Up one I2C EhBASIC source. By Lee Davison. Up to top

I2C EhBASIC source.

When you start EhBASIC to run this program you should answer $47000 to the Memory size? prompt to protect the code from being over written by EhBASIC or it's variables.

Having said that this program doesn't make heavy use of strings so does work fine with the default memory settings.

10 REM I2C bus scan
20 REM (c) Lee Davison 2003
30 REM leeedavison@lycos.co.uk
40 REM
50 REM For V1.10 of EhBASIC68

100 ad&=$47000      : REM code address
110 a=0             : REM clear offset
120 DO
130 READ word       : REM read word
140 DOKE ad&+a,word : REM put word in memory
150 INC a,a         : REM next word address
160 LOOP WHILE word>=0

170 LOKE $40408,ad& : REM set USR() vector

175 REM Now use the function to scan
180 REM each I2C write address. Write
185 REM addresses are used as the I2C
190 REM write cycle is easier to end
195 REM reliably with an I2C stop.

200 FOR a=0 TO $FE STEP 2
210 IF (a AND 15)=0 THEN PRINT
220 PRINT " $";HEX$(a,2);" ";USR(a);"  ";
230 NEXT
250 END

1000 DATA $6122,$4EB8,$2536,$6174,$33C0,$0004,$0598,$6708 
1010 DATA $33FC,$A080,$0004,$0598,$23C0,$0004,$0594,$6114
1020 DATA $4EF8,$2760,$6136,$6116,$611E,$6112,$6124,$610E
1030 DATA $6134,$600A,$611C,$6106,$610E,$6102,$611E,$2F07
1040 DATA $2E1F,$2F07,$2E1F,$4E75,$13FC,$0040,$0008,$001D
1050 DATA $4E75,$13FC,$0080,$0008,$001F,$4E75,$13FC,$0080
1060 DATA $0008,$001D,$4E75,$13FC,$0040,$0008,$001F,$4E75
1070 DATA $0839,$0004,$0008,$001B,$67F6,$60C2,$2F01,$7207
1080 DATA $0300,$6704,$61D6,$6002,$61C8,$61B2,$61BA,$61E0
1090 DATA $61D4,$61AA,$51C9,$FFEA,$61C2,$61A2,$61AA,$61D0
1100 DATA $7000,$610C,$61C0,$6196,$221F,$0840,$0000,$4E75
1110 DATA $0839,$0005,$0008,$001B,$6702,$5200,$4E75,-1

The DATA statements at the end are the hex word version of the assembly code that drives the port.

When this code is run it gives an output like that shown below, any addresses that respond with an ack bit return -1, any that don't ack return zero. In this case the only active addresses are $A4 and $D4, both part of the RAMTROM FRAM & RTC chip.

Running the I2C bus scan.

Once the code has been loaded into memory and the USR() vector set you can use the routine to continuously test one address with a simple loop thus ..


.. which is how the stable 'scope displays were made for these pages.

Last page update: 4th May, 2004. e-mail me e-mail