Up one PCBAmiga, text functions. By Lee Davison. Up to top

Placing text.

To place text on the drawing you can either select the Operation, New text menu or use the hotkey [F6]. If you use the menu then the program will wait for you to click the mouse before placing the text.

Entering the string.

Once the text origin is placed you will be presented with a string request window to enter the text. Entering a null string at this point will cancel the function.

Now the text is in you can alter any of it's attributes before fixing it in place.

Text size.

Text can be in any one of four sizes. To change the size of text either select it from the Text, size menu or use the hotkey [s] and click on a size.

Text width.

Text can be drawn using one of eight line widths.To change the width of text lines either select it from the Text, width menu or use the hotkey [w] and click on a width.

Text layer.

Text can appear on any of the 10 layers. To chose a layer either select a layer from the Text, layer menu or use the hotkey [l].

Text flip.

If the text is to appear on the reverse of the board it can be reversed by selecting Text, flip from the menus or by using the hotkey [f].

Text angle.

Text can be placed at any of four angles. The angle can be selected from the Text, angle menu or by using the hotkey [a].

Fixing the text.

Once you are happy with the text it cen be fixed in place by pressing the right mouse button, pressing [ESC] or [RETURN].

Last page update: 13th August, 2003. e-mail me e-mail