STZ abs
| STA abs,X
| STZ abs,X
| reserved prefix |
A | LDY #byte
| LDA (zp,X)
| LDX #byte
| prefix1 | LDY zp
| LDA zp
| LDX zp
| prefix1 | TAY
| LDA #byte
| prefix2 | LDY abs
| LDA abs
| LDX abs
| reserved prefix |
B | BCS rel
| LDA (zp),Y
| LDA (zp)
| prefix1 | LDY zp,X
| LDA zp,X
| LDX zp,Y
| prefix1 | CLV
| LDA abs,Y
| prefix2 | LDY abs,X
| LDA abs,X
| LDX abs,Y
| reserved prefix |
C | CPY #byte
| CMP (zp,X)
| STA (abs),Y
| prefix1 | CPY zp
| CMP zp
| DEC zp
| prefix1 | INY
| CMP #byte
| prefix2 | CPY abs
| CMP abs
| DEC abs
| reserved prefix |
D | BNE rel
| CMP (zp),Y
| CMP (zp)
| prefix1 | CMP zp,X
| DEC zp,X
| prefix1 | CLD
| CMP abs,Y
| prefix2 | JSR (abs)
| CMP abs,X
| DEC abs,X
| reserved prefix | |
E | CPX #byte
| SBC (zp,X)
| STA (abs,X)
| prefix1 | CPX zp
| SBC zp
| INC zp
| prefix1 | INX
| SBC #byte
| prefix2 | CPX abs
| SBC abs
| INC abs
| reserved prefix |
F | BEQ rel
| SBC (zp),Y
| SBC (zp)
| prefix1 | TRP #byte
| SBC zp,X
| INC zp,X
| prefix1 | SED
| SBC abs,Y
| prefix2 | JSR (abs,X)
| SBC abs,X
| INC abs,X
| reserved prefix |
NMOS Opcodes | CMOS Opcodes | New 65k opcodes | 65k Prefix codes | Unused/Reserved |
- ADC: Add content of memory location to accumulator
- AND: Bitwise AND accumulator with content of memory location
- ASL: Arithmetic Shift Left - shift accumulator one bit to the left, shifting in zero in bit 0
- BCC: Branch on carry clear - take branch when C flag is cleared
- BCS: Branch on carry set - take branch when C flag is set
- BEQ: Branch on equal - take branch when Z flag is set
- BIT: Bitwise test with accumulator - AND the memory location with the accumulator, and set N (=bit 7), V (=bit 7), Z (iff all bits zero) flags from the result. In case of the accumulator addressing, simply set the flags from the accumulator
- BMI: Branch on minus - take branch when N flag is set
- BNE: Branch on not equal - take branch when Z flag is cleared
- BPL: Branch on plus - take branch when N flag is cleared
- BRA: Branch always - branch independent from any flags
- BRK: Starts the break routine.
- BSR: Branch subroutine - similar to JSR, but use relative addressing similar to branch opcodes
- BVC: Branch on overflow clear - take branch when V flag is cleared
- BVS: Branch on overflow set - take branch when V flag is set
- CLC: Clear the C flag
- CLD: Clear the decimal (D) flag
- CLI: Clear the interrupt (I) flag
- CLV: Clear the overflow (V) flag
- CMP: Compare accumulator with content of memory location
- CPX: Compare X register with content of memory location
- CPY: Compare Y register with content of memory location
- DEC: Decrement the content of a memory location by one
- DEX: Decrement the content of the X register by one
- DEY: Decrement the Y register by one
- EOR: Bitwise Exclusive-OR accumulator with content of memory location
- INC: Increment the content of a memory location by one
- INX: Increment the content of the X register by one
- INY: Increment the content of the Y register by one
- JMP: Jump to new code address
- JSR: Jump subroutine - jump to a new code location, save return address on stack for RTS
- LDA: Load accumulator
- LDX: Load X register
- LDY: Load Y register
- LSR: Logical Shift Right - shift accumulator one bit to the right, shifting in zero in the highest bit
- NOP: No operation
- ORA: Bitwise OR accumulator with content of memory location
- PHA: Push contents of the accumulator onto the stack
- PHP: Push processor status register onto the stack
- PHX: Push contents of the X register onto the stack
- PHY: Push contents of the Y register onto the stack
- PLA: Pull the contents of the accumulator from the stack
- PLP: Pull processor status register from the stack
- PLX: Pull the contents of the X register from the stack
- PLY: Pull the contents of the Y register from the stack
- ROL: Rotate Left - shift accumulator one bit to the left, shifting in the carry flag in bit 0, and shifting the highest bit into the carry flag instead.
- ROR: Rotate Right - shift accumulator one bit to the right, shifting in the carry flag in the highest bit, and shifting bit 0 into the carry flag instead.
- RTI: Return from interrupt
- RTS: Return from subroutine - read return address from stack
- SBC: Substract content of memory location from accumulator
- SEC: Set the C flag
- SED: Set the decimal (D) flag
- SEI: Set the interrupt (I) flag
- STA: Store the content of the accumulator into a memory location
- STX: Store the content of the X register to memory.
- STY: Store the content of the Y register to memory.
- STZ: Store zero into a memory location
- TAX: Transfer the contents of accumulator into the X register
- TAY: Transfer the contents of accumulator into the Y register
- TRB: Test and Reset Bit - AND the memory location with the accumulator, and set the Z flag from the result, then CLEAR all bits in the memory location that are set in the accumulator.
- TRP: Trap into 65k supervisor mode
- TSB: Test and Set Bit - AND the memory location with the accumulator, and set the Z flag from the result, then SET all bits in the memory location that are set in the accumulator.
- TSX: Transfer the contents of the stack pointer into the X register (Note: needs RS to keep compatibility with 6502)
- TXA: Transfer the contents of the X register into the accumulator
- TXS: Transfer the contents of X register into the stack pointer (Note: needs RS to keep compatibility with 6502)
- TYA: Transfer the contents of the Y register into the accumulator
LSB-> MSB | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F |
0 | ADD (E)
| PEA (abs),Y
| PEA relwide
| ADD #byte
| ASR zp
| ORA (E)
| TSB (E)
| ASL (E)
| ASR abs
| ASL abs,Y
| |||
1 | BEV rel
| PEA (abs,X)
| PEA (abs)
| ASR zp,X
| TRB (E)
| ASR (E)
| ASR abs,X
| ASR abs,Y
| |||||||
2 | JSR (E)
| LEA (abs),Y
| LEA relwide
| ADE #byte
| RDL zp
| AND (E)
| SCA (E)
| ROL (E)
| RDL abs
| ROL abs,Y
| |||
3 | BOD rel
| LEA (abs,X)
| LEA (abs)
| RDL zp,X
| LDE #byte
| LLA (E)
| RDL (E)
| RDL abs,X
| RDL abs,Y
| |||||
4 | PEA [[abs]],Y
| ADS #byte
| LEA zp
| EOR (E)
| JMP (E)
| LSR (E)
| LSR abs,Y
| |||||||
5 | BLTS rel
| PEA [[abs,X]]
| PEA [[abs]]
| LEA zp,X
| LDB #byte
| ||||||||
6 | LEA [[abs]],Y
| ADB #byte
| RDR zp
| ADC (E)
| JMP long
| ROR (E)
| RDR abs
| ROR abs,Y
| |||||
7 | BGES rel
| LEA [[abs,X]]
| LEA [[abs]]
| RDR zp,X
| RDR (E)
| RDR abs,X
| RDR abs,Y
| |||||||
8 | SUB (E)
| PEA (zp,X)
| PEA rel
| SUB #byte
| PEA zp
| BIT (E)
| STY (E)
| STA (E)
| STY abs,X
| ||||
9 | BLE rel
| PEA (zp),Y
| PEA (zp)
| PEA zp,X
| STZ (E)
| STX (E)
| STZ abs,Y
| ||||||
A | LDY (E)
| LEA (zp,X)
| LEA rel
| SBE #byte
| LDA (E)
| LDX (E)
| LEA abs
| STX abs,Y
| ||||||
B | BGT rel
| LEA (zp),Y
| LEA (zp)
| LEA abs,X
| LEA abs,Y
| |||||||
C | CPY (E)
| PEA [[zp]],Y
| SBS #byte
| CMP (E)
| DEC (E)
| PEA abs
| DEC abs,Y
| ||||||
D | BLES rel
| PEA [[zp,X]]
| PEA [[zp]]
| PEA zp,Y
| JSR long
| PEA abs,X
| PEA abs,Y
| |||||
E | CPX (E)
| LEA [[zp]],Y
| SBB #byte
| SBC (E)
| RMB (E)
| INC (E)
| INC abs,Y
| |||||||
F | BGTS rel
| LEA [[zp,X]]
| LEA [[zp]]
| LEA zp,Y
| WMB (E)
- ADB: Add value to B register
- ADE: Add value to E register
- ADS: Add value to stack pointer
- ASR: Arithmetic Shift Right - Similar to LSR, but shifts in the sign of the value, not zero
- BCN: Bit Count: counts 1-bits in AC or in given location, stores number of 1-bits back in AC
- BEV: Branch on even
- BGES: Branch on signed greater or equal than
- BGT: Branch if greater - take branch when C flag is set but Z flag is clear
- BGTS: Branch if greater - take branch when signed greater or equal G flag is set but Z flag is clear
- BLE: Branch if less or equal - take branch when C flag is clear or Z flag is set
- BLES: Branch if less or equal - take branch when signed greater or equal flag G is clear or Z flag is set
- BLTS: Branch on signed less than
- BOD: Branch on odd
- BSW: Bit Swap: exchanges bit 0 with bit W-1, bit 1 with bit W-2 and so on.
- EXT: Extend a value in AC from RS to the full size. Setting LE defines the type of extension.
- FIL: Fill a memory area of size AC at address XR with a value from YR
- HBC: Highest Bit Clear: Determines the number of the highest bit that is set to zero.
- HBS: Highest Bit Set: Determines the number of the highest bit that is set to one.
- INV: invert AC, i.e. set AC to the 2s-complement of AC
- LDB: Load B with an immediate value
- LDE: Load E with an immediate value
- LEA: Load Effective Address: compute the effective address and store it in the E (effective Address) register (always full width)
- LLA: Load linked AC - load the content from a memory location into accumulator, optimistic-locking the address for SCA
- MVN: Move block of data of size AC from XR to YR, count addresses down. All registers full size, interruptable
- MVP: Move block of data of size AC from XR to YR, count addresses down. All registers full size, interruptable
- PEA: Push Effective Address: compute the effective address and push it onto the stack (always full width)
- PHB: Push B onto stack (full width)
- PHE: Push E onto stack (always full width)
- PLB: Pull E from stack (full width)
- PLE: Pull E from stack (full width)
- PLL: Pull the contents of all registers from the stack
- PRB: Push and Replace Base register: Push base offset register to the stack, then transfer accumulator to the base register
- PSH: Push contents of all registers (A, X, Y, B, E) onto the stack
- RDL: Rotate Direct Left - similar to ROL, but do not shift in carry, but the highest bit of the original value
- RDR: Rotate Direct Right - similar to ROR, but do not shift in carry, but the lowest bit of the original value
- RMB: Read memory barrier: invalidates cache content (globally, or for a specific, given location)
- SAB: Swap A register with B register. Always done full width, no flags set.
- SAE: Swap AC with E register. Always done full width, no flags set.
- SAX: Swap AC with X register. Always done full width, no flags set.
- SAY: Swap AC with Y register. Always done full width, no flags set.
- SBB: Substract value from B register
- SBE: Add value to E register
- SBS: Substract value from stack pointer
- SCA: Store conditional - store the contents of AC into a memory location, if location has not been accessed since LLA with same address (and no other LLA in same thread)
- SEB: Swap E register with B register. Always done full width, no flags set.
- STZ: Store zero into a memory location
- SWP: swap upper and lower part nibble / byte / word / long word of a byte / word / long / quad (longlong) operand in Accumulator
- SXY: Swap X with Y register. Always done full width, no flags set.
- TAB: Transfer AC to B register
- TAE: Transfer AC to E register
- TBA: Transfer base register B to Accumulator
- TBE: Transfer content of B register into E register (full width)
- TEA: Transfer E register to Accumulator
- TEB: Transfer E to B register (full width)
- TPA: Transfer Program counter to Accumulator
- TRB: Test and Reset Bit - AND the memory location with the accumulator, and set the Z flag from the result, then CLEAR all bits in the memory location that are set in the accumulator.
- TSB: Test and Set Bit - AND the memory location with the accumulator, and set the Z flag from the result, then SET all bits in the memory location that are set in the accumulator.
- TSY: Transfer stack pointer to Y
- TYS: Transfer Y to stack pointer
- WMB: Write memory barrier: flushes dirty caches (globally, or for a specific, given location)
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The information here is provided under the terms as described
in the license section.
Last updated 2012-04-23. Last modified: 2013-11-17