NIC EhBASIC driver. by Lee Davison

EhBASIC source

This code provides ARP, ICMP and TCP/IP function enough to be PINGed and to serve the four embedded web pages. It's not fast, taking 2000+ mS for a PING reply and as little as forty seconds to serve a web page, but it does work.

Another version for the 3Com 3C509B series of cards is available.


The code has been tidied to remove some un needed variables and to merge the payload buffers into one. A timer has been implemented to allow the TCP state machine to time out without having to wait for any number of TCP packets to arrive. Lastly the last two IP address digits are now copied from the MAC address of the card, so you don't have to clear the ARP tables every time you try a new card.

This is not a finished product by any means, it is just a proof of concept, and is presented only as a starting point for anyone else.

Things to note.

Lines that start with a colon are completely ignored by the interpreter.

Strings in DATA statements do not need quotes round them as long as they don't contain colons or commas, and do not start with spaces. Strings without quotes start with the first non space character after the DATA keyword or comma.

: *********************************************************************
: generic 8390/NEx000 driver in EhBASIC

: supports ARP, ICMP echo, passive TCP/IP & very basic HTTP

: changes

: now gets last two digits of the IP address from the card MAC

: now includes TCP timeouts using an onboard timer

: ethernet header and payload buffers merged into ip(i)

10 DIM ph(3) : REM packet header buffer
11 DIM pr(31) : REM NIC card PROM contents
12 DIM ip(1513) : REM packet buffer
15 DIM mi(3) : REM my ip address
16 mi(0)=169 : mi(1)=254 : REM get last digits from MAC address
17 cr$ = CHR$($0D) : lf$ = CHR$($0A) : el$ = cr$+lf$

: 38067 port equates

20 p4 = $08 : REM port 4 data
21 d4 = $09 : REM port 4 direction
22 d6 = $0D : REM port 6 direction

: assembly routines to read and write to NIC

30 DOKE $44,$EF20 : REM USR(n) = read from NIC register n
31 rr = $EF00 : REM write to NIC call address

: initialise ports

40 POKE p4,PEEK(p4) OR $83 : REM no read, nowrite and reset
41 POKE d4,PEEK(d4) OR $83 : REM port bits to outputs
42 POKE d6,PEEK(d6) OR $1F : REM address bits to outputs
44 FOR w=1 TO 6 : NEXT : REM delay for at least 1.6mS
46 POKE p4,PEEK(p4) AND $7F : REM no reset

: vc flags that a potentially valid card is present
: vp flags that a potentially valid packet is being processed

50 vc = 0 : REM no valid card found
51 vp = 0 : REM no valid packet received

: frequently used values

60 cr = $00 : REM NIC command register
61 dr = $10 : REM NIC data register
62 is = $07 : REM NIC interrupt status register

63 ls = $08 : REM NIC start address low byte
64 hs = $09 : REM NIC start address high byte
65 lc = $0A : REM NIC byte count low byte
66 hc = $0B : REM NIC byte count high byte
67 rc = $0C : REM NIC config Rx
68 tc = $0D : REM NIC config Tx

: TCP arrays & variables

70 ts = 1 : REM TCP state = listen
71 DIM rn(3) : REM received TCP sequence number
72 DIM mq(3) : REM our TCP sequence number
73 DIM si(3) : REM senders ip address

: *********************************************************************
: test for NIC and initialise if found

100 GOSUB 10000 : REM look for NIC
105 IF vc=0 THEN END : REM no card found
110 GOSUB 10500 : REM initialise NIC

115 INT0 + : REM interrupt on rising edge
120 ON INT0 20000 : REM handle interrupt

125 PRES12 249 : TIMER1 199 : REM set for approx 100mS
130 ON TIMER1 12000 : REM go do countdown

: *********************************************************************
: main program loop

200 DO
205 ? : ? "Waiting..."

210 DO : LOOP UNTIL vp : REM wait for valid packet

: now decipher packet info

255 IF ip($0C)<>8 THEN ? "Unrecognised packet type" : GOTO 275
260 IF ip($0D)=6 THEN GOSUB 21000 : GOTO 275 : REM ARP packet
265 IF ip($0D) THEN ? "Unknown IP packet type" : GOTO 275

: only type left is known IP type

270 GOSUB 21500 : REM handle known IP packet type

: now see if any more packets are in the buffer

275 CALL rr,cr,$22 : REM page 0, no DMA
285 bd = USR($03)+1 : REM get buffer boundary value + 1
290 IF bd=$61 THEN bd = $46 : REM wrap pointer
295 CALL rr,cr,$62 : REM page 1, no DMA
300 cp = USR($07) : REM get buffer current page
305 IF cp=bd THEN vp = 0 : GOTO 995 : REM flag done with last packet

: else possibly more data in buffer, so go get and validate packet

310 GOSUB 11500 : REM get the packet from the NIC

: if packet valid then don't wait, just do it

315 IF vp THEN 255 : REM if valid then go process it

: else just ignore it and check for next

325 GOTO 275 : REM else go check for more packets

995 LOOP

999 END : REM should never get here

: *********************************************************************
: try and find an NEx000 type network interface card

09999 REM probe NIC
10000 CALL rr,cr,$20 : REM page 0, no DMA
10005 by = USR($0D) : REM clear the counter
10010 by = USR($0D) : REM get the counter

: now if the counter <> 0, then we don't have a NEx000 card, so exit

10015 IF by THEN ? "No card found!" : RETURN
: found a card so reset it

10020 CALL rr,is,$80 : REM clear reset bit
10025 IF (USR(is) AND $80) THEN ? "Can't clear reset ack!" : RETURN

: it's reset now test the interrupt connection

10030 CALL rr,is,$FF : REM clear all pending interrupts
10035 IF (PEEK(p4) AND $04) THEN ? "Can't clear interrupt!" : RETURN

: read the NIC PROM into array

: we probably only need the first 6 bytes which
: are this card's MAC address

10040 CALL rr,cr,$21 : REM page 0, stop
10045 CALL rr,$0E,$48 : REM 8 byte FIFO, normal operation
10050 CALL rr,lc,$00 : REM set remote byte count low
10055 CALL rr,hc,$00 : REM set remote byte count high
10060 CALL rr,$0F,$00 : REM mask all interrupts off
10065 CALL rr,is,$FF : REM ack all pending interrupts
10070 CALL rr,rc,$20 : REM Rx config to no store & reject (nearly) all
10075 CALL rr,tc,$02 : REM Tx config to internal loopback
10080 CALL rr,lc,$20 : REM set remote byte count low
10085 CALL rr,hc,$00 : REM set remote byte count high
10090 CALL rr,ls,$00 : REM set remote start address low
10095 CALL rr,hs,$00 : REM set remote start address high
10100 CALL rr,cr,$0A : REM remote read

10105 FOR i=0 TO 31 : REM loop 31 times
10110 by = USR(dr) : pr(i) = USR(dr) : REM dummy read then read byte
10115 ? " ";HEX$(pr(i),2); : REM display value
10120 IF (i AND $7)=$7 THEN ?
10125 NEXT
10127 mi(2)=pr(4) : mi(3)=pr(5) : REM IP address last two digits

: lets try triggering an interrupt and see if all is well

10130 CALL rr,$0F,$50 : REM allow DMA complete and overwrite warning
10135 CALL rr,lc,$00 : REM set receive byte count low
10140 CALL rr,hc,$00 : REM set receive byte count high
10145 CALL rr,cr,$0A : REM trigger it with remote read

: wait a small amount of time, if no interrupt then assumed broken card

: note main interrupt handling is not started yet

10150 to = 1000 : REM set timeout count
10155 DO
10160 by = PEEK(p4) AND $04
10165 DEC to
10170 LOOP UNTIL by OR (to=$00)

10175 CALL rr,$0F,$00 : REM mask it off again
10180 IF to=0 THEN ? "No interrupt!" : RETURN

10185 ? "Card OK - IP address 169 . 254 .";mi(2);" .";mi(3)
10190 vc = -1 : REM flag card found
10195 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: initialise the NIC
: use National Semiconductors 8390 programming sequence

10499 REM initialise NIC

10500 CALL rr,cr,$21 : REM page 0, stop
10510 CALL rr,$0E,$48 : REM 8 byte FIFO, normal operation
10515 CALL rr,lc,$00 : REM clear remote byte count low
10520 CALL rr,hc,$00 : REM clear remote byte count high

: set monitor and loopback mode

10525 CALL rr,rc,$20 : REM Rx config to no store & reject (nearly) all
10530 CALL rr,tc,$02 : REM Tx config to internal loopback

: set transmit page and receive ring

10535 CALL rr,$04,$40 : REM set Tx start page
10540 CALL rr,$01,$46 : REM set Rx start page
10545 CALL rr,$03,$60 : REM set boundry
10550 CALL rr,$02,$60 : REM set Rx stop page

: clear any pending interrupts

10555 CALL rr,is,USR(is) : REM ack all pending
10560 CALL rr,$0F,$00 : REM mask all interrupts

: copy MAC address to the network card

10565 CALL rr,cr,$61 : REM page 1, stop

10570 FOR i=0 TO 5 : REM need to shift in 6 bytes
10575 CALL rr,i+1,pr(i) : REM byte from prom to card
10580 NEXT

10585 FOR i=$08 TO $0F : REM need to shift in 8 bytes
10590 CALL rr,i,$FF : REM set multicast mask byte
10595 NEXT

10600 CALL rr,$07,$46 : REM set current page
10605 CALL rr,cr,$21 : REM page 0, stop
10610 CALL rr,is,$FF : REM ack all interrupts
10615 CALL rr,$0F,$3F : REM allow all interrupts
10620 CALL rr,cr,$22 : REM page 0, no DMA

: enable the transmitter

10625 CALL rr,tc,$00 : REM Tx to normal

: enable the receiver

10630 CALL rr,rc,$04 : REM Rx to accept broadcast
10635 np = $46 : REM init no packets received

10640 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: get the ethernet header from the NIC - puts it in ph(n)

10999 REM GetHdr
11000 CALL rr,cr,$22 : REM page 0, no DMA
11010 CALL rr,lc,$04 : REM set header length low
11015 CALL rr,hc,$00 : REM set header length high
11020 CALL rr,ls,$00 : REM From this page low
11025 CALL rr,hs,np  : REM From this page high
11030 CALL rr,cr,$0A : REM remote read

11035 FOR i=0 TO 3
11040 ph(i) = USR(dr) : REM get byte
11045 NEXT

11050 CALL rr,cr,$22 : REM page 0, no DMA
11060 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: get the packet from the NIC
: gets the header and the payload when a good packet is indicated
: sets vp true if packet is really valid

11499 REM get packet
11500 vp = -1 : tp = vp : REM flag getting packet & this packet good
11505 CALL rr,cr,$60 : REM page 1, no DMA
11510 cp = USR($07) : REM read current Rx page
11515 IF cp=np THEN tp = 0 : GOTO 11570 : REM if curr = next then exit
11520 GOSUB 11000 : REM else get the header
11525 IF (ph(0) AND $01)=0 THEN : tp = 0 : GOTO 11550 : REM dump bad

11530 GOSUB 11700 : REM else was an OK packet so get it
11535 IF rl>1500 THEN tp = 0 : REM dump packets that are too big
11540 np = ph(1) : REM get next page value
11545 cp = np : REM make current page = next page
11547 IF np=$60 THEN np = $46

11550 DEC cp : REM boundary is always 1 less than next page
11555 IF cp=$45 THEN cp = $60 : REM roll ring back
11560 CALL rr,cr,$22 : REM page 0, no DMA
11565 CALL rr,$03,cp : REM set new boundary

11570 vp = tp : REM set packet status to this packet status
11575 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: gets the payload from the NIC
: the ethernet packet and payload is stored in ip(i)

11699 REM BlockInput

11700 rl = ph(2)+ph(3)*256 : REM get length
11705 IF ph(2) AND 1 THEN INC rl : REM make even
11710 IF rl>1500 THEN 11775 : REM dump too big packets

11715 CALL rr,cr,$22 : REM page 0, no DMA
11720 CALL rr,lc,ph(2) : REM size of payload low byte
11725 CALL rr,hc,ph(3) : REM size of payload high byte

11730 CALL rr,ls,$04 : REM + 4 to remove the header from the frame
11735 CALL rr,hs,np : REM set page pointer

11740 CALL rr,cr,$0A : REM page 0, remote read

11745 FOR i=0 TO rl-1 : ip(i) = USR(dr) : NEXT : REM read bytes

11770 CALL rr,cr,$22 : REM page 0, no DMA
11775 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: does the timeout counting down, called on TIMER 1 timeout (100mS)

11999 REM decrement the TCP rimeout counter if <> 0

12000 IF sc THEN DEC sc
12005 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: on NIC interrupt do this. this does most of the work deciding what to
: do and acknowledging interrupts

19999 REM NIC interrupt

20000 CR = USR(cr) : REM get current command value
20005 CALL rr,cr,$20 : REM page 0, no DMA
20010 ib = USR(is) AND $7F : REM get interrupt status value

20015 DO

20020 IF (ib AND $10) THEN GOSUB 20500 : REM do overwrite interrupt
20025 IF (ib AND $0A) THEN GOSUB 20200 : REM do tx interrupt
20030 IF (ib AND $40) THEN GOSUB 20300 : REM do DMA interrupt
20035 IF (ib AND $20) THEN GOSUB 20400 : REM do tally counter interrupt
20040 IF (ib AND $05) THEN GOSUB 20100 : REM do rx interrupt

20045 CALL rr,cr,$20 : REM page 0, no DMA
20050 ib = USR(is) AND $7F : REM get interrupt status value

20055 LOOP WHILE ib
20060 CALL rr,cr,CR : REM return command status
20065 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: handle Rx interrupts

: if good Rx and no current packet then get new

20100 IF (ib AND $01) AND (vp=0) THEN GOSUB 11500
20105 CALL rr,cr,$20 : REM page 0, no DMA
20110 CALL rr,is,(ib AND $05) : REM ack Rx interrupts
20120 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: handle Tx interrupt

20200 CALL rr,is,(ib AND $0A) : REM ack Tx interrupts
:20205 ? "Packet sent"
20210 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: handle DMA interrupt

20300 CALL rr,is,(ib AND $40) : REM ack DMA interrupt
:20305 ? "DMA"
20310 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: handle tally counter interrupt

20400 CALL rr,is,(ib AND $20) : REM ack tally counter interrupt
:20405 ? "Tally count"
20410 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: handle overwrite interrupt
: use National Semiconductors 8390 programming sequence

20500 CALL rr,cr,$21 : REM page 0, stop
20505 FOR w=0 TO 5 : REM wait a bit
20510 NEXT
20515 CALL rr,lc,$00 : REM clear remote byte count low
20520 CALL rr,hc,$00 : REM clear remote byte count high

20525 rs = $26 : REM default to resend
20530 IF (ib AND $04) THEN rs = $22 : REM not Txing so no resend
20535 IF (USR(is) AND $0A) THEN rs = $22 : REM Tx done or error

20540 CALL rr,tc,$02 : REM Tx config to internal loopback
20545 CALL rr,$03,$60 : REM set boundry

20550 CALL rr,cr,$61 : REM page 1, stop
20555 CALL rr,$07,$46 : REM set current page

20560 CALL rr,cr,$22 : REM page 0, no DMA
20565 CALL rr,is,(ib AND $10) : REM ack overwrite interrupt

20570 CALL rr,tc,$00 : REM Tx config to normal
20575 CALL rr,cr,rs : REM resend or start

: warn the user that an overwrite occured

20580 np = $46 : cp = np : REM set no packets waiting
20590 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: construct a reply to an ARP request aimed at us

20999 REM handle ARP packet

: see RFC826 for a description of the ARP packet

21000 IF ip($0F)<>$01 THEN 21265 : REM hardware type - always $01
21005 IF ip($10)<>$08 THEN 21265 : REM hardware protocol high byte
21010 IF ip($11)<>$00 THEN 21265 : REM hardware protocol low byte
21015 IF ip($12)<>$06 THEN 21265 : REM hardware (MAC) address length
21020 IF ip($13)<>$04 THEN 21265 : REM protocol (IP) address length
21025 IF ip($15)<>$01 THEN 21265 : REM type of packet
21030 IF ip($26)<>mi(0) THEN 21265 : REM protocol address
21035 IF ip($27)<>mi(1) THEN 21265 : REM protocol address+1
21040 IF ip($28)<>mi(2) THEN 21265 : REM protocol address+2
21045 IF ip($29)<>mi(3) THEN 21265 : REM protocol address+3

: we have recognised the packet as correct and the target as us
: set up the buffer for transmit

21050 CALL rr,cr,$22 : REM page 0, no DMA
21055 CALL rr,$04,$40 : REM load beginning page for transmit buffer
21060 CALL rr,ls,$00 : REM set start address low byte
21065 CALL rr,hs,$40 : REM set start address high byte

21070 xl = $2A : REM ARP reply length

21075 CALL rr,lc,(xl AND $FF) : REM load data byte count low byte
21080 CALL rr,hc,(xl >> 8) : REM load data byte count high byte 
21085 CALL rr,cr,$12 : REM do remote write operation

21090 FOR i=6 TO 11 : CALL rr,dr,ip(i) : NEXT : REM dest MAC address
21095 FOR i=0 TO 5 : CALL rr,dr,ip(i) :  NEXT : REM source MAC address

21100 CALL rr,dr,$08 : REM ethernet packet type
21105 CALL rr,dr,$06 : REM ethernet packet type

21110 FOR i=$0E TO $14 : CALL rr,dr,ip(i) : NEXT : REM copy from rx pkt

21115 CALL rr,dr,$02 : REM op type is reply

21120 FOR i=0 TO 5 : CALL rr,dr,pr(i) : NEXT : REM our MAC address
21125 FOR i=0 TO 3 : CALL rr,dr,mi(i) : NEXT : REM our IP address

21130 FOR i=$6 TO $B : CALL rr,dr,ip(i) : NEXT : REM dest MAC address
21135 FOR i=$1C TO $1F : CALL rr,dr,ip(i) : NEXT : REM dest IP address

: packet set up, now Tx it

: *********************************************************************
: Tx ethernet packet, xl is length

21200 CALL rr,cr,$22 : REM page 0, no DMA

21205 IF xl>$3B THEN 21250

: if the packet is runt then fill it out to minimum length

21210 xd = $3C-xl

21215 CALL rr,ls,(xl AND $FF) : REM set start address low byte
21220 CALL rr,hs,$40 : REM set start address high byte
21225 CALL rr,lc,(xd AND $FF) : REM load data byte count low byte
21230 CALL rr,hc,$00 : REM load data byte count high byte 
21235 CALL rr,cr,$12 : REM do remote write operation

21240 FOR i=1 TO xd : CALL rr,dr,$00 : NEXT : xl=$3C
21245 CALL rr,cr,$22 : REM page 0, no DMA

: now set up Tx count and send the packet

21250 CALL rr,$05,(xl AND $FF) : REM set Tx length low byte
21255 CALL rr,$06,(xl >> 8) : REM set Tx length high byte
21260 CALL rr,cr,$26 : REM Tx packet
21265 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: handle IP ICMP packets

21499 REM handle ICMP packet

21500 IF ip($0E)<>$45 THEN 21565 : REM don't recognise anything else

21505 IF ip($1E)<>mi(0) THEN 21565 : REM is it our ip address
21510 IF ip($1F)<>mi(1) THEN 21565 : REM is it our ip address+1
21515 IF ip($20)<>mi(2) THEN 21565 : REM is it our ip address+2
21520 IF ip($21)<>mi(3) THEN 21565 : REM is it our ip address+3

21525 IF (ip($14) AND $3F) THEN 21565 : REM we don't handle fragments
21530 IF ip($15) THEN 21565 : REM we don't handle fragments

21535 ck = $0 : cl = $14 : ca = $0E : REM for header checksum
21540 GOSUB 21950 : REM do header checksum

21545 IF ck THEN 21565 : REM ignore broken checksum

21550 IF ip($17)=$01 THEN GOSUB 21600 : REM ip_proto is icmp
21555 IF ip($17)=$11 THEN ? "UDP" : REM ip_proto is udp
21560 IF ip($17)=$06 THEN GOSUB 22000 : REM ip_proto is tcp

21565 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: handle ICMP IP echo request packet - this is the bit that goes PING!

21599 REM icmp starts at $22 in the buffer

21600 ip($22) = $00 : REM icmp type (reply)
21605 ip($23) = $00 : REM icmp code

21610 ip($24) = $00 : REM clear checksum high byte
21615 ip($25) = $00 : REM clear checksum low byte

21620 GOSUB 21800 : REM setup the IP header

21625 ck = 0 : REM clear checksum
21630 ca = $22 : REM icmp starts after the IP header
21635 cl = (ip($10)*256+ip($11)) - $14 : REM data length
21640 GOSUB 21950 : REM do checksum
21645 ck = NOT ck : REM ones complement checksum

21650 ip($24) = ck >> 8 : REM save checksum high byte
21655 ip($25) = ck AND $FF : REM save checksum low byte

: now transmit the packet

: *********************************************************************
: transmit IP packet

21699 REM transmit IP packet

21700 CALL rr,cr,$22 : REM page 0, no DMA
21705 CALL rr,$04,$40 : REM set Tx start page
21710 CALL rr,ls,$00 : REM set start address low
21715 CALL rr,hs,$40 : REM set start address high
21725 xl = ip($10)*256+ip($11) + $0E : REM length is ip length + $0E

21730 CALL rr,lc,(xl AND $FF) : REM set remote byte count low
21735 CALL rr,hc,(xl >> 8) : REM set remote byte coung high
21740 CALL rr,cr,$12 : REM remote write

: write data to buffer

21745 FOR i=0 TO xl-1 : CALL rr,dr,ip(i) : NEXT
21765 GOTO 21200 : REM transmit packet & return

: *********************************************************************
: swap the sources and destinations (MAC and IP) and compute the
: new IP checksum

21799 REM set IP addresses

21800 FOR i=$1A TO $1D : SWAP ip(i),ip(i+$04) : NEXT : swap IP addresses
21810 ip($16) = $80 : REM set time to live
21820 FOR i=0 TO 5 : SWAP ip(i),ip(i+6) : NEXT : swap MAC addresses

21830 ip($18) = $00 : REM clear checksum high byte
21835 ip($19) = $00 : REM clear checksum low byte

: calculate the IP header checksum

21840 ck = 0 : REM clear checksum
21845 cl = $14 : REM header length
21850 ca = $0E : REM IP start
21855 GOSUB 21950 : REM do checksum
21860 ck = NOT ck : REM ones complement

21865 ip($18) = ck >> 8 : REM save checksum high byte
21870 ip($19) = ck AND $FF : REM save checksum low byte

21875 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: compute or check the 16 bit checksum on the TCP part of the packet
: also gets the total length of the IP packet tl

21900 tl = (ip($10)*256+ip($11)) : REM IP total length
21905 ck = tl - ti + $0E : REM checksum is TCP length
21910 ck = ck + ip($17) : REM add protocol to checksum
21915 cl = 8 : ca = $1A : REM do source and dest IP address
21920 GOSUB 21950 : REM do IP address checksum
21925 cl = tl - ti + $0E : ca = ti : REM TCP length and start
21930 IF ck<0 THEN ck = ck+$10000 : REM correct for -ve result

: *********************************************************************
: compute the 16 bit checksum on part of the ip(n) packet
: entry is with cl = bytes to checksum and ca = index to the first byte

21949 REM checksum

21950 IF cl=0 THEN 21990 : REM exit if no length to checksum

21955 DO
21960 ck = ck+ip(ca)*256 : INC ca : DEC cl : REM add high byte to sum
21965 IF cl THEN ck = ck+ip(ca) : INC ca : DEC cl : REM add low byte
21975 IF ck>$7FFF THEN ck=ck-$FFFF
21980 LOOP WHILE cl

21985 IF ck<0 THEN DEC ck
21990 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: handle IP TCP packet

: tl = total length of IP packet
: td = TCP data offset
: tf = TCP flags for this packet
: ti = TCP start index
: ts = TCP state
:		1 = listen
:		2 = SYN received
:		3 = established
:		4 = FIN wait 1
:		5 = FIN wait 1
: sp = source port
: ep = expected port
: destination port MUST be $0080 (http:// only)

21999 REM handle TCP packet

22000 ti = $22 : REM start of TCP packet
22005 GOSUB 21900 : REM get length and do TCP checksum
22010 IF ck THEN 22098 : REM ignore bad packets

22015 sp = ip(ti)*256+ip(ti+1) : REM source port address
22020 IF ip(ti+3)<>$50 THEN 22098 : REM ignore ports <> $50
22025 IF ip(ti+2) THEN 22098 : REM ignore ports > $FF

22060 td = ti+((ip(ti+$0C) AND $F0)>>2) : REM TCP data offset
22065 tf = ip(ti+$0D) AND $3F : REM TCP flags

22070 ON ts GOSUB 22100, 22200, 22300, 22400, 22500
:                 listn, synrx, estab, wait1, wait2

22098 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: TCP listen state

22099 REM TCP listen

22100 IF (tf AND $04) THEN 22198 : REM ignore RST (correct)
22105 IF (tf AND $10) THEN 22198 : REM ignore ACK (should send RST)
22110 IF (tf AND $02)=0 THEN 22198 : REM ignore not SYN

22115 FOR i=$0 TO $3 : rn(i) = ip(ti+i+$4) : NEXT : REM get sequence no
22120 FOR i=$0 TO $3 : si(i) = ip(i+$1A) : NEXT : REM sender's ip addr
22125 mq(0) = INT(RND(0)*$80) : mq(1) = INT(RND(0)*$80)
22130 mq(2) = $FF : mq(3) = $FF : REM our sequence number

: got details, now make SYN ACK

22135 GOSUB 22815 : REM prepare TCP reply
22140 GOSUB 22920 : REM generate ACK for SYN received
22145 GOSUB 22895 : REM generate our own SYN
22150 GOSUB 22845 : REM finalise TCP reply
22155 GOSUB 21800 : REM generate IP header
22160 GOSUB 21700 : REM send the TCP packet along on its way

22165 ts = 2 : sc = 200 : REM change state to SYN received, count 200
22170 ep = sp : REM connected port = source port

:*22196 FOR i=0 TO (ph(3)*256+ph(2))-$F : ? " ";HEX$(ip(i),2); : NEXT : ?

22198 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: TCP syn received state

22199 REM TCP syn received, ack sent

: we're expecting an ACK of our SYN

22200 IF sc=0 THEN ts = 1 : GOTO 22298 : REM count expired
22205 FOR i=0 TO 3 : IF si(i)<>ip($1A+i) THEN i = 4
22210 NEXT : IF i=5 THEN 22298 : REM check sender's ip addr

22215 IF sp<>ep THEN 22298 : REM ignore packets from wrong port

22220 FOR i=0 TO 3 : IF mq(i)<>ip(ti+$08+i) THEN i = 4
22225 NEXT : IF i=5 THEN 22298 : REM check sender's ack number
22230 IF (tf AND $02) THEN 22298 : REM ignore SYN (should RST & close)

22235 IF (tf AND $10)=0 THEN 22298 : REM not ACK

22240 ts = 3 : sc = 200 : REM change state to established, count 200

22298 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: TCP established state

22299 REM TCP established

22300 IF sc=0 THEN ts = 1 : GOTO 22398 : REM count expired

22305 IF sp<>ep THEN 22398 : REM ignore packets from wrong port
22310 FOR i=0 TO 3 : IF si(i)<>ip($1A+i) THEN i = 4
22315 NEXT : IF i=5 THEN 22398 : REM check sender's ip addr

22320 GOSUB 22800 : IF fg THEN 22398 : REM ck rx seq#

22325 IF (tf AND $04) THEN ts = 1 : sc = 0 : GOTO 22398 : REM reset
22330 IF (tf AND $02) THEN 22398 : REM ignore SYN (should send reset)
22335 IF (tf AND $10)=0 THEN 22398 : REM ignore no ACK

22340 pp = td : GOSUB 22815 : REM set data pointer & prepare TCP reply

: now process the data from the block, data starts at pp

22345 DO : td$ = "" : dl = 0 : REM clear data and data length
22350 DO : b$ = CHR$(ip(pp)) : INC dl,pp : REM get byte inc ptr & len
22355 IF (b$<>cr$) AND (b$<>lf$) THEN td$ = td$+b$
22360 LOOP UNTIL (pp>(tl+$0E)) OR (dl=$FF) OR (b$=cr$)
22365 IF LEFT$(td$,3)="GET" THEN GOSUB 22700 : REM do 'GET' response
22370 LOOP UNTIL (pp>(tl+$0E)) OR (td$="")

22375 GOSUB 22925 : REM generate ACK for data
22380 ip(ti+$0D) = ip(ti+$0D) OR $01 : DEC xd : REM flg FIN & inc space

22385 GOSUB 22845 : GOSUB 21800 : REM finalise TCP & generate IP header
22390 GOSUB 21700 : REM send the TCP packet along on its way

22395 ts = 4 : sc = 200 : REM change state to fin_wait_1, count 200

22398 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: TCP FIN wait 1 state

22399 REM TCP FIN wait 1

22400 IF sc=0 THEN ts = 1 : GOTO 22498 : REM count expired

22405 IF sp<>ep THEN 22498 : REM ignore packets from wrong port
22410 FOR i=0 TO 3 : IF si(i)<>ip($1A+i) THEN i = 4
22415 NEXT : IF i=5 THEN 22498 : REM check sender's ip addr

22420 GOSUB 22800 : IF fg THEN 22498 : REM ck rx seq#

22425 IF (tf AND $04) THEN ts = 1 : sc = 0 : GOTO 22498 : REM reset
22430 IF (tf AND $02) THEN 22498 : REM ignore SYN (should send reset)
22435 IF (tf AND $10)=0 THEN 22498 : REM ignore no ACK

22440 IF (tf AND $01) THEN 22545 : REM ACK and close if FIN
22445 ts = 5 : sc = 200 : REM change state to fin_wait_2, count 200

22498 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: TCP FIN wait 2 state

22499 REM TCP FIN wait 2

22500 IF sc=0 THEN ts = 1 : GOTO 22598 : REM count expired

22505 IF sp<>ep THEN 22598 : REM ignore packets from wrong port
22510 FOR i=0 TO 3 : IF si(i)<>ip($1A+i) THEN i = 4
22515 NEXT : IF i=5 THEN 22598 : REM check sender's ip addr

22520 GOSUB 22800 : IF fg THEN 22598 : REM ck rx seq#

22525 IF (tf AND $04) THEN ts = 1 : sc = 0 : GOTO 22598 : REM reset
22530 IF (tf AND $02) THEN 22598 : REM ignore SYN (should send reset)
22535 IF (tf AND $10)=0 THEN 22598 : REM ignore no ACK

22540 IF (tf AND $01)=0 THEN 22598 : REM exit if no FIN

: now ACK the FIN and close

22545 GOSUB 22815 : REM set data pointer & prepare TCP reply
22550 GOSUB 22920 : REM generate ACK for FIN
22555 GOSUB 22845 : REM finalise TCP
22560 GOSUB 21800 : REM generate IP header
22565 GOSUB 21700 : REM send the TCP packet along on its way

22570 ts = 1 : sc = 0 : REM change the state to listen, count 0

22598 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: generate HTTP response

22700 RESTORE 32000 : REM set default page
22705 IF MID$(td$,5,1)<>"/" THEN RESTORE 34040 : GOTO 22720
22710 IF MID$(td$,6,6)="o.html" THEN RESTORE 32010 : GOTO 22720
22712 IF MID$(td$,6,5)="e.gif" THEN RESTORE 35000 : GOTO 22780
22714 IF MID$(td$,6,6)="b.html" THEN RESTORE 32020 : GOTO 22717
22715 IF MID$(td$,6,1)<>" " THEN RESTORE 34040 : GOTO 22720

: if it's b.html then check for user submission

22717 IF MID$(td$,12,1)="?" THEN ? "User submitted "; MID$(td$,13,3)

: now push the RESTOREd page into the buffer

22720 DO
22725 READ pg$
22735 IF pg$="$" THEN pg$ = el$

22740 pg = SADD(pg$) : REM get string address
22745 FOR i=0 TO LEN(pg$)-1
22750 ip(xl) = PEEK(pg+i)
22755 INC xl : NEXT : REM put characters in the buffer

22760 LOOP UNTIL pg$="</HTML>"

22765 td$ = "" : REM dump any further received data
22770 RETURN

22780 READ pg
22785 DO : ip(xl) = pg : INC xl : READ pg : LOOP UNTIL pg=-1
22790 GOTO 22765

: *********************************************************************
: check TCP sequence

22800 fg = 0 : REM flag not false then check sequence
22805 FOR i=0 TO 3 : fg = fg OR (rn(i) <> ip(ti+$04+i)) : NEXT
22810 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: prepare TCP reply

22815 FOR i=$0 TO $3 : ip(ti+i+$4) = mq(i) : NEXT : REM save seq no.
22820 ip(ti+$0C) = $50 : xd = ti+$14 : REM set length & data start
22825 xl = xd : REM set tx TCP total length
22830 ip(ti+$0D) = $00 : REM clear flags
22835 ip(ti+$12) = $00 : ip(ti+$13) = $00 : REM clear urgent pointer
22840 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: finalise TCP reply

22845 SWAP ip(ti),ip(ti+2) : SWAP ip(ti+1),ip(ti+3) : REM swap ports
22850 ip($10) = (xl-$0E)>>8 : ip($11) = (xl-$0E) AND $FF : REM IP len
22855 ip(ti+$10) = $00 : ip(ti+$11) = $00 : REM clear checksum
22860 GOSUB 21900 : REM do TCP checksum
22865 ck = NOT ck : REM ones complement
22870 ip(ti+$10) = ck>>8 : ip(ti+$11) = ck AND $FF
22875 ip($16) = $3C : REM set time to live
22880 GOTO 22975 : REM generate our next sequence number & return

: *********************************************************************
: generate SYN

22895 ip(ti+$0D) = ip(ti+$0D) OR $02 : REM flag SYN
22900 ip(ti+$0C) = ip(ti+$0C)+$10 : REM inc header length for option
22905 ip(xl) = $02 : INC xl : ip(xl) = $04 : INC xl : REM opt 2 len 4
22910 ip(xl) = $02 : INC xl : ip(xl) = $00 : INC xl
22912 xd = xl-1 : REM sequence space for our SYN
22915 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: generate ACK for SYN or FIN received

22920 DEC td : REM increment data space for SYN or FIN

: generate ACK for TCP data

22925 GOSUB 22950 : REM add to received sequence number
22927 FOR i=$0 TO $3 : ip(ti+$08+i) = rn(i) : NEXT : REM save ack no.
22930 ip(ti+$0D) = ip(ti+$0D) OR $10 : REM flag ACK
22935 ip(ti+$0E) = $05 : REM set window high byte
22940 ip(ti+$0F) = $00 : REM set window low byte
22945 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: generate next received sequence number

22950 aa = tl-td+$0E : REM calculate TCP data size
22952 rn(3) = rn(3)+(aa AND $FF) : REM add size low byte
22955 IF (rn(3) AND $100) THEN rn(3) = rn(3) AND $FF : INC rn(2)
22957 rn(2) = rn(2)+(aa >> 8) : REM add size high byte
22960 IF (rn(2) AND $100) THEN rn(2) = rn(2) AND $FF : INC rn(1)
22962 IF (rn(1) AND $100) THEN rn(1) = rn(1) AND $FF : INC rn(0)
22965 rn(0) = (rn(0) AND $FF)
22970 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: generate our next sequence number

22975 aa = xl-xd : REM calculate TCP data size
22977 mq(3) = mq(3)+(aa AND $FF) : REM add size low byte
22980 IF (mq(3) AND $100) THEN mq(3) = mq(3) AND $FF : INC mq(2)
22982 mq(2) = mq(2)+(aa >> 8) : REM add size high byte
22985 IF (mq(2) AND $100) THEN mq(2) = mq(2) AND $FF : INC mq(1)
22987 IF (mq(1) AND $100) THEN mq(1) = mq(1) AND $FF : INC mq(0)
22990 mq(0) = (mq(0) AND $FF)
22995 RETURN

: *********************************************************************
: default web page, served for "GET / "

32000 DATA "HTTP/1.0 200 OK",$,"Content-Type: text/html",$,$
32003 DATA "HT=90%><TR><TD VALIGN=CENTER><FONT SIZE=+1>Mini WEB Server"
32004 DATA " </FONT>- <A HREF=b.html>The button page</A> - <A HREF=o.h"
32005 DATA "tml>The other page</A><P><FONT SIZE=+4><B>Welcome</B></FON"
32006 DATA "T><FONT FACE=Courier> - to the default page</FONT><P><A HR"
32007 DATA "EF=>&nbsp;e-mail me <IMG SRC"
32008 DATA "=e.gif BORDER=0 ALT=e-mail></A></TABLE></BODY>",</HTML>

: *********************************************************************
: other web page, served for "GET /o.html" - note! case sensetive

32010 DATA "HTTP/1.0 200 OK",$,"Content-Type: text/html",$,$
32013 DATA "HT=90%><TR><TD VALIGN=CENTER><FONT SIZE=+1>Mini WEB Server"
32014 DATA " </FONT>- <A HREF=>The home page</A> - <A HREF=b.html>The "
32015 DATA "button page</A><P><FONT SIZE=+4><B>Welcome</B></FONT><FONT"
32016 DATA " FACE=Courier> - to the other page</FONT><P><A HREF=mailto"
32017 DATA ">&nbsp;e-mail me <IMG SRC=e.gif BO"
32018 DATA "RDER=0 ALT=e-mail></A></TABLE></BODY>",</HTML>

: *********************************************************************
: the button page, served for "GET /b.html" - note! case sensetive

32020 DATA "HTTP/1.0 200 OK",$,"Content-Type: text/html",$,$
32023 DATA "HT=90%><TR><TD VALIGN=CENTER><FONT SIZE=+1>Mini WEB Server"
32024 DATA " </FONT>- <A HREF=>The home page</A> - <A HREF=o.html>The "
32025 DATA "other page</A><P><FONT SIZE=+4><B>Welcome</B></FONT><FONT "
32026 DATA "FACE=Courier> - to the button page</FONT><P><A HREF=mailto"
32027 DATA ">&nbsp;e-mail me <IMG SRC=e.gif BO"
32028 DATA "RDER=0 ALT=e-mail></A><TD WIDTH=20% ALIGN=CENTER>Are you e"
32029 DATA "asily confused?<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION=b.html><PRE>yes <IN"
32033 DATA "></BODY>",</HTML>

: *********************************************************************
: error 404, served for everything else

34040 DATA "HTTP/1.0 200 OK",$,"Content-Type: text/html",$,$
34044 DATA "T>- <A HREF=>The home page</A><P><FONT SIZE=+4><B>Error 40"
34045 DATA "4</B></FONT><FONT FACE=Courier> - File not found</FONT><P>"
34046 DATA "<A HREF=>&nbsp;e-mail me <IM"
34047 DATA "G SRC=e.gif BORDER=0 ALT=e-mail></A></TABLE></BODY>"
34048 DATA </HTML>

: *********************************************************************
: small image, served for "GET /email.gif" - note! case sensetive

35000 DATA $48,$54,$54,$50,$2F,$31,$2E,$30,$20,$32,$30,$30,$20,$4F,$4B
35001 DATA $0D,$0A,$43,$6F,$6E,$74,$65,$6E,$74,$2D,$54,$79,$70,$65,$3A
35002 DATA $20,$69,$6D,$61,$67,$65,$2F,$67,$69,$66,$0D,$0A,$0D,$0A
35003 DATA $47,$49,$46,$38,$39,$61,$10,$00,$10,$00,$C4,$00,$00,$F7,$00
35004 DATA $5F,$33,$03,$9A,$33,$03,$CA,$03,$03,$83,$5F,$5F,$F7,$33,$63
35005 DATA $FA,$63,$9B,$FB,$63,$CB,$FB,$03,$9B,$CB,$63,$FA,$FA,$FA,$FA
35006 DATA $CB,$97,$00,$00,$CB,$03,$03,$FA,$FA,$FA,$63,$63,$63,$03,$03
35007 DATA $03,$FF,$FF,$FF,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
35008 DATA $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
35009 DATA $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
35010 DATA $00,$00,$00,$00,$21,$F9,$04,$01,$00,$00,$10,$00,$2C,$00,$00
35011 DATA $00,$00,$10,$00,$10,$00,$00,$05,$69,$20,$24,$8E,$C6,$91,$24
35012 DATA $63,$9A,$96,$49,$11,$18,$AA,$28,$40,$85,$59,$40,$46,$A0,$3A
35013 DATA $8E,$20,$20,$07,$01,$6F,$38,$7C,$38,$1A,$3F,$84,$40,$C1,$6C
35014 DATA $36,$8D,$C8,$02,$62,$E0,$64,$02,$18,$0A,$E8,$60,$BB,$AD,$32
35015 DATA $16,$D9,$63,$A3,$51,$2D,$43,$C9,$E5,$EA,$B9,$2C,$28,$B8,$A9
35016 DATA $D0,$B4,$42,$70,$82,$3B,$E4,$F3,$7A,$F8,$C1,$EF,$F3,$05,$26
35017 DATA $5B,$7C,$2A,$2F,$10,$02,$25,$37,$03,$31,$10,$04,$01,$05,$06
35018 DATA $06,$37,$8B,$23,$01,$03,$6D,$31,$21,$00,$3B,-1

Last page update: 7th September, 2003. e-mail me