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Identifying pins on
a numerical VFD VFD pin identification.

If you have a VFD and not its pinout this PSU can be used to easily identify each pin. The display is connected to the filament supply, usually the two end pins, and one of the other pins is connected to the VFD + supply.

If this first pin is an anode (segment) pin then connecting a second pin to VFD + will, if it is a grid (digit) pin, light that segment in the digit.

If this first pin is a grid (digit) pin then connecting a second pin to VFD + will, if it is an anode (segment) pin, light the segment in that digit.

In the image the red wire has been connected to one of the grid (digit) pins and the white wire is being used to probe for the segment pins.

This way all the anode (segment) and grid (digit) pins can quickly be identified.

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Last page update: 25th July, 2009. e-mail me e-mail