Up one PCBAmiga, Features. By Lee Davison. Up to top

  • Easy creation and editing of both printed circuit board layouts and of circuit (schematic) diagrams.
  • Proper WYSIWYG layout editing of tracks, pads, text and symbols.
  • Selectable track, pad and text, sizes and widths.
  • Up to eight track, and two silk, layers available.
  • PCB and schematic symbol libraries.
  • Output on standard Amiga printer device (but not yet).
  • Boards up to 17" x 17"
  • 8 track widths and 16 pad sizes (not counting symbol parts) per design.
  • Up to 5000 tracks with 13000 nodes per design (not counting symbol tracks).
  • Up to 10000 pads per design (not counting symbol pads).
  • Text in 4 sizes and 8 widths (any combination) Up to 20000 characters on any layer and in any of four orientations. Reverse text also possible.
  • Up to 1500 symbols (100 different) per layout.
  • Library independant designs (symbols are stored with the design).
  • Placement down to 1/480th inch.
  • Grid/half/quater/near/free snapping.
  • Repeat, flip & move functions.
  • Auto via on track layer change.
  • Support for SMD symbols.
  • Tracks can be freehand or fixed to 45 degree or 90 degree angles.
  • Easy generation of circles and arcs.
  • Full range zoom from whole board visible to 1 pixel per point.
  • Easy pan & zoom controls.

  • Last page update: 13th August, 2003. e-mail me e-mail