Up one SpeedDome - software. By Lee Davison. Up to top

' PTZ Camera driver Ver 1.00 - Quick BASIC 4.5 (c) L.Davison 2005

' Test code to drive SpeedDome or similar PTZ cameras. This should provide control
' over basic camera movement functions. Press a key to start a motion and the same
' key again to stop it. Complementary motions stop each other, e.g. there is no need
' to stop a left pan before starting right pan. The space bar should stop all motion.
' Use [ALT-Q] to quit.

' some code to print diagnostic information is commented out but remains for
' reference. comments, suggestions, additions, offers of monetary reward etc to ..
' leeedavison@lycos.co.uk

DECLARE SUB SendCommand01 (address%, command%)
DECLARE SUB SendCommand02 (address%, command1%, command2%)

SCREEN 12				' 640 x 480

false% = 0				' easy false
true% = -1				' easy true

quit% = false%				' don't quit yet

quit$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(16)		' [ALT-Q] to quit
camright$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(77)		' camera right
camleft$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(75)		' camera left
camup$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(72)		' camera up
camdown$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(80)		' camera down
camzoom$ = "Z"				' camera zoom
camwide$ = "X"				' camera wide
camfar$ = "A"				' camera focus far
camnear$ = "S"				' camera focus near
camstop$ = " "				' camera stop
camopen$ = "Q"				' camera iris open
camclose$ = "W"				' camera iris close

F10$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(68)		' configuration menu - doesn't seem to work
'F9$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(67)		' not used
'F8$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(66)		' not used
'F7$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(65)		' not used
'F6$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(64)		' not used
'F5$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(63)		' not used
F4$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(62)		' camera AUX port bit 4
F3$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(61)		' camera AUX port bit 3
F2$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(60)		' camera AUX port bit 2
F1$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(59)		' camera AUX port bit 1

configure% = false%			' configure flag
camright% = false%			' camera moving right
camleft% = false%			' camera moving left
camup% = false%				' camera moving up
camdown% = false%			' camera moving down
camzoom% = false%			' camera zooming in
camwide% = false%			' camera zooming out
camnear% = false%			' camera focusing near
camfar% = false%			' camera focusing far
camopen% = false%			' camera iris opening
camclose% = false%			' camera iris closing

camout0% = false%			' camera output 1
camout1% = false%			' camera output 2
camout2% = false%			' camera output 3
camout3% = false%			' camera output 4

  INPUT "Camera address "; camaddr%	' get the camera address
LOOP WHILE (camaddr% < 1) OR (camaddr% > 99)
					' loop until valid address

OPEN "COM1:4800,N,8,1" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = 256
					' COM 1, 4800 baud, 8N1
					' change the COM port to suit your setup


' print instructions for the user - may not be up to date

PRINT "Keys are:-"
PRINT "Cursor keys - pan and tilt"
PRINT "          Z - zoom in             X - zoom out"
PRINT "          A - focus far           S - focus near"
PRINT "          Q - iris open           W - iris close"
PRINT "F1 to F4    - toggle port bits 1 to 4"
PRINT "F10         - enter configuration menu"
PRINT "Space can be used to halt all movement"
PRINT "Use [ALT-Q] to quit"

DO					' main loop
  KeyInput$ = INKEY$			' check the keyboard
  KeyInput% = LEN(KeyInput$)		' get the length, some keys return more than
					' a single character
  IF KeyInput% THEN			' if there was a key press
    tt = TIMER				' get the time
    IF KeyInput% = 1 THEN		' if single character code key then
      KeyInput$ = UCASE$(KeyInput$)	'  make it upper case
    END IF
    IF KeyInput$ = quit$ THEN		' if the user pressed [ALT-Q]
      GOSUB CameraStop			' stop any movements
      quit% = true%			' flag time to quit
    ELSEIF KeyInput$ = camright$ THEN
      IF camleft% OR camright% THEN	' if camera panning then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h83	' pan stop
        camleft% = false%		' clear left flag
      END IF
      IF camright% = false% THEN	' if camera not panning right then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h82	' pan right
      END IF
      camright% = NOT camright%		' toggle right flag
    ELSEIF KeyInput$ = camleft$ THEN
      IF camleft% OR camright% THEN	' if camera panning then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h83	' pan stop
        camright% = false%		' clear flag
      END IF
      IF camleft% = false% THEN		' if camera not panning left then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h81	' pan left
      END IF
      camleft% = NOT camleft%		' toggle left flag
    ELSEIF KeyInput$ = camup$ THEN
      IF camup% OR camdown% THEN	' if camera tilting then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h86	' tilt stop
        camdown% = false%		' clear down flag
      END IF
      IF camup% = false% THEN		' if camera not tilting up then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h84	' tilt up
      END IF
      camup% = NOT camup%		' toggle tilt up flag
    ELSEIF KeyInput$ = camdown$ THEN
      IF camup% OR camdown% THEN	' if camera tilting then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h86	' tilt stop
        camup% = false%			' clear up flag
      END IF
      IF camdown% = false% THEN		' if camera not tilting down then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h85	' tilt down
      END IF
      camdown% = NOT camdown%		' toggle tilt down flag
    ELSEIF KeyInput$ = camzoom$ THEN
      IF camzoom% OR camwide% THEN	' if camera zooming then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h8C	' zoom stop
        camwide% = false%		' clear wide flag
      END IF
      IF camzoom% = false% THEN		' if camera not zooming in then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h8A	' zoom in
      END IF
      camzoom% = NOT camzoom%		' toggle zoom flag
    ELSEIF KeyInput$ = camwide$ THEN
      IF camzoom% OR camwide% THEN	' if camera zooming then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h8C	' zoom stop
        camzoom% = false%		' clear zoom flag
      END IF
      IF camwide% = false% THEN		' if camera not zooming out then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h8B	' zoom out
      END IF
      camwide% = NOT camwide%		' toggle wide flag
    ELSEIF KeyInput$ = camnear$ THEN
      IF camnear% OR camfar% THEN	' if camera focusing then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h89	' focus stop
        camfar% = false%		' clear far focus flag
      END IF
      IF camnear% = false% THEN		' if camera not focusing near then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h87	' focus near
      END IF
      camnear% = NOT camnear%		' toggle near flag
    ELSEIF KeyInput$ = camfar$ THEN
      IF camnear% OR camfar% THEN	' if camera focusing then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h89	' focus stop
        camnear% = false%		' clear near focus flag
      END IF
      IF camfar% = false% THEN		' if camera not focusing far then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h88	' focus far
      END IF
      camfar% = NOT camfar%		' toggle far flag
    ELSEIF KeyInput$ = camopen$ THEN
      IF camopen% OR camclose% THEN	' if iris moving then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h92	' iris stop
        camclose% = false%		' clear close flag
      END IF
      IF camopen% = false% THEN		' if iris not opening then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h90	' iris open
      END IF
      camopen% = NOT camopen%		' toggle open flag
    ELSEIF KeyInput$ = camclose$ THEN
      IF camopen% OR camclose% THEN	' if iris moving then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h92	' iris stop
        camopen% = false%		' clear open flag
      END IF
      IF camclose% = false% THEN	' if iris not closing then
        SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h91	' iris close
      END IF
      camclose% = NOT camclose%		' toggle close flag
    ELSEIF KeyInput$ = camstop$ THEN
      GOSUB CameraStop			' stop any movements
    ELSEIF KeyInput$ = F10$ THEN
      IF configure% THEN
        SendCommand02 camaddr%, &hCC, &h02' exit configuration menu
        SendCommand02 camaddr%, &hCC, &h01' enter configuration menu
      END IF
      configure% = NOT configure%	' toggle configure flag
    ELSEIF KeyInput$ = F4$ THEN
      camout3% = NOT camout3%		' toggle bit
      GOSUB SetPort			' set the port
    ELSEIF KeyInput$ = F3$ THEN
      camout2% = NOT camout2%		' toggle bit
      GOSUB SetPort			' set the port
    ELSEIF KeyInput$ = F2$ THEN
      camout1% = NOT camout1%		' toggle bit
      GOSUB SetPort			' set the port
    ELSEIF KeyInput$ = F1$ THEN
      camout0% = NOT camout0%		' toggle bit
      GOSUB SetPort			' set the port
'    ELSE				' if the key is unrecognised
'      LOCATE 22,2
'      FOR index% = 1 TO KeyInput%
'        PRINT ASC(MID$(KeyInput$, index%, 1));
'					' print the key string as numbers
'      NEXT
'      PRINT "       ";
    END IF

    DO : LOOP WHILE (ABS(TIMER - tt) < .05)
					'  wait for at least 1/20th second

' now look for a response from the camera. if the command was recognised then the
' camera should have responded with it's address within 25mS

      CameraReturn$ = INPUT$(LOC(1), #1)' LOC(1) gives the number of characters waiting
					' even if you don't want the returned character
					' to print it you should still do this to flush
					' the input buffer
'      PRINT CHR$(13); CameraReturn$; "  ";
					' print the string
    END IF


CLOSE #1				' close the COM port

' set the output port. each of the variables camout0% to canout3% represent the
' corresponding bits of the output port and can be toggled usin the F1 to F4 keys
' they are not affected by the camera stop

  portbyte% = &hE0 OR (camout3% AND 8)_
                   OR (camout2% AND 4)_
                   OR (camout1% AND 2)_
                   OR (camout0% AND 1)
  SendCommand01 camaddr%, portbyte%	'  port set


' stop all camera movements, flag all movements stopped

  IF camright% OR camleft% THEN		' if camera panning then
    SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h83	'  pan stop
    camright% = false%			'  clear flag
    camleft% = false%			'  clear flag
  IF camup% OR camdown% THEN		' if camera tilting then
    SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h86	'  tilt stop
    camup% = false%			'  clear flag
    camdown% = false%			'  clear flag
  IF camnear% OR camfar% THEN		' if camera focusing then
    SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h89	'  focus stop
    camnear% = false%			'  clear flag
    camfar% = false%			'  clear flag
  IF camzoom% OR camwide% THEN		' if camera zooming then
    SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h8C	'  zoom stop
    camzoom% = false%			'  clear flag
    camwide% = false%			'  clear flag
  IF camopen% OR camclose% THEN		' if iris moving then
    SendCommand01 camaddr%, &h92	'  iris stop
    camopen% = false%			'  clear flag
    camclose% = false%			'  clear flag

' send a single byte command to the camera

SUB SendCommand01 (address%, command%)
  checksum% = (0 - address% - command%) AND &hFF
'  LOCATE 22,2
'  PRINT "* ";
'  PRINT RIGHT$("00" + HEX$(address%), 2); " ";
'  PRINT RIGHT$("00" + HEX$(command%), 2); " ";
'  PRINT RIGHT$("00" + HEX$(checksum%), 2); " *    ";

  PRINT #1, CHR$(address%); CHR$(command%); CHR$(checksum%);
					' print the command string to the COM port


' send a double byte command to the camera

SUB SendCommand02 (address%, command1%, command2%)
  checksum% = (0 - address% - command1% - command2%) AND &hFF
'  LOCATE 22,2
'  PRINT "* ";
'  PRINT RIGHT$("00" + HEX$(address%), 2); " ";
'  PRINT RIGHT$("00" + HEX$(command1%), 2); " ";
'  PRINT RIGHT$("00" + HEX$(command2%), 2); " ";
'  PRINT RIGHT$("00" + HEX$(checksum%), 2); " *";

  PRINT #1, CHR$(address%); CHR$(command1%); CHR$(command2%); CHR$(checksum%);
					' print the command string to the COM port


Last page update: 28th January, 2005. e-mail me e-mail