Index MEMORY PLUS Manual By Lee Davison

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	The power requirements for MEMORY PLUS are simple and on-board regulators are
	provided to make powering the board even easier. Essentially the board requires
	only +5 volts at about 2.0 amps. While the actual current requirements will
	vary slightly with the particular components on any board1 the table below
	shows the individual and collective power requirements.

	Component	#	Typ.	Max.	Meas.	Max.	Meas.
							Total	Total
	74LS00		1		8	3	8	3
	74LS04		1		8	4	8	4
	74LS32		1	5	10	2	10	2
	74LS138		3	7	10	6	30	18
	74LS367		3	14	24	17	72	51

	2716		4	57	105	45	420	180

	6522		1	50 [A]	60	52	60	52

	2102L  [B]	32	14	22	14	704	448

	2102L		32	14	22	14	704	448

	Total System					2016	1206 [C]

	Notes:	All current values in milliamps.
	[A]	Value as estimated by an engineer at MOS Technology.
	[B]	2102Ls are split into two sections of 4K RAM each in the table for
		purposes of discussion below.
	[C]	Measurements were taken with an inexpensive meter and should be only
		used as a guide to the system current requirements.
	[D]	The above values were obtained with Fairchild 21L02s. The values
		may vary with other 21L02s produced by other manufacturers and
		supplied with your MEMORY PLUS board.

	Regulated +5 Volt Supply. If the MEMORY PLUS is to be powered by regulated
	+5 volts, then the supply should be connected to pins E-21 and E-Y on the
	MEMORY PLUS expansion connector. The supply should be capable of supplying
	at least 2.0 amps in addition to any other board it is driving such as the
	KIM-1. The Reader at the top of the board should be positioned so that the
	bus wires are away from the top of the board and the Header notched corner is
	positioned at pin 9.

	Unregulated +8 to +10 Volt Supply. If the MEMORY PLUS is to be powered by
	unregulated +8 to +10 volts, then the supply should be connected to pins
	E-19 and E-20 on the MEMORY PLUS expansion connector. The supply should be
	capable of supplying at least 2.5 amps. This supply is distributed to three
	+5 volt regulators which each handle a separate section of the board.

	Regulator Q4 supplies the high 4K of 2102L RAM with 448 to 704 milliamps.
	Regulator Q5 supplies all support chips, the 2716s and the 6522 with 310 to
		608 milliamps.
	Regulator Q6 supplies the low 4K of 2102L RAM with 448 to 704 milliamps.

	The. Header at the top of the board should be positioned so that the bus wires
	are near the top of the board and the Header notched corner is positioned at
	pin 1.


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Last page update: 8th December, 2002. e-mail me e-mail