Up one A-D & D-A port example. by Lee Davison Up to top

Typical display
 on the 'scope Introduction.

In this example the SuprDupr is used as an analog multiplexer to display eight analog inputs as a 'bargraph' type display on a 'scope.

The SuprDupr also generates a trigger pulse to synchronise the 'scope on the second analog output.

The upper trace is the multiplex out, the lower trace is the trigger pulse.

The code.

10 REM 8 channel analog multiplex
20 REM displays 8 analog inputs as
30 REM a 'bargraph' type display on
40 REM a two channel 'scope.
50 REM
60 REM Analog out 1 is the trigger signal
70 REM Analog out 2 is the multiplex
80 REM
100 DO             : REM start of main loop
110  D2A1 255      : REM trigger pulse high
120  D2A1 0        : REM trigger pulse low
130  FOR ch=0 TO 7 : REM for each channel
140   D2A2 A2D(ch) : REM read port & out to scope
150  NEXT ch
160  D2A2 0        : REM set bar output level
170 LOOP

Last page update: 9th July, 2003. e-mail me e-mail