Up one PCBAmiga, icon tooltypes. By Lee Davison. Up to top

Tooltype conventions.
Anything shown between qoutes and in upper case is one of a number of options.
<n> is a +ve integer

"<path>" is a valid AmigaDos path such as "SYS:boards/"

"<pattern>" is a valid AmigaDos match pattern e.g. "#?.board"

"<filename>" is a valid AmigaDos filename e.g. "board.pcb"

In all cases, where a multiple option exists, the default option is shown first e.g. "ON"|"OFF" defaults to on and "OFF"|"ON" defaults to off.

You don't actually need to enter the default condition as that value will be assumed if no other value matches or if that tooltype is missing.

These tooltypes can be used in either the program's icon or program project icons. (Project icon magic not implemented yet!)

Window set tooltypes.

These tooltypes set the window size and position on startup or when a project file is loaded. If the SCREENNAME is CUSTOM then the window size and position values will be ignored and the whole screen used.
 WINDOWTOP=<n>		How far down the screen the draw window top edge is.
			Range 0 to (screenheight-50)

 WINDOWLEFT=<n>		How far from the left the draw window left edge is.
			Range 0 to (screenwidth-100)

 WINDOWX=<n>		How wide the draw window will be.
			Range 100 to screen width.

 WINDOWY=<n>		How high the draw window will be.
			Range 50 to screen height

 ZOOMLEVEL=<n>		Startup zoom level. Default is 6. Range is 1 to 6

 CENTERX=<n>		Startup X center. This value is in inches*480 from
			the left edge. Range is 0 to 8159. Default is 4080

 CENTERY=<n>		Startup Y center. This value is in inches*480 from
			the bottom edge. Range is 0 to 8159. Default is 4080
Operation set tooltypes.

				Start snap size.

 GRID="ON"|"OFF"		Draw grid on/off

 BORDER="ON"|"OFF"		Draw border on/off

 UNITS="IN"|"MM"		Draw area units inches/mm

 COORDMODE="ABS"|"REL"		Draw co-ord mode. Absolute is from bottom
				left, relative is from the set origin.

 ORIGINX=<n>			Startup origin X. This value is in
				inches*480 from the left edge. Range is 0
				to 8159. Default is 0

 ORIGINY=<n>			Startup origin Y. This value is in
				inches*480 from the bottom edge. Range is
				0 to 8159. Default is 0

 RUBBERBAND="ON"|"OFF"		Track and block mode rubberbanding on/off.

 TRACKS="ON"|"OFF"		Tracks on/off

 PADS="ON"|"OFF"		Pads on/off

 TEXT="ON"|"OFF"		Text on/off

 SYMBOLS="ON"|"OFF"		Symbols on/off
Colour tooltypes.
 The colour.number gives the number of the colour that that layer will be
 rendered in. It does not give the RGB colour values. Any numbers higher
 than the number of available colours will be mapped to the lower number
 range. i.e. On a 4 colour screen number 4 becomes 0, number 5 becomes 1..

 LAYERCOLOUR0=<colour.number>	Lower silk colour. Anything appearing on
				the lower silk will be this colour.

 LAYERCOLOUR1=<colour.number>	Layer 1 colour.....

 LAYERCOLOUR2=<colour.number>	Layer 2 colour.....

 LAYERCOLOUR3=<colour.number>	Layer 3 colour.....

 LAYERCOLOUR4=<colour.number>	Layer 4 colour.....

 LAYERCOLOUR5=<colour.number>	Layer 5 colour.....

 LAYERCOLOUR6=<colour.number>	Layer 6 colour.....

 LAYERCOLOUR7=<colour.number>	Layer 7 colour.....

 LAYERCOLOUR8=<colour.number>	Layer 8 colour.....

 LAYERCOLOUR9=<colour.number>	Upper silk colour.....

 LAYERCOLOURALL=<colour.number>	All layer colour. Anything appearing on
				every layer, such as pads, will be this

 HOLECOLOUR==<colour.number>	Pad hole fill colour. Pad holes will be
				rendered in this colour.
Track tooltypes.
 AUTOVIA="ON"|"OFF"	Track auto via on/off.


			Track layout angle. "MULTI" allows tracks to be laid
			at any angle. "90FIX" will fix all freehand tracks
			to either up/down or left/right. "45FIX" will fix
			all freehand tracks to up/down, left/right or either
			ofthe 45 degree angles.

 TRACKLAYER=<n>		Startup track layer. Range 0 to 9 where 0 is the
			lower silk and 9 is the upper silk. Default is 1.

 TRACKWIDTH=<n>		Startup track size. Range 1 to 8. Default is 2.


			Track pickup mode. PARTIAL will act on any track
			node in range. WHOLE will only act if all the track
			nodes are in range.
Pad setup tooltypes.
 PADLAYER=<n>		Startup pad layer. Range is 1 to 9 where 1 to 8 is
			the layer no. and 9 is all layers. Default is 9.

 PADSIZE=<n>		Startup pad size. Range is 1 to 16 where 16 is the
			auto via size. Default is 4.

 PADVARIANT=<n>		Startup pad variant. Range is 1 to 12. Default is 4.
Text setup tooltypes.
 TEXTLAYER=<n>		Startup text layer. Range is 0 to 9. Default is 9.

 TEXTSIZE=<n>		Startup text size. Range is 1 to 4. Default is 1.

 TEXTWIDTH=<n>		Startup text width. Range is 1 to 8. Default is 1.


			The four valid text angles.

 TEXTFLIP="NO"|"YES"	Flip text.
Symbol setup tooltypes.
 SYMBOLLAYER=<n>			Symbol layer. Range is 1 to 8

 SYMBOLANGLE="0"|"90"|"180"|"270"	The four valid symbol angles.

 SYMBOLFLIP="NO"|"YES"			Flip symbol.
Print setup tooltypes.
 PRINTLAYER0="ON"|"OFF"			Lower silk print.

 PRINTLAYER1="ON"|"OFF"			Layer 1 print.

 PRINTLAYER2="OFF"|"ON"			Layer 2 print.

 PRINTLAYER3="OFF"|"ON"			Layer 3 print.

 PRINTLAYER4="OFF"|"ON"			Layer 4 print.

 PRINTLAYER5="OFF"|"ON"			Layer 5 print.

 PRINTLAYER6="OFF"|"ON"			Layer 6 print.

 PRINTLAYER7="OFF"|"ON"			Layer 7 print.

 PRINTLAYER8="ON"|"OFF"			Layer 8 print.

 PRINTLAYER9="ON"|"OFF"			Upper silk print.

 PRINTTOGETHER="NO"|"YES"		Print layers together

 PRINTSCALE ????				Not implemented yet

 PRINTINVERSE"NO"|"YES"			Print as white on black.

Program tooltypes.
These tooltypes are exclusively for the program icon and have no use for project icons.


The screen you want the program to open on. If "" or "WORKBENCH" is given then it will try to open on the workbench screen. If "CUSTOM" is given it will open on it's own screen.
 DRAWINGTYPE="LAYOUT"|"SCHEMATIC"	Select startup drawing type

DRAWINGMODE="DESIGN"|"SYMBOL" Select the startup drawing mode

PCBPATH "<path>"
SCHPATH "<path>"
LLBPATH "<path>"
SLBPATH "<path>"
 PCBPATH="<path>"		PCB save/load path. Default is "PCB/"

 SCHPATH="<path>"		SCH save/load path. Default is "SCH/"

 LLBPATH="<path>"		LLB save/load path. Default is "LLB/"

 SLBPATH="<path>"		SLB save/load path. Default is "SLB/"
PCBPATTERN "<pattern>"
SCHPATTERN "<pattern>"
LLBPATTERN "<pattern>"
SLBPATTERN "<pattern>"
 PCBPATTERN="<pattern>"		PCB save/load pattern. Default is "#?.PCB"

 SCHPATTERN="<pattern>"		SCH save/load pattern. Default is "#?.SCH"

 LLBPATTERN="<pattern>"		LLB save/load pattern. Default is "#?.LLB"

 SLBPATTERN="<pattern>"		SLB save/load pattern. Default is "#?.SLB"
LAYOUTLIB "<filename>"
SCHEMALIB "<filename>"
 LAYOUTLIB="<filename>"		Layout library name Default is "symb.LLB"

 SCHEMALIB="<filename>"		Schematic library name Default is "symb.SLB"
LAYOUTFILE "<filename>"
SCHEMAFILE "<filename>"
 If either filename is "" then startup file loading is supressed.

 LAYOUTFILE="<filename>"	Layout loaded on startup. The default is

 SCHEMAFILE="<filename>"	Schematic loaded on startup. The default is

Last page update: 13th August, 2003. e-mail me e-mail