Up one Comments from SlashDot. by Lee Davison Up to top

Here are excerpts from a few of the 200+ comments that followed the article about my network interface in Slashdot..

WWWWolf (2428)
"Writing a server in this thing is amazing."
Why thank you.

retrogramer (697803)
"Whoever wrote that must have had a lot of spare time on their hands! I can't even get a simple game to work in BASIC without LOTS of debugging of problems that are problems because of the stupid nature of the language!"
Not as much as you would expect.

Mr. Tokyo (540833)
"You have to be a true old school hacker to appreiciate his work. Sure BASIC is dead, but just imagine what this guy can do in C."
Not as much as you would expect. (what echo?)

mhandlon (464241)
"I've looked at assembly and not understood it, I've looked at C and not understood it, and I think every time I have looked anything in perl I've not understood it. But, now the unthinkable has happened and I've looked at basic and not understood it."
I'm glad I was able to elucidate your misunderstanding of the simplcity of BASIC.

magarity (164372)
"It's the chuncking through those data statements at the end that helps really beats up performance. Defining all those as strings at the beginning will ameliorate that problem."
Actually it's the shunting the bytes in and out of the network card that takes a fair wedge.

tomakaan (673394)
"I don't forsee it ever becoming practical."
.. And your point is?.

Pedrito (94783)
"Note to self... Don't write TCP/IP stacks and web servers in Basic!"
... ever again.

Hubert_Shrump (256081)
"This doesn't even cover buffer overruns > 64K -- man, that's weak."
This guy doesn't read source code before commenting -- man, that's weak!

sverrehu (22545)
"... for stuff like this. The annual Totally worthless, 100% hack value [catb.org], too-much-geek-time-to-spare prize. And the 6502 BASIC TCP/IP stack-based web server should be the first winner."
In accepting this most prestigious award I would like to thank ...

FattMattP (86246)
"Finally, a use for my VIC-20."
Duly stolen as a future project.

dysprosia (661648)
"10 PING WEBSITE 20 GOTO 10 I shudder at the thought! ;)"
That should be ...
 10 DO
 30 LOOP
... as PING would return a value. 8^)=

ant_slayer (516684)
"Okay, I recognize the value of doing this (as a hobbyist myself). The fortitude required to accomplish such a feat is noteworthy. However, I have noticed a strange trend in these kinds of posts on Slashdot. Why do so many people respond with comments like, "I didn't know it could be done!"?.

I don't mean to denigrate the work this guy did -- in fact I'm amazed that he did it. But I'm not amazed *that it's possible*."

And I agree.

MattBurke (58682)
"is it just me who's spotted that the 404 page isn't really a 404? ;)"
Nope, I spotted it as well.

process (447778)
"Anyhow, writing a web server in basic should qualify for some karma points! =)"

If anyone has any objections to the above being posted here you can contact me via the address below.

Last page update: 7th September, 2003. e-mail me e-mail