Up one TURBO OVEN woes. By Lee Davison. Up to top


Both the ovens on my cooker have fan assist. This is a good thing if you're cooking pterodactyl, or brontosaur, as it means they would be done before the next ice age. However, it's not such a good thing if you're baking a cake using pre-TURBO OVEN instructions, as using those settings they give will crisp the outside before the inside is done.

Unfortunately the bit of the cake I could see through the door was the less burnt bit. Meanwhile the rest of it was quietly turning into something that looks like a re-entry sheild that's been given a very hard time.

It's actually not bad inside, if anything the insides could have done with a bit longer.

Let's hope that the goats like their chocolate sponge crispy on the outside. Let's also hope that I don't concuss one of them when I throw this over their fence.

A bit too far to the 'well done' end of the curve
Last page update: 6th July, 2003. e-mail me e-mail