Index MEMORY PLUS Manual By Lee Davison

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				MEMORY PLUS to MICRO Connections

			MEMORY	MICRO	Expansion Connector	MEMORY	MICRO
			PLUS					PLUS
	Function	Pin#	Pin#		Function	Pin#	Pin#

	Ground		E-1	E-22		Ground		E-A	E-22
	+5V Battery	E-2			AB0		E-B	E-A
	+27 Unreg.	E-3			AB1		E-C	E-B
	/IRQ		E-4	E-4		AB2		E-D	E-C
			E-5			AB3		E-E	E-D
			E-6			AB4		E-F	E-E
	/RST		E-7	E-7		AB5		E-H	E-F
	DB7		E-8	E-8		AB6		E-J	E-H
	DB6		E-9	E-9		AB7		E-K	E-J
	DB5		E-10	E-10		AB8		E-L	E-K
	DB4		E-11	E-11		AB9		E-M	E-L
	DB3		E-12	E-12		AB10		E-N	E-M
	DB2		E-13	E-13		AB11		E-P	E-N
	DB1		E-14	E-14		AB12		E-R	E-P
	DB0		E-15	E-15		AB13		E-S	E-R
	DECODE		E-16	A-K *		AB14		E-T	E-S
			E-17			AB15		E-U	E-T
			E-18			Phase 2		E-V	E-U
	+8V Unreg.	E-19			Read/Write	E-W	E-V
	+8v Unreg.	E-20			/Phase 2	E-X	E-Y
	+5V Reg.	E-21	E-21		+5V Reg.	E-Y	E-21
	Ground	E-22	E-22			Ground		E-Z	E-22

			MEMORY	MICRO	Application Connector	MEMORY	MICRO
			PLUS					PLUS
	Function	Pin#	Pin#		Function	Pin#	Pin#

	Ground		A-1	A-1		+5V Reg.	A-A	A-A
	MPA1		A-2			MPB6		A-B
	MPA2		A-3					A-C
	MPA3		A-4					A-D
	MPA4		A-5			MCA1		A-E
	MPA5		A-6			MCA2		A-F
	MPA6		A-7			MCB1		A-H
	MPA7		A-8			MCB2		A-J
	MPB0		A-9			DECODE		A-K	A-K *
	MPB1		A-10					A-L
	MPB2		A-11					A-M
	MPB3		A-12					A-N
	MPB4		A-13					A-P
	MPA0		A-14					A-R
	MPB7		A-15					A-S
	MFB5		A-16					A-T
			A-17					A-U
	/MCB2		A-1B					A-V
	PRAB		A-19	A-9				A-W
	pRA9		A-20	A-10				A-X
	PRA10		A-21	A-11				A-Y
	+25V Reg.	A-22					A-Z
			* One of the two DECODE lines must be connected to the KIM-1.
			  This is not required on the SYM-1 or AIM 65.


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Last page update: 8th December, 2002. e-mail me e-mail