Up one PCBAmiga, navigation. By Lee Davison. Up to top

Moving & zooming.
To pan around the display simply either ..

Select "Pan" from the "Operation" menu, position the pointer over where you want to go and click the left mouse button.

.. or ..

Position the pointer over where you want to go and press the p key.

Cursor keys.
The cursor keys can also be used to move you round the board, eack keypress will move you about 1/4 the current window width until you reach the edge of the board. This is a slow way to move but handy for those 'just can't see it times'.

To get a real feel for navigating around load up one of the demo PCBs and have a go with that.

There are six levels of zoom available in Easy PCB Amiga, from the full board visible in 1/4 a 640x512 screen (fully out) to 1 pixel per point (fully in). The step between each level is a factor of 2.

(On a 14" monitor this equates to a range from 1/4 full size to 8 times full size approx. with Zoom level 4 giving a near 1:1 picture)

There are 4 ways to zoom in & out, from the "Zoom" item in the "Operation" menu either ..

Select "In" or "Out" to zoom in or out one level.

.. or ..

Select any of "1" to "6" to go directly to that level.

You can also zoom using the keyboard by placing the pointer as you did to pan and then either ..

Pressing [RIGHT AMIGA t] to zoom in 1 level or [RIGHT AMIGA w] to zoom out 1 level.

.. or ..

Pressing any of keys 1 to 6 to go directly to that level.

There is a difference between using the menus or the keyboard in that when you use the keyboard to go directly to a level it performs a pan as well as zooming. This saves time and also means that you can use the keys to pan round the board at that level.

Last page update: 13th August, 2003. e-mail me e-mail