8 Bit ISA slot routines. by Lee Davison

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rst_pin	=	7		; reset pin bit number
ior_pin	=	1		; ISA /IOR pin bit number
iow_pin	=	0		; ISA /IOW pin bit number

		*=	$EF00	; set this as needed

; write to NIC port CALL write_creg,address,byte

	JSR	LAB_1C01	; scan for "," else do syntax error/warm start	
	JSR	LAB_GADB	; get two parameters for POKE or WAIT
	STX	Port5		; byte out to data port
	LDM	#$FF,PDir5	; data port to output
	LDA	Port6		; get current address
	AND	#$E0		; clear non address bits
	STA	Port6		; save cleared address
	LDA	Itempl		; get address back
	AND	#$1F		; mask non address bits
	ORA	Port6		; OR in non port bits
	STA	Port6		; save address
	CLB	iow_pin,Port4	; write bit low
	SEB	iow_pin,Port4	; write bit high

		*=	$EF20	; set this as needed

; read from NIC port USR(n) where n is the address

	JSR	LAB_EVBY	; evaluate byte expression, result in X
	LDM	#$00,PDir5	; data port to input
	LDA	Port6		; get current address
	AND	#$E0		; clear non address bits
	STA	Port6		; save address
	TXA			; get address
	AND	#$1F		; mask non address bits
	ORA	Port6		; OR in non port bits
	STA	Port6		; save address
	CLB	ior_pin,Port4	; read bit low
	LDY	Port5		; get byte from data port
	SEB	ior_pin,Port4	; read bit high
	JMP	LAB_1FD0	; convert Y to byte in FAC1 & return

Last page update: 3rd August, 2003. e-mail me