LCD port driver by Lee Davison

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; suprdupr LCD driver ver$ 0.1

; Some basic routines to drive an LCD graphic module in both graphic and
; alpha modes. This code is mostly a translation of my Z80 LCD drivers
; for the MPF

; The display plugs into the LCD port on the SuprDupr board.

Port6		= $0C		; LCD control port data register
PDir6		= $0D		; LCD control port direction register
Port8		= $10		; LCD port data register
PDir8		= $11		; LCD port direction register

LCD_c		= Port6		; LCD control port data register
LCD_d		= PDir6		; LCD control port direction register
LCD_E		= 2		; LCD E pin
LCD_WR		= 6		; LCD /WR line
LCD_RS		= 7		; LCD register select line
LCD_DA		= Port8		; LCD port data register
LCD_DIR		= PDir8		; LCD port direction register

DispMode	= $52		; display mode byte off/master/noblink/nocsr/cgr/intcg)
ChrHigh		= $53		; current character height (8 default)
ChrWidt		= $54		; current character width (8 default)
LineLen		= $55		; current visible line length (32 default)
CursorAt	= $56		; cursor address in display
StrtOff		= $58		; default display start offset
DispOff		= $5A		; offset for display

; Display attribute equates

DispOn		= $20		; display on bit
DispBlnk	= $08		; cursor blink bit
DispCrsr	= $04		; cursor on bit
DispGrap	= $02		; display graph mode bit
DispExCg	= $01		; external GC bit

	*=	$8000		; code origin

; set default LCD parameters

	LDM	#$20,DispMode	; display mode byte (on/master/noblink/nocsr/cgr/intcg)
	LDM	#$70,ChrHigh	; current character height (8 default)
	LDM	#$07,ChrWidt	; current character width (8 default)
	LDM	#$20,LineLen	; current visible line length (32 default)
	LDM	#$00,CursorAt	; cursor address in display
	LDM	#$00,CursorAt+1	; cursor address in display
	LDM	#$E0,StrtOff	; default display start offset
	LDM	#$FF,StrtOff+1	; default display start offset
	LDM	#$00,DispOff	; offset for display
	LDM	#$00,DispOff+1	; offset for display

; initialise 240x40 LCD display. Sets line length to 64 and time divisions
; to 40

	CLB	LCD_E,LCD_c	; disable LCD's port
	SEB	LCD_E,LCD_d	; set control bit to output
	SEB	LCD_WR,LCD_d	; set control bit to output
	SEB	LCD_RS,LCD_d	; set control bit to output

	LDA	#$03		; set time divisions instruction
	JSR	LCD_instr	; send display control instruction
	LDA	#$28		; set refresh to 40 lines
	JMP	LCD_data	; go write data byte & return

; output instruction. We need to wait until the busy flag is clear before
; attempting to write a new instruction.

	JSR	LCD_busy	; wait until ready
	SEB	LCD_RS,LCD_c	; register select line high
	BRA	LCD_inst	; go write data byte

; output data. We don't need to wait until the busy flag is clear before
; attempting to write data.

	CLB	LCD_RS,LCD_c	; register select line low
	STA	LCD_DA		; byte out to port
	CLB	LCD_WR,LCD_c	; control line to write
	LDM	#$FF,LCD_DIR	; data port to output

	SEB	LCD_E,LCD_c	; LCD E high
	CLB	LCD_E,LCD_c	; LCD E low


; wait until the display is not busy.

	PHA			; save data or instruction
	LDM	#$00,LCD_DIR	; data port to input
	SEB	LCD_WR,LCD_c	; control line to read
	SEB	LCD_RS,LCD_c	; register select line high
	SEB	LCD_E,LCD_c	; enable LCD
	LDA	LCD_DA		; in from display port
	CLB	LCD_E,LCD_c	; disable LCD
	BBS	7,A,LCD_busy1	; loop while LCD busy

	PLA			; restore data or instruction

; Clear LCD display. Turns off display, checks mode and then fills 2048 display bytes
; with either $00 (graph mode) or $20 (chr mode). It also homes the cursor.

; If the commented out instructions are restored then the display will blank during
; clearing.

;	LDA	DispMode	; get mode
;	AND	#$1F		; display off
;	JSR	LCD_mode	; set display mode

	LDA	#$00		; space chr to clear graph mode display
	STA	CursorAt	; clear byte
	STA	CursorAt+1	; clear word

	BBS	1,DispMode,ClGraph	; if graph go clear graph mode

	LDA	#$20		; space chr to clear character mode display
	PHA			; save blank character
	LDX	$00		; reset cursor low address
	LDY	$00		; reset cursor high address
	JSR	Set_cursor	; Set cursor address. 16 bit value in XY (low/high)
	LDA	#$0C		; write display data
	JSR	LCD_instr	; set instruction
	LDY	#$08		; 8 x 256 = 2048 bytes
	PLA			; get blank character back
	JSR	LCD_busy	; wait until ready
	JSR	LCD_data	; go write data byte
	DEX			; decrement byte count
	BNE	Clear_l		; loop until all chrs done

	DEY			; inner loop
	BNE	Clear_l		; loop until all blocks done

	JSR	Set_cursor	; set cursor position (XY will be $0000)
	LDX	DispMode	; get mode
	JSR	LCD_Xmode	; set display mode from X

; Set cursor address. 16 bit value in XY (low/high)

	STX	CursorAt	; save cursor position low byte
	STY	CursorAt+1	; save cursor position low byte

	LDA	#$0A		; Set cursor low addr instruction
	JSR	LCD_instr	; send display control instruction

	TXA			; set low address
	JSR	LCD_data	; go write data byte

	LDA	#$0B		; Set cursor high addr instruction
	JSR	LCD_instr	; send display control instruction

	TYA			; set high address
	JSR	LCD_data	; go write data byte


; set display start address to XY (low/high)

	STX	StrtOff		; save start offset low byte
	STY	StrtOff+1	; save start offset high byte

	LDA	#$08		; Set display start low addr instruction
	JSR	LCD_instr	; send display control instruction

	TXA			; set low byte
	JSR	LCD_data	; go write data byte

	LDA	#$09		; Set display start high addr instruction
	JSR	LCD_instr	; send display control instruction

	TYA			; set high byte
	JSR	LCD_data	; go write data byte


; Turn on the LCD. without changing the mode parameters.

	LDA	DispMode	; get the display mode
	ORA	#DispOn		; turn on bit
	STA	DispMode	; save mode
	JMP	LCD_mode	; set display mode & return

; Turn off the LCD. without changing the mode parameters.

	LDA	DispMode	; get the display mode
	AND	#$FF-DispOn	; turn off bit
	STA	DispMode	; save mode

; Set the LCD mode. mode byte should be in A

	TAX			; save mode byte
	LDA	#$00		; clear A
	JSR	LCD_instr	; set display control instruction

	TXA			; get mode byte back
	JMP	LCD_data	; go write data byte & return

; Set graph mode. This will set the width to eight and the display to 32
; chrs/line. If you want the display on when graph mode is set call this
; routine with A<>0

	LDX	#$02		; display off/graph mode
	ORA	#$00		; set the flags
	BEQ	GsetOff		; jump if display is to be off

	LDX	#$22		; display on/graph mode
	STX	DispMode	; save mode
	JSR	LCD_Xmode	; set display mode from X

	LDA	#$01		; set chr pitch instruction
	JSR	LCD_instr	; send display control instruction

	LDA	#$07		; chr width 8 bits/chr
	JSR	LCD_data	; go write data byte

	LDA	#$02		; set no. of chrs instruction
	JSR	LCD_instr	; send display control instruction

	LDA	#$1E		; 32 chr mode
	JSR	LCD_data	; go write data byte

	LDX	#$00		; set start of display low byte
	LDY	#$00		; set start of display high byte
	BRA	Set_start	; set start address & return

; Set character mode. This will read the default values and use those for
; the chr width and height, it will also set the display to 64 chrs/line.
; If you want the display on when chr mode is set call this routine with
; A<>0 .

;	LDX	#$00		; display off/chr mode
;	ORA	#$00		; set the flags
;	BEQ	CsetOff		; jump if display is to be off

	LDX	#$20		; display on/chr mode
	STX	DispMode	; save mode
	JSR	LCD_Xmode	; set display mode from X

	LDA	#$02		; Set no. of chrs instruction
	JSR	LCD_instr	; send display control instruction

	LDA	#$3E		; 64 chr mode
	JSR	LCD_data	; go write data byte

	LDA	ChrWidt		; get chr width
	CLC			; clear carry for add
	ADC	#$01		; +1 for routine
;	JSR	LCD_chrw	; go set it & return

; Set the character width for the chr mode display. Width is in A, valid
; widths are 6,7 and 8 bits. After the width is set the new visible length
; and the new start offset are set.

	SEC			; set carry for subtract
	SBC	#$06		; convert to 0,1,2
	BCC	LCD_make	; if < 6 force to 8 bits wide

	CMP	#$03		; compare with 9
	BCC	LCD_wsok	; branch if was ok (range 6 to 8)

	LDA	#$02		; default is 8 bits wide
	ASL	A		; *2
	ASL	A		; *4
	TAX			; copy offset
	LDA	DispTbl,X	; get width byte
	STA	ChrWidt		; save new width
	ORA	ChrHigh		; or in chr height
	TAY			; save size byte

	LDA	#$01		; Set chr pitch instruction
	JSR	LCD_instr	; send display control instruction

	TYA			; get size byte back
	JSR	LCD_data	; go write data byte

				; now set the other values
	INX			; point to visible line length
	LDA	DispTbl,X	; get visible line length
	STA	LineLen		; save it
	INX			; point to offset low byte
	LDA	DispTbl,X	; get low byte
	INX			; point to offset high byte
	LDY	DispTbl,X	; get high byte
	TAX			; copy low byte
	JMP	Set_start	; set start address & return

; Write chr to display. This routine will emulate a TTY display with auto
; scroll H (ON/OFF) and auto scroll V (ON/OFF) and a virtual display size
; of 64H x 32V characters.

; Control codes include....

;	$0A	Line Feed
;	$0D	Carrage Return
;	$08	Backspace
;	$09	Tab

	BBS	1,DispMode,CtrlDone	; exit if graph mode

	AND	#$7F		; clear bit 7
	CMP	#$20		; compare with ' '
	BCC	ctrl_chr	; jump if control character
				; normal chr so out to display
	TAX			; copy character
	LDA	#$0C		; write display data
	JSR	LCD_instr	; set instruction
	TXA			; get chr back

	JSR	LCD_data	; go write data byte

				; now increment the cursor position
	LDX	CursorAt	; get cursor position low byte
	LDY	CursorAt+1	; get cursor position high byte
	INX			; increment low byte
	BNE	SetExit		; skip high byte increment

	INY			; increment high byte
	BRA	SetExit		; set cursor and exit

; put your code to go 'BEEP' here

ctrl_chr:			; control characters get here....
;	CMP	#$07		; was it BELL
;	BEQ	WasBELL		; jump if so

	LDX	CursorAt	; get cursor position low byte
	LDY	CursorAt+1	; get cursor position high byte

	CMP	#$0D		; was it CR
	BEQ	WasCR		; jump if so

	CMP	#$0A		; was it LF
	BEQ	WasLF		; jump if so

	CMP	#$09		; was it TAB
	BEQ	WasTA		; jump if so

	CMP	#$08		; was it Backspace
	BEQ	WasBA		; jump if so

	BRA	CtrlDone	; else exit

	JSR	Set_cursor	; Set cursor address. 16 bit value in XY (low/high)
CtrlDone:			; gets here if not valid ctrl chr

; all these routines are entered with the current cursor position in XY


	TXA			; copy cursor low byte
	AND	#$C0		; clear cursor x bits
	TAX			; save new low byte
	BRA	SetExit		; set cursor and exit


	TXA			; copy cursor low byte
	ADC	#$3F		; add linefeed offset+carry (carry set by CMP #$0A)
	TAX			; save new low byte
	BCC	SetExit		; branch if no overflow

	INY			; increment high byte
	BRA	SetExit		; set cursor and exit

; was TAB - need to do something cleverer here!

	CLC			; clear carry for add
	TXA			; copy cursor low byte
	AND	#$F8		; mask out TAB bits
	ADC	#$08		; add TAB step
	TAX			; save new low byte
	BCC	SetExit		; branch if no overflow

	INY			; increment high byte
	BRA	SetExit		; set cursor and exit


	TXA			; copy cursor low byte
	BNE	WasBB		; branch if not zero

	DEY			; decrement high byte
	DEX			; step back one
	BRA	SetExit		; set cursor and exit


Last page update: 4th June, 2003. e-mail me