Up one Enhanced BASIC, update. by Lee Davison Up to top

Not undocumented features this time but changes for any other reasons...

Download version 1.10 source Download, binary Download or Motorola hex Download.

19th June 2003.

Confusingly the main version number is now the 3806 specific version number so, while the generic BASIC version is still 1.09, this incarnation is 1.10.

This adds an interrupt driven receive buffer and an extra command to help use it. Go see the language reference for details.

18th June 2003.

This is the last version for the SuprDupr and SuprChip boards that will use polled input. The next version will have an interrupt driven Rx buffer for better response. As such version 1.09 will remain available for donload here.

Download version 1.09 source Download, binary Download or Motorola hex Download.

Last page update: 9th July, 2003. e-mail me e-mail