Up one PCBAmiga, menus. By Lee Davison. Up to top

Layout, Schematic,Design,Symbol.
"  Layout   "  These four items can be thought of as two two way switches.
" Schematic "  One switch toggles either layout or schematic mode and the
"  Design   "  other toggles design or symbol mode.
"  Symbol   "

 Layout mode is for PCB production. Up to 8 track layers and two silk layers
 can be used. The program defautlts to the layout library files (#?.LLB) for
 symbols and to printed circuit board files (#?.PCB) for designs.

 Schematic mode is for producing schematics. You are restricted to one layer
 and two silk layers. The program defautlts to the schematic library files
 (#?.SLB) for symbols and to schematic files (#?.SCH) for designs.

 Design mode is for creating complete designs. Either PCBs or schematics.

 Symbol mode is for creating or editing symbol libraries.
Edit track F1.
New track F2.
" Edit track   F1 "   Edit track puts you in edit mode on the nearest
" New track    F2 "   track node. If no track is within range, or
		      there are no tracks, then an error message will be

 New track allows you to start a new track. Once the track is started the
 functions are those for edit track mode with the one difference that the
 last mode is set to new track and not edit track.
Edit pad F3.
New pad F4.
" Edit pad     F3 "   Edit pad puts you in edit mode on the nearest
" New pad      F4 "   pad. If no pad is within range, or there are no
		      pads, then an error message will be generated.

 New pad allows you to create a new pad. Once the pad is started the
 functions are those for edit pad mode with the one difference that the
 last mode is set to new pad and not edit pad.
Edit text F5.
New text F6.
" Edit text    F5 "   Edit text puts you in edit mode on the origin of
" New text     F6 "   the nearest text. If no text is within range, or
		      there is no text, then an error message will be

 New text allows you to enter and placea new text string. Once the text is
 placed the functions are those for edit text mode with the one difference
 that the last mode is set to new text and not edit text.
Edit symbol F7.
New symbol F8.
" Edit symbol  F7 "   Edit symbol puts you in edit mode on the origin
" New symbol   F8 "   of the nearest symbol. If no symbol is within
		      range, or there are no symbols then an error message
		      will be generated.

 New symbol allows you to select, and place, a new symbol. Once the symbol
 is placed the functions are as those for edit symbol with the one difference
 that the last mode is set to new symbol and not edit symbol
Block mode F10.
Enters block mode.
Load L.
Load design.
Save S.
Save design.
Load library.
Loads a new library.
New library.
Is actually a clear lib function. Creates an empty library.
Save symbol.
Save symbol. May dump this and merge it with save.
"  Draft "   These three select the printout density of
" Normal "   either the whole area or any active block.
"  Bold  "   This may be removed from the final program.
Clear all ŸF3.
Clears the entire draw area. May ask first.
Status Help.
Displays the program status window. (Memory used etc.)
Quit Q.
Exits the program. May ask "save"? or "are you sure"?
" In    T "  Zoom in one level
" Out   W "  Zoom out one level
" Zm 1  1 "  Go to zoom level 1
" Zm 2  2 "  Go to zoom level 2
" Zm 3  3 "  Go to ...
" Zm 4  4 "  - " -
" Zm 5  5 "  - " -
" Zm 6  6 "  - " -
Angle a.
" Multi  "  Selects track angle fixes. Multi allows any angle
" 45 Fix "  45 fix only allows horizontal, vertical and diagonals
" 90 Fix "  90 fix only allows horizontal and vertical tracks
Pan p.
Pan cursor position to centre screen.
Grid g.
Turn drawing grid on/off.
Scale Ÿg.
No info yet.
Snap m.
"  Grid  "  Changes the snap mode. Grid, half and quater arev self
"  Half  "  explanitory. Free is freehand. Near isn't implemented
" Quater "  yet!
"  Free  "
"  Near  "
Set origin O.
Set cursor position as users origin.
Go origin o.
Pan to origin (if off screen).
Units i.
Selects co-ordinates to be in inches or mm.
Rel/Abs A.
Selects absolute or relative co-ordinate display.
Rubberband x.
Turns rubberbanding on/off.
Repeat r.
Repeats the current track, pad, text, symbol or block at the cursor position.
Shift s.
Shifts a track, text or block to the cursor position.
Current c.
Pans you to the current edit point, symbol, text, pad or block but only if this point is off screen.
Zap ŸZ.
Will delete a whole track, a text string, a symbol etc. Usually asks for confirmation (if enabled (I think?)).
Delete ŸD.
Deletes one track node.
Home h.
Moves the edit node to the first node on the track.
Back b.
Moves the edit node to the previous node on the track.
Next n.
Moves the edit node to the next node on the track.
End e.
Moves the edit node to last node on the track.
Arc/Circle Ÿa.
Makes circles from two node tracks.
Delete segments to make just an arc
All layer.
" Lower silk "  Set the layer of the whole track.
" Layer 1    "
" Layer 2    "
" Layer 3    "
" Layer 4    "
" Layer 5    "
" Layer 6    "
" Layer 7    "
" Layer 8    "
" Upper silk "
Seg layer.
" Lower silk "  Set the layer of the next track segment.
" Layer 1    "  Will insert auto via pad if enabled.
" Layer 2    "
" Layer 3    "
" Layer 4    "
" Layer 5    "
" Layer 6    "
" Layer 7    "
" Layer 8    "
" Upper silk "
All width.
" 1 "  Set the width of the whole track.
" 2 "
" 3 "
" 4 "
" 5 "
" 6 "
" 7 "
" 8 "
Seg width.
" 1 " Set the width of the next track segment.
" 2 "
" 3 "
" 4 "
" 5 "
" 6 "
" 7 "
" 8 "
Invert i.
Reverses the sequence of track nodes.
Flip f.
Errrrrrm ... forgotten ! ??
" Layer 1   "  Allows you to select the pad layer.
" Layer 2   "
" Layer 3   "
" Layer 4   "
" Layer 5   "
" Layer 6   "
" Layer 7   "
" Layer 8   "
" All layer "
"  1  "  Allows you to select the pad size.
"  2  "
"  3  "
"  4  "
"  5  "
"  6  "
"  7  "
"  8  "
"  9  "
" 10  "
" 11  "
" 12  "
" 13  "
" 14  "
" 15  "
" Via "
[Pad variants] Allows you to select one of these funky pad shapes.
Edit text t.
Allows you to edit the text string.
" Lower silk "  Sets the text layer.
" Layer 1    "
" Layer 2    "
" Layer 3    "
" Layer 4    "
" Layer 5    "
" Layer 6    "
" Layer 7    "
" Layer 8    "
" Upper silk "
" 1 "  Sets the text size.
" 2 "
" 3 "
" 4 "
" 1 "  Sets the text width.
" 2 "
" 3 "
" 4 "
" 5 "
" 6 "
" 7 "
" 8 "
" Normal      "  Rotates the text about the origin by the
" -90 degrees "  ammount shown.                            
" 180 degrees "
" +90degrees  "
Flip f.
Flips the text (left/right) about the origin.
Edit text t.
Allows you to edit the symbol text (visibility & position?)
" Layer 1 "  Selects the symbol layer.
" Layer 2 "
" Layer 3 "
" Layer 4 "
" Layer 5 "
" Layer 6 "
" Layer 7 "
" Layer 8 "
 " Normal      "  Rotates the symbol about the origin by the
 " -90 degrees "  ammount shown.
 " 180 degrees "
 " +90degrees  "
Flip f.
Flips the symbol about the origin.
Rotates the active block clockwise about the cursor. Will wait for the mouse click if hotkey not used.
Rotates the active block anticlockwise about the cursor (not implemented yet). Will wait for the mouse click if hotkey not used.
Flips the active block about the cursor. Will wait for the mouse click if hotkey not used.
Will allow the setup of track widths, pad inner and outer sizes etc.
Will allow setup of default paths etc. Not implemented yet.
Just a collection of buttons at the moment. Click close to exit.
Set the palette preferences. Not implemented yet.
Set the screen preferences. Not implemented yet.

Last page update: 13th August, 2003. e-mail me e-mail