' HPGL file viewer Ver 2.08 - Quick BASIC 4.5 (c) L.Davison 2007
' this was written as an excercise in coding an HPGL data viewer and is mostly a
' quick hack to get my thoughts sorted out. supports most common HP-GL and some
' HP-GL2 drawing commands and those it doesn't support probably have some commented
' out code that forms the start of what is needed. where I ran out of enthusiasm
' you'll find the note "need code"
' there is very little error or bounds checking done during the actual commands,
' chances are that most HP-GL files you try will work, many HP-GL2 files also work
' to some degree though your mileage may vary. some files may cause BASIC errors
' such ar overflow or division by zero though I've not seen those yet.
' does auto scale to fit the mode 12 (640 x 480) screen by processing the file twice,
' the first time no picture is output, but errors and warnings (if any) are generated
' and the maximum and minimum values are found. these are used on the second pass to
' offset and scale the image so it /just/ fits the 640 x 480 screen along it's longest
' dimension. the original aspect ratio /should/ be maintained.
' added in 2007 is the ability to save the screen by hitting the [S] key. this can
' take some time so be patient. the image will be saved as filename.bmp where filename
' was the name, minus any extension, of the loaded file.
' comments, suggestions, additions, offers of monetary reward etc to ..
' leeedavison@lycos.co.uk
CONST false = 0, true = -1 ' define these
CONST absolute = true, relative = false ' for the drawmode
CONST nmrc$ = "+-.01234567890 " ' numeric characters
CONST convangle = 180 / 3.14159264 ' degrees to radians to degrees
' picture frame (hard clip) limits. these should be set to what the hardware will
' physically allow
CONST minimumx = 0, minimumy = 0 ' set for the table minimum
CONST maximumx = 32767, maximumy = 32767 ' set for the table maximum
' calculate the angle to a point on a circle given the centre and the point. 0 degrees
' is the 12 o'clock position. this may change.
DECLARE FUNCTION CalcAngle(xcentre, ycentre, xpoint, ypoint)
' calculate the radius of a circle given the centre and a point on the circle. this
' actually calculates the linear distance between any two points
DECLARE FUNCTION CalcRadius(xcentre, ycentre, xpoint, ypoint)
DIM fo$(95) ' holds the font plot data
esc$ = CHR$(27) ' define ESCAPE
quote$ = CHR$(34) ' " as a string
separator$ = ";" ' these can end command strings
ignore$ = " " + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) ' these are ignored
home$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(71) ' INKEY$ for [Home] key
pgup$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(73) ' INKEY$ for [PgUp] key
pgdn$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(81) ' INKEY$ for [PgDn] key
eend$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(79) ' INKEY$ for [End] key
crrt$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(77) ' INKEY$ for [cursor right] key
crlt$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(75) ' INKEY$ for [cursor left] key
crup$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(72) ' INKEY$ for [cursor up] key
crdn$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(80) ' INKEY$ for [cursor down] key
SCREEN 12 ' 640 x 480 x 16
GOSUB main ' go do main processing loop
CLS ' clear the screen
LOCATE 2,2 ' set cursor
PRINT "Process another file [y/N]" ' set prompt
DO ' just wait ..
key$ = INKEY$ ' get key presses
LOOP WHILE key$ = "" ' .. for a key press
LOOP WHILE UCASE$(key$) = "Y" ' loop if another file to do
END ' all done, bye.
' main loop
CLS ' clear the screen
minimumxused = 32767 ' set minimum and
minimumyused = 32767 ' maximum used for
maximumxused = -32768 ' auto scale feature
maximumyused = -32768 ' (yes these are correct)
LOCATE 2,2 ' set cursor
INPUT "Enter HPGL file name "; filename$ ' any name, doesn't have to be *.plt
IF filename$ = "" THEN END
warningcount = 0 ' no warnings yet
errorcount = 0 ' no errors yet
GOSUB InitFont ' initialsie the font array
fromstring = false ' getbyte is from the file
pretend = true ' pretend to plot first time
GOSUB DoFile ' process the file
IF (errorcount OR warningcount) THEN ' if there were some errors/warnings
COLOR 15 ' white
PRINT errorcount; "error"; ' n error
IF errorcount <> 1 THEN
PRINT "s"; ' s
PRINT " and"; warningcount; "warning"; ' and m warning
IF warningcount <> 1 THEN
PRINT "s" ' s
LOCATE 30,1 ' bottom line
PRINT "Press any key to continue"; ' indicate not just stalled
DO ' just wait ..
LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = "" ' .. for a key press
xsize = maximumxused - minimumxused ' x size of plot
ysize = maximumyused - minimumyused ' y size of plot
IF (ysize / xsize) > .75 THEN ' use the maximum (reduction) scale
scale = ysize / 239 ' scale is y scale (0 to 239)
scale = xsize / 319 ' scale is x scale (0 to 319)
fromstring = false ' getbyte is from the file
pretend = false ' plot for real this time
zoom = 1 ' set zoom for zoom 1
drawscale = scale / 2 ' drawscale for zoom 1
drawxcentre = xsize / 2 ' drawing x centre
drawycentre = ysize / 2 ' drawing y centre
GOSUB CalcXYOffset ' calculate offsets
DO ' redraw loop ..
IF redraw THEN ' only if new pan/zoom
CLS ' clear screen for plotting
COLOR 15 ' default to white
GOSUB DoFile ' process the file (again)
DO ' just wait ..
key$ = INKEY$ ' get key presses
LOOP WHILE key$ = "" ' .. for a key press
redraw = false ' assume no redraw
IF key$ = home$ THEN ' [Home] key
IF (zoom <> 1) OR (drawxcentre - (xsize / 2)) OR (drawycentre - (ysize / 2)) THEN
' only if zoomed or not centred
zoom = 1 ' zoom for fully zoomed out
drawscale = scale / 2 ' drawscale for fully zoomed out
drawxcentre = xsize / 2 ' reset drawing x centre
drawycentre = ysize / 2 ' reset drawing y centre
GOSUB CalcXYOffset ' calculate offsets
ELSEIF key$ = pgup$ THEN ' [PgUp] key
IF zoom THEN ' if not fully zoomed out
zoom = zoom - 1 ' zoom out
drawscale = scale / (2 ^ zoom) ' drawscale for zoom level
GOSUB CalcXYOffset ' calculate offsets
ELSEIF key$ = pgdn$ THEN ' [PgDn] key
IF drawscale > 1 THEN ' if not fully zoomed in
zoom = zoom + 1 ' zoom in
drawscale = scale / (2 ^ zoom) ' drawscale for zoom level
IF drawscale < 1 THEN ' check not beyond maximum zoom
drawscale = 1 ' maximum zoom allowed
GOSUB CalcXYOffset ' calculate offsets
ELSEIF key$ = eend$ THEN ' [End] key
DO WHILE drawscale > 1 ' while not fully zoomed in
zoom = zoom + 1 ' zoom in
drawscale = scale / (2 ^ zoom) ' drawscale for zoom level
IF drawscale < 1 THEN ' check not beyond maximum zoom
drawscale = 1 ' maximum zoom allowed
GOSUB CalcXYOffset ' calculate offsets
ELSEIF key$ = crrt$ THEN ' [cursor right] key
drawxcentre = drawxcentre + 159 * drawscale ' shift x centre 1/4 screen left
GOSUB CalcXYOffset ' calculate offsets
ELSEIF key$ = crlt$ THEN ' [cursor left] key
drawxcentre = drawxcentre - 159 * drawscale ' shift x centre 1/4 screen right
GOSUB CalcXYOffset ' calculate offsets
ELSEIF key$ = crup$ THEN ' [cursor up] key
drawycentre = drawycentre + 119 * drawscale ' shift y centre 1/4 screen down
GOSUB CalcXYOffset ' calculate offsets
ELSEIF key$ = crdn$ THEN ' [cursor down] key
drawycentre = drawycentre - 119 * drawscale ' shift y centre 1/4 screen up
GOSUB CalcXYOffset ' calculate offsets
ELSEIF UCASE$(key$) = "S" THEN ' [S] key
GOSUB SaveScreen ' save the screen
LOOP WHILE key$ <> esc$ ' until [ESC] is pressed
COLOR 15 ' white
' calculate offsets
offsetx = minimumxused - 319 * drawscale + drawxcentre
' set x offset
offsety = minimumyused - 239 * drawscale + drawycentre
' set y offset
minxbound = minimumxused > offsetx ' true if violates minimum x
maxxbound = ((maximumxused - offsetx) / drawscale) < 639
' true if violates maximum x
IF minxbound AND NOT maxxbound THEN
invert = (xsize / drawscale) < 640
GOSUB CorrectXOffset ' correct the x offset
ELSEIF maxxbound AND NOT minxbound THEN
invert = (xsize / drawscale) => 640
GOSUB CorrectXOffset ' correct the x offset
minybound = minimumyused > offsety ' true if violates minimum y
maxybound = ((maximumyused - offsety) / drawscale) < 479
' true if violates maximum y
IF minybound AND NOT maxybound THEN
invert = (ysize / drawscale) < 480
GOSUB CorrectYOffset ' correct the y offset
ELSEIF maxybound AND NOT minybound THEN
invert = (ysize / drawscale) => 480
GOSUB CorrectYOffset ' correct the y offset
redraw = true ' always redraw after new offsets
' correct the x offset
IF invert THEN
drawxcentre = xsize - 320 * drawscale ' shift x centre
offsetx = maximumxused - 639 * drawscale ' set x offset
drawxcentre = 319 * drawscale ' shift x centre
offsetx = minimumxused ' set x offset
' correct the y offset
IF invert THEN
drawycentre = ysize - 240 * drawscale ' shift y centre
offsety = maximumyused - 479 * drawscale ' set y offset
drawycentre = 239 * drawscale ' shift y centre
offsety = minimumyused ' set y offset
' process file
OPEN filename$ FOR INPUT AS #1 ' open the file
GOSUB Initialise ' initialise the plot values
GOSUB DoStream ' process the stream
CLOSE ' close the file
' process a stream of bytes until no input remains
cmdstrin$ = "" ' initialise the command string
GOSUB Getbyte ' get byte from input stream
DO WHILE LEN(byte$) ' loop until no bytes to do
IF atozchr THEN ' all commands are two A to Z chrs
cmdstrin$ = cmdstrin$ + byte$ ' add to command string
cmdlength = LEN(cmdstrin$) ' get command string length
GOSUB Getbyte ' get next byte
IF cmdlength = 2 THEN ' if two characters
GOSUB DoCommand ' go interpret command
cmdstrin$ = "" ' clear the executed command
ELSEIF INSTR(separator$, byte$) THEN ' if separator character
cmdstrin$ = "" ' clear command string
GOSUB Getbyte ' get next byte
ELSEIF INSTR(ignore$, byte$) THEN ' if ignore character
GOSUB Getbyte ' just get the next byte
ELSEIF byte$ = esc$ THEN ' ignore ESC sequences
cmdstrin$ = "" ' clear the command string
DO WHILE INSTR(ignore$, byte$) = 0 ' all end ESC sequences
GOSUB GetByte ' get a byte
GOSUB Getbyte ' get next byte
cmdstrin$ = "" ' clear the command string
IF pretend THEN ' only print if not drawing
COLOR 15 ' white
PRINT "Error : Unexpected byte "; byte$; ASC(byte$)
errorcount = errorcount + 1
GOSUB Getbyte ' get next byte
IF INKEY$ = esc$ THEN END ' end if [ESCAPE] pressed
' get a byte from the input stream. if the stream is empty (i.e. the whole file or
' character definition string has been read) then return a null string. set atozchr
' and numeric accordingly.
IF fromstring THEN ' reading from font string
byte$ = MID$(fo$(lbchar), lbindex, 1) ' get next byte from string
lbindex = lbindex + 1 ' increment the index
ELSEIF NOT EOF(1) THEN ' if no bytes from file to get
byte$ = INPUT$(1, 1) ' get a byte from the file
byte$ = "" ' else set no byte
IF byte$ = "" THEN ' if no byte got then
atozchr = false ' not "A" to "Z"
numeric = false ' not "-.01234567890 "
ELSE ' else there was a byte got
atozchr = (INSTR(AtoZ$, byte$) <> 0) ' true if "A" to "Z"
numeric = (INSTR(nmrc$, byte$) <> 0) ' true if "+-.01234567890 "
' interpret commands. big mess of IF .. THEN ELSEIFs. like Topsy this just growed
IF cmdstrin$="PU" THEN ' pen up
pendown = false ' set pen mode
GOSUB DoCoords ' do any co-ordiantes
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="PD" THEN ' pen down
pendown = true ' set pen mode
GOSUB DoCoords ' do any co-ordiantes
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="PA" THEN ' pen absolute
drawmode = absolute ' set draw mode
GOSUB DoCoords ' do any co-ordiantes
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="PR" THEN ' pen relative
drawmode = relative ' set draw mode
GOSUB DoCoords ' do any co-ordiantes
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="SP" THEN ' select pen
GOSUB GetNumber ' get pen number
COLOR VAL(number$) ' set the colour
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="AA" THEN ' arc absolute
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
GOSUB GetArc ' get the arc parameters
arcx = absolutex ' set arc centre x
arcy = absolutey ' set arc centre y
GOSUB DoArc ' go do the arc
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="AT" THEN ' absolute arc three point
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
GOSUB GetXYPair ' get the centre X,Y
interx = absolutex ' set arc intermediate x
intery = absolutey ' set arc intermediate y
GOSUB GetXYPair ' get the centre X,Y
endx = absolutex ' set arc end x
endy = absolutey ' set arc end y
GOSUB DrawArcThreePoint ' do the arc
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="AR" THEN ' arc relative
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
GOSUB GetArc ' get the arc parameters
arcx = currentx + absolutex ' set arc centre x
arcy = currenty + absolutey ' set arc centre x
GOSUB DoArc ' go do the arc
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="RT" THEN ' relative arc three point
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
GOSUB GetXYPair ' get the centre X,Y
interx = currentx + absolutex ' set arc intermediate x
intery = currenty + absolutey ' set arc intermediate y
GOSUB GetXYPair ' get the centre X,Y
endx = currenty + absolutex ' set arc end x
endy = currenty + absolutey ' set arc end y
GOSUB DrawArcThreePoint ' do the arc
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="CI" THEN ' circle
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
GOSUB GetNumber ' get the radius
radius = VAL(number$) ' set the radius
GOSUB GetChord ' get the chord angle
arcx = currentx ' circle centre is the ..
arcy = currenty ' .. current pen position
currentangle = 0 ' 12'o clock
arcangle = 360 ' do a full circle
stackpen = pendown ' save pen mode
pendown = false ' lift pen
stackdraw = drawmode ' save draw mode
drawmode = absolute ' set draw mode
absolutex = currentx ' move the pen to the ..
absolutey = currenty + radius ' .. 12'o clock position
GOSUB DoDraw ' move pen
pendown = true ' always draw the circle
GOSUB DrawArc ' go draw the arc
pendown = false ' lift pen
absolutex = arcx ' move pen back to the ..
absolutey = arcy ' .. centre of the circle
GOSUB DoDraw ' move pen
pendown = stackpen ' restore the pen mode
drawmode = stackdraw ' restore the draw mode
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="EW" THEN ' edge wedge
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
GOSUB GetXYPair ' get wedge radius and start angle
radius = absolutex ' set the radius
currentangle = 90 - absolutey ' set the start angle
GOSUB GetNumber ' get wedge arc angle
arcangle = VAL(number$) ' set the wedge arc angle
GOSUB GetChord ' get the chord angle
GOSUB DoWedgeEdge ' go draw the wedge edge
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="WG" THEN ' fill wedge
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
GOSUB GetXYPair ' get wedge radius and start angle
radius = absolutex ' set the radius
currentangle = 90 - absolutey ' set the start angle
GOSUB GetNumber ' get wedge arc angle
arcangle = VAL(number$) ' set the wedge arc angle
GOSUB GetChord ' get the chord angle
GOSUB DoWedgeEdge ' go draw the wedge edge (for now)
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="EA" THEN ' edge rectangle absolute
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
GOSUB GetXYPair ' get rectangle opposite corner
deltax = absolutex - currentx ' calculate x size
deltay = absolutey - currenty ' calculate y size
GOSUB DoRectEdge ' go draw rectangle edge
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="ER" THEN ' edge rectangle relative
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
GOSUB GetXYPair ' get rectangle opposite corner
deltax = absolutex ' get x size
deltay = absolutey ' get y size
GOSUB DoRectEdge ' go draw rectangle edge
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="RA" THEN ' fill rectangle absolute
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
GOSUB GetXYPair ' get rectangle opposite corner
deltax = absolutex - currentx ' calculate x size
deltay = absolutey - currenty ' calculate y size
GOSUB DoRectEdge ' go draw rectangle edge (for now)
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="RR" THEN ' fill rectangle relative
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
GOSUB GetXYPair ' get rectangle opposite corner
deltax = absolutex ' get x size
deltay = absolutey ' get y size
GOSUB DoRectEdge ' go draw rectangle edge (for now)
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="IN" THEN ' initialise graphics mode
GOSUB Initialise
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="DF" THEN ' set graphics defaults
GOSUB Defaults ' note - subset of "IN"
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="IP" THEN ' input scale points
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
GOSUB GetXYPair ' get IP1
IF numeric THEN ' if more numbers then
' p1x = absolutex ' set P1 x
' p1y = absolutey ' set P1 y
GOSUB GetXYPair ' get P2
' p2x = absolutex ' set P2 x
' p2y = absolutey ' set P2 y
' ELSE ' no P2 so relative scale
' p2x = p1x - p2x + absolutex ' maintain P2 x relative to P1 x
' p2y = p1y - p2y + absolutey ' maintain P2 y relative to P1 y
' p1x = absolutex ' set P1 x
' p1y = absolutey ' set P1 y
' ELSE ' no numbers so set default values
' GOSUB IPDefault ' set default scaling points
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="DI" THEN ' absolute direction
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
' IF (absolutex <> 0) OR (absolutey <> 0) THEN
' directionrun = absolutex
' directionrise = absolutey
' ELSE ' no numbers so set default values
' GOSUB DIDefault ' default direction run and rise
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="DR" THEN ' relative direction
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
' IF (absolutex <> 0) OR (absolutey <> 0) THEN
' directionrun = absolutex * (p2x - p1x) / 100
' directionrise = absolutey * (p2y - p1y) / 100
' ELSE ' no numbers so set default values
' GOSUB DIDefault ' default direction run and rise
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="IW" THEN ' input window
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
GOSUB GetXYPair ' get lower left corner x,y
' iw1x = absolutex ' set lower left x
' iw1y = absolutey ' set lower left y
GOSUB GetXYPair ' get upper right corner x,y
' iw2x = absolutex ' set upper right x
' iw2y = absolutey ' set upper right y
' IF iw1x > iw2x THEN ' make sure max & min x are correct
' iw2x = iw1x
' iw1x = absolutex
' IF iw1y > iw2y THEN ' make sure max & min y are correct
' iw2y = iw1y
' iw1y = absolutey
' ELSE ' no numbers so set default values
' GOSUB IWDefault ' so go set defaults
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="SI" THEN ' absolute character size
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
GOSUB GetXYPair ' get them
' characterwidth = absolutex ' set width (needs range check)
' characterheight = absolutey ' set height (needs range check)
' ELSE ' no numbers so ..
' GOSUB SIDefault ' .. set default values
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="CP" THEN ' character plot
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
' ELSE ' no numbers so set default values
' absolutex = 0
' absolutey = -1
' ' need code here
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="LT" THEN ' line type
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
GOSUB GetNumber ' get it
' linenumber = VAL(number$) ' set line type (needs range check)
IF numeric THEN ' another number ?
GOSUB GetNumber ' if so get it
' linepattern = VAL(number$) ' set pattern (needs range check)
' ELSE ' no numbers so ..
' GOSUB LTDefault ' .. set default
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="FT" THEN ' fill type
IF numeric THEN ' make sure number(s) there
GOSUB GetNumber ' get fill type
' filltype = VAL(number$) ' set fill type (needs range check)
IF numeric THEN ' if option 1 present
GOSUB GetNumber ' get fill interval
' fillinterval = VAL(number$) ' set fill interval
IF numeric THEN ' if option 2 present
GOSUB GetNumber ' get fill angle
' fillangle = VAL(number$) ' set fill angle
' GOSUB FTDefault ' set default fill type
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="LB" THEN ' label
stackpen = pendown ' save pen mode
pendown = false ' lift pen
stackdraw = drawmode ' save draw mode
drawmode = relative ' set draw mode
DO WHILE byte$ <> terminator$ AND LEN(byte$)
' while not at the string end
lbchar = ASC(byte$) - 32 ' get index to font array
IF lbchar < 0 OR lbchar > 95 THEN
lbchar = 0 ' [SPACE] if not in range
lbindex = 1 ' initialise index
fromstring = true ' getting bytes from the font string
GOSUB DoStream ' process the character string
fromstring = false ' back to the file
absolutex = 10 ' move pen to the ..
absolutey = 0 ' .. next character start
GOSUB DoDraw ' move pen
GOSUB Getbyte ' get the next label byte
pendown = stackpen ' restore the pen mode
drawmode = stackdraw ' restore the draw mode
GOSUB Getbyte ' get the byte after the terminator
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="CO" THEN ' comment string
IF byte$ = quote$ THEN ' if there really is a comment
GOSUB GetByte ' get bytes
LOOP WHILE LEN(byte$) AND byte$ <> quote$ ' until the end
GOSUB GetByte ' get the next byte
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="DT" THEN ' define (label) terminator
IF byte$ <>";" THEN ' make sure there's a byte there
terminator$ = byte$ ' set label terminator character
GOSUB DTDefaultmode ' set default terminator mode only
GOSUB GetByte ' get the next byte
IF byte$ = "," THEN ' if second parameter
GOSUB Getbyte ' skip the ","
IF numeric THEN ' if really a number then
GOSUB GetNumber ' get terminator mode
terminatormode = VAL(number$)
' set terminator mode
GOSUB DTDefault ' set default character and mode
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="PG" THEN ' page feed
currentx = 0 ' home the pen x
currenty = 0 ' home the pen y
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="PT" THEN ' pen thickness
GOSUB UnsupportedCommand ' not supported
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="SC" THEN ' scale
GOSUB UnsupportedCommand ' not supported
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="CA" THEN ' alternate character set
GOSUB UnsupportedCommand ' not supported
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="VS" THEN ' velocity set (pen speed in cm/s)
GOSUB UnsupportedCommand ' not supported
ELSEIF cmdstrin$="SM" THEN ' symbol mode
GOSUB UnsupportedCommand ' not supported
DO WHILE LEN(byte$) AND byte$ <> ";" ' until the end
GOSUB GetByte ' get bytes
' ELSEIF cmdstrin$="" THEN
' GOSUB DumpNumber
IF pretend THEN ' only print if not drawing
COLOR 15 ' white
PRINT "Error : Unexpected command "; cmdstrin$
errorcount = errorcount + 1
GOSUB DumpNumber
' do the arc
currentangle = CalcAngle(arcx, arcy, currentx, currenty)
radius = CalcRadius(arcx, arcy, currentx, currenty)
stackdraw = drawmode ' save draw mode
drawmode = absolute ' set draw mode
GOSUB DrawArcDirection ' set direction & draw the arc
drawmode = stackdraw ' restore the draw mode
' calculate the values and draw the three point arc. if the points are in line then a
' single line is drawn from start to end. no check is done to see if the intermediate
' point really is between the start and end points.
GOSUB GetChord ' get the arc chord angle
chorddx = (interx - currentx) / 2 ' dx/2 from current to intermediate
chorddy = (intery - currenty) / 2 ' dy/2 from current to intermediate
centrex = currentx + chorddx ' chord 1 centre x
centrey = currenty + chorddy ' chord 1 centre y
perp1x1 = centrex - chorddy ' chord 1 perpendicular x1
perp1y1 = centrey + chorddx ' chord 1 perpendicular y1
perp1x2 = centrex + chorddy ' chord 1 perpendicular x2
perp1y2 = centrey - chorddx ' chord 1 perpendicular y2
chorddx = (endx - interx) / 2 ' dx/2 from intermediate to end
chorddy = (endy - intery) / 2 ' dy/2 from intermediate to end
centrex = interx + chorddx ' chord 2 centre x
centrey = intery + chorddy ' chord 2 centre y
perp2x1 = centrex - chorddy ' chord 2 perpendicular x1
perp2y1 = centrey + chorddx ' chord 2 perpendicular y1
perp2x2 = centrex + chorddy ' chord 2 perpendicular x2
perp2y2 = centrey - chorddx ' chord 2 perpendicular y2
deltaxp1 = perp1x2 - perp1x1 ' dx for chord 1 perpendicular
deltayp1 = perp1y2 - perp1y1 ' dy for chord 1 perpendicular
deltaxp2 = perp2x2 - perp2x1 ' dx for chord 2 perpendicular
deltayp2 = perp2y2 - perp2y1 ' dy for chord 2 perpendicular
deltax12 = perp1x1 - perp2x1 ' start x difference
deltay12 = perp1y1 - perp2y1 ' start y difference
unknown = (deltaxp2 * deltay12) - (deltayp2 * deltax12)
divergence = (deltayp2 * deltaxp1) - (deltaxp2 * deltayp1)
' zero if parallel
IF divergence THEN ' not parallel so do arc
unknown = unknown / divergence ' scale unknown
arcx = perp1x1 + unknown * deltaxp1 ' find x centre
arcy = perp1y1 + unknown * deltayp1 ' find y centre
currentangle = CalcAngle(arcx, arcy, currentx, currenty)
' angle to current point
interangle = CalcAngle(arcx, arcy, interx, intery) - currentangle
' angle to inter point from current
endangle = CalcAngle(arcx, arcy, endx, endy) - currentangle
' angle to end from current
interangle = interangle - 360 * (interangle < 0)
' ensure 0 to 360
endangle = endangle - 360 * (endangle < 0) ' ensure 0 to 360
IF interangle > endangle THEN ' if anticlockwise
arcangle = 360 - endangle
ELSE ' else clockwise
arcangle = - endangle
radius = CalcRadius(arcx, arcy, currentx, currenty)
stackdraw = drawmode ' save draw mode
drawmode = absolute ' set draw mode
GOSUB DrawArcDirection ' set direction & draw the arc
drawmode = stackdraw ' restore the draw mode
absolutex = endx ' set arc end x
absolutey = endy ' set arc end y
stackdraw = drawmode ' save draw mode
drawmode = absolute ' set draw mode
GOSUB DoDraw ' set direction & draw the line
drawmode = stackdraw ' restore the draw mode
' most of the default settings are done as subroutines so that the code only has to
' be modified the once if the defaults are changed. this saves searching out every
' instance where the defaults can be set by changing them acc to GOSUBs and putting
' the subroutines (mostly) here. commented out code is not needed just yet
' set default scaling points P1 and P2
' p1x = iw1x ' set P1 x default to window x min
' p1y = iw1y ' set P1 y default to window y min
' p2x = iw2x ' set P2 x default to window x max
' p2y = iw2y ' set P2 y default to window y max
' set default input window (soft clip limits)
' iw1x = minimumx ' set lower left x default
' iw1y = minimumy ' set lower left y default
' iw2x = maximumx ' set upper right x default
' iw2y = maximumy ' set upper right y default
' set default label terminator character
terminator$ = CHR$(3) ' LB command terminator character
terminatormode = 1 ' terminator is non printing
' set default direction run and rise
' directionrun = 1 ' default is for horizontal text
' directionrise = 0 ' default is for horizontal text
' set default pattern anchor point
' anchorx = minimumx ' set anchor default x
' anchory = minimumy ' set anchor default y
' set default text path
' text path = 0 ' default is for left to right text
' set default text extra space
' eswidth = 0 ' default is for no extra width
' esheight = 0 ' default is for no extra height
' set default label origin
' labelorigin = 1 ' default label origin
' set default fill type
' filltype = 1 ' default fill type (solid black)
' fillinterval = CalcRadius(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) / 100
' ' default fill interval is 1% P2-P1
' fillangle = 45 ' default fill angle
' set default line type
' linetype = 32767 ' default line type (solid black)
' patternlength = CalcRadius(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) / 25
' ' default length is 4% P2-P1
' linemode = 0 ' default line mode
' set default scale (none)
' ' need code
' set default character size
' characterwidth = 0.1875 ' default width (cm) 75 units
' characterheight = 0.2625 ' default height (cm) 105 units
' initialise plot values, this falls through to the set plot defaults routine
' PU
pendown = false ' lift the pen
' PA0,0
drawmode = absolute ' absolute draw mode
currentx = 0 ' home the pen x
currenty = 0 ' home the pen y
' absolutex = 0 ' set x
' absolutey = 0 ' set y
' GOSUB DoDraw ' home the pen - do this on real hw
' IP
' GOSUB IPDefault ' set default scaling points
' WU ' not done
' PW ' not done
' set plot defaults
' AC
' GOSUB ACDefault ' set pattern anchor default
' DI 1,0
' GOSUB DIDefault ' default direction run and rise
' DT
GOSUB DTDefault ' default label terminator character
' DV
' GOSUB DVDefault ' set default text path
' ES
' GOSUB ESDefault ' set default text extra space
' FT
' GOSUB FTDefault ' set default fill type
' IW
' GOSUB IWDefault ' set table window defaults
' LO 1
' GOSUB LODefault ' default label origin
' LT
' GOSUB LTDefault ' default line type
' PA
drawmode = absolute ' set absolute drawmode
' SC
' GOSUB SCDefault ' default scale (none)
' SI
' GOSUB SIDefault ' set default character size
' AD ' not done
' CF ' not done
' LA ' not done
' PM ' not done
' RF ' not done
' SB 0 ' not done
' SV ' not done
' SD ' not done
' SL ' not done
' SM ' not done
' SS ' not done
' flag an unsupported command, falls through to DumpNumber - not good but doesn't
' hurt any
IF pretend THEN ' only print if not drawing
COLOR 15 ' white
PRINT "Warning : Unsupported command "; cmdstrin$
warningcount = warningcount + 1
' get a number(s) and ignore it(them)
DO WHILE numeric ' while the next is a number
GOSUB GetNumber ' just read it
' get an xy pair of co-ordinates
GOSUB GetNumber ' get first number
absolutex = VAL(number$) ' save to x
GOSUB GetNumber ' get second number
absolutey = VAL(number$) ' save to y
' get x,y co-ordinate pair(s) and draw them, thsi does most of the work for the PA,
' PR, PD and PU commands
DO WHILE numeric
GOSUB GetXYPair ' get X,Y co-ordiantes
GOSUB DoDraw ' go draw them
' gets a number string from the input stream. valid characters are " " and
' -.01234567890
number$ = "" ' clear the number string
DO WHILE numeric ' while a numeric character
number$ = number$ + byte$ ' add the character to the string
GOSUB Getbyte ' and get the next character
IF NOT atozchr THEN ' if not "A" to "Z"
GOSUB Getbyte ' skip ",;"
' get the parameters for an arc
GOSUB GetXYPair ' get the centre X,Y
GOSUB GetNumber ' get the arc angle
arcangle = VAL(number$) ' set the arc angle
' get the chord angle if present, else set to the default value of 5 degrees
IF numeric THEN ' if another number
GOSUB GetNumber ' get the chord angle
chordangle = VAL(number$) ' set the cord angle
chordangle = 5 ' else set the default angle
' set the arc direction and draw the arc
IF arcangle < 0 THEN ' if clockwise
chordangle = - chordangle ' invert the chord angle
' draw the segments of an arc
DO WHILE ABS(arcangle) > ABS(chordangle) ' while more than chordangle to do
currentangle = currentangle - chordangle ' reduce the remaining angle
arcangle = arcangle - chordangle ' calculate the next point angle
absolutex = SIN(currentangle / convangle) * radius + arcx
' calculate the next x
absolutey = COS(currentangle / convangle) * radius + arcy
' calculate the next y
GOSUB DoDraw ' and draw it
' IF arcangle THEN
currentangle = currentangle - arcangle
absolutex = SIN(currentangle / convangle) * radius + arcx
absolutey = COS(currentangle / convangle) * radius + arcy
' draws a wedge edge
arcx = currentx ' wedge centre is the ..
arcy = currenty ' .. current pen position
stackpen = pendown ' save pen mode
pendown = true ' drop pen
stackdraw = drawmode ' save draw mode
drawmode = absolute ' set draw mode
absolutex = SIN(currentangle / convangle) * radius + arcx
absolutey = COS(currentangle / convangle) * radius + arcy
GOSUB DoDraw ' move pen
GOSUB DrawArcDirection ' set direction & draw the arc
absolutex = arcx ' move pen back to the ..
absolutey = arcy ' .. centre of the wedge
GOSUB DoDraw ' move pen
pendown = stackpen ' restore the pen mode
drawmode = stackdraw ' restore the draw mode
' draws a rectangle edge
stackpen = pendown ' save pen mode
pendown = true ' drop pen
stackdraw = drawmode ' save draw mode
drawmode = absolute ' set draw mode
arcx = currentx ' remember origin x
arcy = currenty ' remember origin y
absolutex = arcx + deltax ' horizontal edge
absolutey = arcy ' no change
GOSUB DoDraw ' draw edge
absolutex = arcx + deltax ' no change
absolutey = arcy + deltay ' vertical edge
GOSUB DoDraw ' draw edge
absolutex = arcx ' horizontal edge
absolutey = arcy + deltay ' no change
GOSUB DoDraw ' draw edge
absolutex = arcx ' no change
absolutey = arcy ' vertical edge
GOSUB DoDraw ' draw edge
pendown = stackpen ' restore the pen mode
drawmode = stackdraw ' restore the draw mode
' do draw/move to next co-ordinate pair. _ALL_ HPGL commands end up drawing straight
' lines with the pen either up or down so this is the _ONLY_ routine that does any
' actuall drawing. if this were driving a real plotter table then this would be the
' routine that generates the very basic pen+move commands that the (hopefully)
' interrupt driven lowest level routine understands.
' the bit after IF pretend THEN is used only to autoscale the output for drawing
' on the screen, a real plotter would expect the user to know what the heck they
' are doing and just plot the drawing.
oldx = currentx ' set old position x
oldy = currenty ' set old position y
IF drawmode THEN ' draw absolute
currentx = absolutex ' set current x
currenty = absolutey ' set current y
ELSE ' draw relative
currentx = currentx + absolutex ' set current x
currenty = currenty + absolutey ' set current y
IF pretend THEN ' if not really drawing
IF currentx > maximumxused THEN maximumxused = currentx
IF currenty > maximumyused THEN maximumyused = currenty
IF currentx < minimumxused THEN minimumxused = currentx
IF currenty < minimumyused THEN minimumyused = currenty
ELSEIF pendown THEN ' if pen down
oldx = (oldx - offsetx) / drawscale ' scale x start
oldy = (oldy - offsety) / drawscale ' scale y start
drawx = (currentx - offsetx) / drawscale ' scale x end
drawy = (currenty - offsety) / drawscale ' scale y end
LINE (oldx, 479 - oldy) - (drawx, 479 - drawy)
' draw line
' save screen 12 as a bitmap file
x = INSTR(filename$, ".") ' find the "." in the filename
IF x THEN ' if there was a "."
filestr$ = LEFT$(filename$, x) + "bmp" ' replace the file extension with "bmp"
ELSE ' else there was no "."
filestr$ = filename$ + ".bmp" ' so add ".bmp" to the filename end
OPEN filestr$ FOR OUTPUT AS #9 ' open file for .bmp output
RESTORE SixForty ' .. to the start of the .bmp header
FOR x = 0 TO &h75 ' for each header byte
READ y ' read it
PRINT #9, CHR$(y); ' out to file
FOR y = 479 TO 0 STEP - 1 ' top to bottom
FOR x = 0 TO 638 STEP 2 ' left to right
b = (POINT(x, y) * 16) + POINT(x + 1, y) ' get two 4 bit pixels as a byte
PRINT #9, CHR$(b); ' save the byte to the file
CLOSE #9 ' close the file
' bitmap file header
DATA &h42,&h4D,&h76,&h58,&h02,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h76,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h28,&h00
DATA &h00,&h00,&h80,&h02,&h00,&h00,&hE0,&h01,&h00,&h00,&h01,&h00,&h04,&h00,&h00,&h00
DATA &h00,&h00,&h00,&h58,&h02,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00
DATA &h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00
' bb gg rr 00 ' screen 12 palette
DATA &h00,&h00,&h00,&h00
' 0 — black #000000
DATA &hAA,&h00,&h00,&h00
' 1 — blue #0000AA
DATA &h00,&hAA,&h00,&h00
' 2 — green #00AA00
DATA &hAA,&hAA,&h00,&h00
' 3 — cyan #00AAAA
DATA &h00,&h00,&hAA,&h00
' 4 — red #AA0000
DATA &hAA,&h00,&hAA,&h00
' 5 — magenta #AA00AA
DATA &h00,&h55,&hAA,&h00
' 6 — brown #AA5500
DATA &hAA,&hAA,&hAA,&h00
' 7 — light grey #AAAAAA
DATA &h55,&h55,&h55,&h00
' 8 — dark grey #555555
DATA &hFF,&h55,&h55,&h00
' 9 — bright blue #5555FF
DATA &h55,&hFF,&h55,&h00
' 10 — bright green #55FF55
DATA &hFF,&hFF,&h55,&h00
' 11 — bright cyan #55FFFF
DATA &h55,&h55,&hFF,&h00
' 12 — bright red #FF5555
DATA &hFF,&h55,&hFF,&h00
' 13 — bright magenta #FF55FF
DATA &h55,&hFF,&hFF,&h00
' 14 — yellow #FFFF55
DATA &hFF,&hFF,&hFF,&h00
' 15 — bright white #FFFFFF
' set up the strings that define the font for character plotting
fo$(0) = "PR40,0;" ' " "
fo$(1) = "PR20,0;PD;AR0,5,360;PU0,20;PD5,35;AR-5,0,180;PR5,-35;PU20,-20;"
' "!"
fo$(2) = "PR10,40;PD5,15;AR-5,0,180;PR5,-15;PU20,0;PD5,15;AR-5,0,180;PR5,-15;PU10,_
' """
fo$(3) = "PR10,0;PD0,60;PU20,0;PD0,-60;PU10,20;PD-40,0;PU0,20;PD40,0;PU0,-40;"
' "#"
fo$(4) = "PR20,0;PD0,60;PU20,-20;PD;AR-10,0,90;PR-20,0;AR0,-10,180;PR20,0;AR0,-10,_
' "$"
fo$(5) = "PD40,60;PU-30,-15;PD;AR-5,0,360;PU30,-30;PD;AR-5,0,360;PU0,-15;"
' "%"
fo$(6) = "PU40,15;PD;AR-15,0,-90;PR-10,0;AR0,15,-180;AR0,15,315;PR35.7,-34.3;PU;"
' "&"
fo$(7) = "PU10,40;PD10,15;AR-5,0,180;PR0,-15;PU30,-40;"
' "'"
fo$(8) = "PR25,0;PD;AR40,30,-73.74;PU15,-60;"
' "("
fo$(9) = "PR15,0;PD;AR-40,30,73.74;PU25,-60;"
' ")"
fo$(10) = "PR0,30;PD40,0;PU-10,20;PD-20,-40;PU0,40;PD20,-40;PU10,-10;"
' "*"
fo$(11) = "PU0,30;PD40,0;PU-20,20;PD0,-40;PU20,-10;"
' "+"
fo$(12) = "PU10,-10;PD15,10;PR0,5;AR-5,0,180;PR0,-5,-5,-10;PU30,10;"
' ","
fo$(13) = "PU0,30;PD40,0;PU0,-30;" ' "-"
fo$(14) = "PU20,0;PD;AR0,5,360;PU20,0;" ' "."
fo$(15) = "PD40,60;PU0,-60;" ' "/"
fo$(16) = "PD40,60;PU-40,-45;PD;AR15,0,90;PR10,0;AR0,15,90;PR0,30;AR-15,0,90;PR-10_
' "0"
fo$(17) = "PR10,0;PD20,0;PU-10,0;PD0,60;PD-10,-10;PU30,-50;"
' "1"
fo$(18) = "PR0,45;PD;AR15,0,-90;PR10,0;AR0,-15,-90;PR0,-5;PR-40,-40;PR40,0;PU;"
' "2"
fo$(19) = "PR0,15;PD;AR15,0,90;PR10,0;AR0,15,180;PR-5,0,5,0;AR0,15,180;PR-10,0;AR0_
' "3"
fo$(20) = "PR40,20;PD-40,0;PD20,40;PU10,0;PD0,-60;PU10,0;"
' "4"
fo$(21) = "PR0,15;PD;AR15,0,90;PR10,0;AR0,15,90;PR0,10;AR-15,0,90;PR-10,0;AR0,-15,_
' "5"
fo$(22) = "PR40,45;PD;AR-15,0,90;PR-10,0;AR0,-15,90;PR0,-30;AR15,0,90;PR10,0;AR0,_
' "6"
fo$(23) = "PD40,60;PD-40,0;PU40,-60;" ' "7"
fo$(24) = "PR15,30;PD;AR0,-15,180;PR10,0;AR0,15,180;AR0,15,180;PR-10,0;AR0,-15,180_
' "8"
fo$(25) = "PR0,15;PD;AR15,0,90;PR10,0;AR0,15,90;PR0,30;AR-15,0,90;PR-10,0;AR0,-15,_
' "9"
fo$(26) = "PR20,0;PD;AR0,5,360;PU0,30;PD;AR0,5,360;PU20,-30;"
' ":"
fo$(27) = "PR10,-10;PD15,10;PR0,5;AR-5,0,180;PR0,-5,-5,-10;PU10,40;PD;AR0,5,360;_
' ";"
fo$(28) = "PR40,60;PD-40,-30;PD40,-30;PU;" ' "<"
fo$(29) = "PR0,20;PD40,0;PU0,20;PD-40,0;PU40,-40;"
' "="
fo$(30) = "PR0,60;PD40,-30;PD-40,-30;PU40,0;" ' ">"
fo$(31) = "PR20,10;PD;AR0,-5,360;PU0,10;PD20,20;PR0,5;AR-15,0,90;PR-10,0;AR0,-15,_
' "?"
fo$(32) = "PR30,5;PD-10,0;AR0,20,-90;PR0,10;AR20,0,-180;PR0,-10;AR-5,0,-180;PR0,17_
' "@"
fo$(33) = "PD20,60;PR20,-60;PU-33.33,20;PD26.67,0;PU6.66,-20;"
' "A"
fo$(34) = "PD25,0;AR0,15,180;PR-20,0;PU20,0;PD;AR0,15,180;PR-25,0;PU5,0;PD0,-60;_
' "B"
fo$(35) = "PR40,45;PD;AR-15,0,90;PR-10,0;AR0,-15,90;PR0,-30;AR15,0,90;PR10,0;AR0,_
' "C"
fo$(36) = "PD25,0;AR0,15,90;PR0,30;AR-15,0,90;PR-25,0;PU5,0;PD0,-60;PU35,0;"
' "D"
fo$(37) = "PD0,60;PD40,0;PU-10,-30;PD-30,0;PU0,-30;PD40,0;PU;"
' "E"
fo$(38) = "PD0,60;PD40,0;PU-10,-30;PD-30,0;PU40,-30;"
' "F"
fo$(39) = "PR40,45;PD;AR-15,0,90;PR-10,0;AR0,-15,90;PR0,-30;AR15,0,90;PR10,0;AR0,_
' "G"
fo$(40) = "PD0,60;PU0,-30;PD40,0;PU0,30;PD0,-60;PU;"
' "H"
fo$(41) = "PR10,0;PD20,0;PU-10,0;PD0,60;PU-10,0;PD20,0;PU10,-60;"
' "I"
fo$(42) = "PR0,15;PD;AR15,0,180;PR0,45;PU-10,0;PD20,0;PU0,-60;"
' "J"
fo$(43) = "PD0,60;PU0,-30;PD40,30;PU-40,-30;PD40,-30;PU;"
' "K"
fo$(44) = "PR0,60;PD0,-60;PD40,0;PU;" ' "L"
fo$(45) = "PD0,60;PD20,-30;PD20,30;PD0,-60;PU;"
' "M"
fo$(46) = "PD0,60;PR40,-60;PR0,60;PU0,-60;" ' "N"
fo$(47) = "PR0,15;PD;AR15,0,90;PR10,0;AR0,15,90;PR0,30;AR-15,0,90;PR-10,0;AR0,-15,_
' "O"
fo$(48) = "PR5,0;PD0,60;PU0,-30;PD20,0;AR0,15,180;PR-25,0;PU40,-60;"
' "P"
fo$(49) = "PR0,15;PD;AR15,0,90;PR10,0;AR0,15,90;PR0,30;AR-15,0,90;PR-10,0;AR0,-15,_
' "Q"
fo$(50) = "PR5,0;PD0,60;PU0,-30;PD20,0;AR0,15,180;PR-25,0;PU20,-30;PD20,-30;PU;"
' "R"
fo$(51) = "PR0,15;PD;AR15,0,90;PR10,0;AR0,15,180;PR-10,0;AR0,15,-180;PR10,0;AR0,_
' "S"
fo$(52) = "PR20,0;PD0,60;PU-20,0;PD40,0;PU0,-60;"
' "T"
fo$(53) = "PR0,60;PD0,-45;AR15,0,90;PR10,0;AR0,15,90;PR0,45;PU0,-60;"
' "U"
fo$(54) = "PR0,60;PD20,-60;PD20,60;PU0,-60;" ' "V"
fo$(55) = "PR0,60;PD10,-60;PR10,20;PR10,-20;PR10,60;PU0,-60;"
' "W"
fo$(56) = "PR0,60;PD40,-60;PU0,60;PD-40,-60;PU40,0;"
' "X"
fo$(57) = "PR0,60;PD20,-30;PD0,-30;PU0,30;PD20,30;PU0,-60;"
' "Y"
fo$(58) = "PR0,60;PD40,0;PD-40,-60;PD40,0;PU;"
' "Z"
fo$(59) = "PR25,0;PD-10,0;PR0,60;PD10,0;PU15,-60;"
' "["
fo$(60) = "PR0,60;PD40,-60;PU;" ' "\"
fo$(61) = "PR15,0;PD10,0;PR0,60;PR-10,0;PU25,-60;"
' "]"
fo$(62) = "PR0,40;PD20,20;PD20,-20;PU0,-40;" ' "^"
fo$(63) = "PR0,-10;PD40,0;PU0,10;" ' "_"
fo$(64) = "PR30,40;PD0,15;AR-5,0,180;PR10,-15;PU10,-40;"
' "`"
fo$(65) = "PR5,30;PD;AR10,0,-90;PR15,0;AR0,-10,-90;PR0,-20;AR-10,0,-90;PR-20,0;AR0_
' "a"
fo$(66) = "PD0,60;PU0,-45;PD;AR15,0,90;PR10,0;AR0,15,90;PR0,10;AR-15,0,90;PR-10,0;_
' "b"
fo$(67) = "PR40,25;PD;AR-15,0,90;PR-10,0;AR0,-15,90;PR0,-10;AR15,0,90;PR10,0;AR0,_
' "c"
fo$(68) = "PR40,25;PD;AR-15,0,90;PR-10,0;AR0,-15,90;PR0,-10;AR15,0,90;PR10,0;AR0,_
' "d"
fo$(69) = "PR0,20;PD30,0;AR0,10,180;PD-20,0;AR0,-10,90;PR0,-20;AR10,0,90;PR20,0;_
' "e"
fo$(70) = "PR15,0;PD0,45;AR15,0,-90;PR5,0;PU-30,-30;PD20,0;PU15,-30;"
' "f"
fo$(71) = "PR40,15;PD;AR-15,0,-90;PR-10,0;AR0,15,-90;PR0,10;AR15,0,-90;PR10,0;AR0,_
' "g"
fo$(72) = "PD0,60;PU0,-35;PDAR15,0,-90;PR10,0;AR0,-15,-90;PR0,-25;PU;"
' "h"
fo$(73) = "PR15,0;PD10,0;PU-5,0;PD0,40;PU0,10;PDAR0,5,360;PU20,-50;"
' "i"
fo$(74) = "PR5,-20;PD5,0;AR0,15,90;PD0,45;PU0,10;PDAR0,5,360;PU15,-50;"
' "j"
fo$(75) = "PR5,60;PD0,-60;PU0,20;PD30,20;PU-30,-20;PD30,-20;PU5,0;"
' "k"
fo$(76) = "PR15,0;PD;PR10,0;PU-5,0;PD0,55;AR-5,0,90;PU25,-60;"
' "l"
fo$(77) = "PD0,40;PU0,-10;PD;AR10,0,-180;PU0,-30;PD0,30;AR10,0,-180;PR0,-30;PU;"
' "m"
fo$(78) = "PD0,40;PU0,-15;PD;AR15,0,-90;PR10,0;AR0,-15,-90;PR0,-25;PU;"
' "n"
fo$(79) = "PR0,15;PD;AR15,0,90;PR10,0;AR0,15,90;PR0,10;AR-15,0,90;PR-10,0;AR0,-15,_
' "o"
fo$(80) = "PR0,-20;PD0,60;PU0,-25;PD;AR15,0,90;PR10,0;AR0,15,90;PR0,10;AR-15,0,90;_
' "p"
fo$(81) = "PR40,25;PD;AR-15,0,90;PR-10,0;AR0,-15,90;PR0,-10;AR15,0,90;PR10,0;AR0,_
' "q"
fo$(82) = "PD0,40;PU0,-15;PD;AR15,0,-90;PR10,0;AR0,-15,-90;PU0,-25;"
' "r"
fo$(83) = "PR0,10;PD;AR10,0,90;PR20,0;AR0,10,180;PR-20,0;AR0,10,-180;PR20,0;AR0,_
' "s"
fo$(84) = "PU5,30;PD20,0;PU-10,30;PD0,-45;AR15,0,90;PD5,0;PU5,0;"
' "t"
fo$(85) = "PR0,40;PD0,-25;AR15,0,90;PR10,0;AR0,15,90;PU0,25;PD0,-40;PU;"
' "u"
fo$(86) = "PR0,40;PD20,-40;PD20,40;PU0,-40;" ' "v"
fo$(87) = "PR0,40;PD10,-40;PR10,20;PR10,-20;PR10,40;PU0,-40;"
' "w"
fo$(88) = "PD40,40;PU-40,0;PD40,-40;PU;" ' "x"
fo$(89) = "PR0,40;PD20,-40;PU20,40;PD-30,-60;PU30,20;"
' "y"
fo$(90) = "PR0,40;PD40,0;PD-40,-40;PD40,0;PU;"
' "z"
fo$(91) = "PR25,60;PD;AR0,-5,90;PR0,-20;PR-5,-5;PR5,-5;PR0,-20;AR5,0,90;PU15,0;"
' "{"
fo$(92) = "PR20,0;PD0,60;PU20,-60;" ' "|"
fo$(93) = "PR15,0;PD;AR0,5,90;PR0,20;PR5,5;PR-5,5;PR0,20;AR-5,0,90;PU25,-60;"
' "}"
fo$(94) = "PR0,30;PD;AR10,0,-180;AR10,0,180;PU0,-30;"
' "~"
fo$(95) = "PD40,0;PD0,60;PD-40,0;PD0,-60;PU40,0;"
' "[DEL]"
' calculates the radius of an arc given the certre and a point on the arc
FUNCTION CalcRadius(xcentre, ycentre, xpoint, ypoint) STATIC
CalcRadius = SQR((xpoint - xcentre) ^ 2 + (ypoint - ycentre) ^ 2)
' calculates the angle of a point on an arc from the certre of an arc
FUNCTION CalcAngle(xcentre, ycentre, xpoint, ypoint) STATIC
xdelta = xpoint - xcentre ' calculate relative x
ydelta = ypoint - ycentre ' calculate relative y
IF xdelta > 0 THEN ' if we're in the right semicircle
CalcAngle = 90 - ATN(ydelta / xdelta) * convangle
' start at 90 degrees
ELSEIF xdelta < 0 THEN ' if we're in the left semicircle
CalcAngle = 270 - ATN(ydelta / xdelta) * convangle
' start at 270 degrees
CalcAngle = - 180 * (ydelta < 0) ' else 0 or 180 degrees