Up one AT keyboard interface driver by Lee Davison Up to top

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; suprdupr AT keyboard driver ver$ 0.1

; PC AT keyboard interface for 3806 L.Davison, 2001/2/3
; works with 102 key standard and 105 key Win95/98 keyboards

; The main, externally useable routines are ...

; ResetAT	resets the keyboard, flags & LEDs
; KeyLEDs	sets the keyboard LEDs, is called by ResetAT
; SendAT	sends a byte to the keyboard, returns with the response
; ScanAT	scans keyboard and get scancode, returns after timeout if no key
; ScanKey	scans keyboard & decodes the key, returns after a timeout if no key

; addresses used ...

KEYread		=	Port7	; keyboard port, o.c. outputs
KEYwrite	=	PDir7	; keyboard port, o.c. outputs
KDA		=	7	; bit 7 is data
KCL		=	6	; bit 6 is clock
				; bits 0 to 5 are not used by this

TxChar		=	$52	; transmit character buffer
RxChar		=	$53	; receive character buffer
LEDBits		=	$54	; LED status bits
				; bit 0 = scroll lock,		1 = LED on
				; bit 1 = num lock,		1 = LED on
				; bit 2 = caps lock,		1 = LED on
				; bits 3 to 7 are unused but may get trashed
KeyBits		=	$55	; key status bits
				; bit 0 = Left shift,		1 = key down
				; bit 1 = Left control,		1 = key down
				; bit 2 = Left win,		1 = key down
				; bit 3 = Left alt,		1 = key down
				; bit 4 = Right shift,		1 = key down
				; bit 5 = Right control,	1 = key down
				; bit 6 = Right win,		1 = key down
				; bit 7 = Right alt,		1 = key down
RxTwo		=	$56	; two code key flag and temporary counter

		*=	$9000

;; code for testing only. remove for ROM code
;	LDM	#$FF,PDir6	; output
;	LDM	#$00,Port6	; low
;	SEB	7,Port6		; pin high
;	CLB	7,Port6		; pin low
;	JSR	ResetAT		; resets the keyboard, flags & LEDs
;	LDM	#$00,$58
;	LDM	#$20,$59
;	JSR	ScanKey		; get and decode key
;	BCS	Scan_ou		; branch if key
;	DEC	$58		; heartbeat countdown
;	BNE	Scan_gg		; loop if not done
;	DEC	$59		; heartbeat countdown
;	BNE	Scan_gg		; loop if not done
;	LDA	#03		; heartbeat character on hyperterm
;	JSR	OUTPUT		; output byte key
;	BRA	Scan_lp		; loop forever
;; end of demo code

; keyboard decoding routine. the entry point is ScanKey for a non
; halting keyboard poll. if there is a key waiting it will be
; returned in RxChar, else, on return, RxChar will be null.

				; key pressed was break [pause] key
	LDA	#$07		; seven more scancodes to ignore
				; ($14,$77,$E1,$F0,$14,$F0,$77)
	STA	RxTwo		; copy code count
	LDX	#$00		; 2000uS delay (8Mhz 3806 1w)
	JSR	ScanAD		; long wait and get second scancode
	DEC	RxTwo		; decrement count
	BNE	Ploop		; loop if not all pause bytes done

	LDA	#$03		; make break = [CTRL-C]
	STA	RxChar		; save key
	SEC			; flag key

				; process lifted key
	LDX	#$00		; 2000uS delay (8Mhz 3806 1w)
	JSR	ScanAD		; long wait and get second scancode

	ORA	RxTwo		; OR in table half
	TAY			; set index from scancode
	LDA	ATtable,Y	; get keycode
	TAX			; save key for now
	AND	#$F0		; mask top nibble
;	CMP	#$C0		; function key ?
;	BEQ	FuncKeyUP	; was function key, use this branch for you own
;				; function key up handler (X holds char code)

	CMP	#$90		; bit hold ?
	BNE	ScanKey		; not bit hold, go get next
				; ignores other key releases

	LDA	#$00		; clear A

				; was bit hold key (for up or down key)
	STA	RxTwo		; save key up/down flag ($90 for down, $00 for up)
	TXA			; get key back
	CMP	#$98		; compare with win_menu key
	BCS	ScanKey		; ignore $98 - $9F

				; if here key is either, [L_SHIFT], [L_CTRL],
				; [L_WIN], [L_ALT], [R_SHIFT], [RCTRL], [R_WIN]
				; or [R_ALT]

				; rotates a 1 into a byte of 0s to
				; toggle the pressed/lifted key's bit
	AND	#$07		; mask lower 3 bits
	TAX			; key # to X
	LDA	#$00		; clear A
	SEC			; set -1 bit
	ROL	A		; rotate zero bit through A
	DEX			; decrement bit count
	BPL	R_Loop		; loop if not that key

	LDX	RxTwo		; get key up flag
	BEQ	ClearBit	; branch if was it key up

	ORA	KeyBits		; set the bit
	BRA	SavBits		; branch always

	EOR	#$FF		; make only one bit = 0
	AND	KeyBits		; clear the bit
	STA	KeyBits		; and save it back

	BCC	ScanKey		; go get next scancode (branch always)

				; handle num, caps and scroll lock keys
	TXA			; get key back
	EOR	LEDBits		; toggle the LED bits
	STA	LEDBits		; save new LED bits
	JSR	KeyLEDs		; set the keyboard LEDs

; get a key from the keyboard, exits with null after timeout
; This is the main entry point for this routine

	JSR	ScanAT		; scan keyboard
	BCS	ProcKey		; if key go do processing


; process key from the keyboard

	CMP	#$E1		; is it pause (break)
	BEQ	WasBRK		; branch if so

	CMP	#$AA		; is it selftest pass
	BEQ	ScanKey		; branch if was

; this bit should onlt be needed if you use scancode set 3

;	CMP	#$FF		; is it error or buffer overflow
;	BNE	NotOF		; branch if not

;	JSR	ClearOF		; clear overflow
;	BRA	ScanKey		; get scancode again

				; here we have handled startup, errors and [BREAK]
	LDX	#$00		; clear for single key code
	CMP	#$E0		; is it $E0 (two byte sequence)
	BNE	NotE0		; branch if not

;	LDX	#$00		; 2000uS delay (8Mhz 3806 1w) X is already cleared
	JSR	ScanAD		; long wait and get second scancode
	LDX	#$80		; set for double key code
	STX	RxTwo		; set/clear two code flag
	CMP	#$F0		; is it $F0 (key up)
	BEQ	KeyUp		; branch if up

				; key has been pressed
	ORA	RxTwo		; OR in table half
	TAY			; set index from scancode
	LDA	ATtable,Y	; get keycode
	TAX			; save key for now
	AND	#$F0		; mask top nibble
	CMP	#$80		; bit set/unset ?
	BEQ	SetUnset	; was bit set/unset

	CMP	#$90		; bit hold ?
	BEQ	BitHold		; was so go set hold bit

	CMP	#$C0		; function key ?
;	BEQ	FuncKey		; was function key, use this branch for you own
				; function key down handler (X holds char code)
	BEQ	ScanKey		; was function key, ignore for now

				; key is not function, bit change or lock key
	BBC	2,LEDBits,N_CapsL	; skip CAPS if not set

	TXA			; get key back
	CMP	#"a"+$80	; compare with "a" (shiftable)
	BCC	N_CapsL		; branch if less

	CMP	#"z"+$80+1	; compare with "z"+1 (shiftable)
	BCS	N_CapsL		; branch if greater or equal

				; caps lock on and was alpha, so shift it
	TYA			; copy index
	EOR	#$80		; do CAPS LOCK
	TAY			; back to index

	TYA			; copy scancode
	CMP	#$CA		; compare with keypad "/"
	BEQ	Shift		; correct keypad "/"

	CMP	#$69		; compare scancode with lowest numeric pad code
	BCC	NotNumpad	; branch if less

	CMP	#$7E		; compare scancode with highest numeric pad code+1
	BCS	NotNumpad	; branch if greater or equal (not numeric)

				; gets here if numeric pad code
	BBS	1,LEDBits,N_Shift	; skip if NUM lock set
				; (backwards! like it should be)

	TXA			; get key back
	BMI	Shift		; branch if was numeric (shiftable)

				; key wasn't numeric so now check shift keys status'
	LDA	KeyBits		; get held bit flags
	AND	#$11		; mask shift bits
	BEQ	N_Shift		; there was no shift applied

				; if here then either shift was held (or both)
	TXA			; get key back
	BPL	N_Shift		; branch if not shiftable

	TYA			; copy index
	EOR	#$80		; do the shift (or NUM LOCK)
	TAY			; copy to index
	LDA	ATtable,Y	; get keycode
	CPY	#$80		; check scancode
	BCS	FixPound	; skip if from second half of table (¬ and £)

	AND	#$7F		; clear shiftable bit (lower half of table only)
	TAX			; save key for now

	LDA	KeyBits		; get held bit flags
	AND	#$22		; mask control bits
	BEQ	NoCtrl		; was no control key applied

	TXA			; get key back (again)
	CMP	#$40		; compare with "@"
	BCC	NoCtrl		; branch if less, not in range

	CMP	#$80		; compare with [DEL]+1
	BCS	NoCtrl		; branch if greater or equal, not in range

				; [CTRL] key held and in range, mask it
	AND	#$1F		; convert to control key
	TAX			; copy key to X
	TXA			; copy key
	STX	RxChar		; save key
	SEC			; flag key

; scan the keyboard to see if a key is waiting. returns scancode in A
; and RxChar, or $00 if no key waiting. this is the main entry point.

; if the keyboard response seems flaky when holding a key for auto
; repeat then increase the timeout, it helps. This was the shortest
; I could reliably get away with with all the test keyboards.

; possible bytes (apart from scancodes) are ...

; $00		error or buffer overflow (sets 2 and 3)
; $AA		Power On Self Test passed (BAT Completed)
; $EE		Echo. see echo command (host commands)
; $FA		acknowledge
; $FC		Power On Self Test failed
; $FE		resend
; $FF		error or buffer overflow (set 1 only)

				; Rx error, try again
	LDA	#$FE		; resend command
	JSR	SendAT		; send A to keyboard

; when exiting this routine the clock is pulled low to hold off transmission.

	LDX	#$20		; set timeout count (150uS, 8MHz 3806 1w)
	CLB	KCL,KEYwrite	; clock high
	NOP			; give it a chance to rise
	NOP			; ..
	BBC	KCL,KEYread,WaitD	; test clock line and go do rest if it falls

	NOP			; extend the delay a little
	NOP			; ..
	NOP			; enough delay for 8MHz 3806 1w
;	NOP			; ..
;	NOP			; ..
;	NOP			; ..
;	NOP			; ..
;	NOP			; ..
	DEX			; else decrement timeout value
	BNE	WaitH		; go wait some more if time is not up yet

	CLC			; flag no key

; receive timed out, return with carry clear

	SEB	KCL,KEYwrite	; drive clock low (hold off more data)
	LDA	#$00		; clear A
	STA	RxChar		; save in buffer (no character)

; clock is low for start bit

	JSR	GetBit		; get start bit from keyboard
	BCC	RxTout		; branch if was timeout

	LDX	#$08		; eight data bits to get
	LDY	#$01		; 1's count to one (odd parity)
	JSR	GetBit		; get bit from keyboard (data bit)
	BCC	RxTout		; branch if was timeout

	ASL	A		; data bit to Cb
	BCC	NoRx1		; branch if bit was zero

	INY			; else increment 1's count
	ROR	RxChar		; bit into receive byte
	DEX				; decrement bit count
	BNE	RecByte		; loop if more data

	JSR	GetBit		; get bit from keyboard (parity bit)
	BCC	RxTout		; branch if was timeout

	ASL	A		; data bit to Cb
	PHP			; on stack for now
	JSR	GetBit		; get bit from keyboard (stop bit)

	SEB	KCL,KEYwrite	; drive clock low (hold off more data)

	TYA			; get computed parity
	PLP			; restore received parity
	ADC	#$00		; add received to computed
	ROR	A		; only interested in bit 0
	BCS	RxWasNOK	; go try again if not ok
				; (rx parity not equal to computed parity)

	LDA	RxChar		; else copy scancode
	BEQ	ClearOF		; branch if was error or buffer overflow

	SEC			; flag got byte

; gets a bit from the keyboard, received bit is in b7 of A
; Cb = 1 - ok
; Cb = 0 - timed out
; if there was a timeout X is trashed

	TXA			; save X
	CLC			; flag no bit
	LDX	#$C0		; set timeout count (1000uS, 8MHz 3806, 1w)
	BBC	KCL,KEYread,GetB	; test clock line and go do rest if it falls

	DEX			; else decrement timeout value
	BNE	GetBw		; go wait some more if time is not up yet


	TAX			; restore X
	LDA	KEYread		; get data
	SEC			; flag bit
	BBC	KCL,KEYread,WaitR	; wait for the clock to rise


; sets the pointers to the decode table, resets the keyboard and sets the
; lock LEDs. also clears the status bits for the decoder.

	LDM	#$00,KeyBits	; clear hold bits
	LDM	#$02,LEDBits	; set LED bits (NUM lock on)
	LDA	#$FF		; reset the keyboard
	JSR	SendAT		; send A to keyboard
	LDA	#$F6		; restore default settings
	JSR	SendAT		; send A to keyboard
	JSR	KeyLEDs		; set keyboard LEDs
	LDA	#$F4		; clear the buffer
	BRA	SendAT		; send A to keyboard & return

; set the keyboard LEDs from LEDBits

	LDA	#$ED		; next byte is LED bits
	JSR	SendAT		; send A to keyboard
	LDA	LEDBits		; get LED bits
	AND	#$07		; make sure bits 3 to 7 = 0

; SendAT sends the special codes to the keyboard, codes are ..

; $ED		set the LEDs according to the next byte I send
;		bit 0 = scroll lock
;		bit 1 = num lock
;		bit 2 = caps lock
;		bits 3-7 must be 0, 1 = LED on
; $EE		echo, keyboard will respond with $EE
; $F0		set scan code set, upon sending the keyboard will
;		respond with ACK ($FA) and then wait for a second
;		byte. sending $01 to $03 determines the code set
;		used, sending $00 will return the code set currently
;		in use.
; $F2		device identify. on sending the keyboard will respond with
;		ACK ($FA) followed by the keyboard device type numbers $AB,
;		$83. A mouse on this port would respond with $00,$00.
; $F3		set typematic repeat rate, upon sending the keyboard
;		will respond with ACK ($FA) and then wait for a second
;		byte, xDDRRRRR. this byte sets the rate where x is unused,
;		DD is 1, 2, 3 or 4 250mS delay times and RRRRR is the repeat
;		rate where 00000 = 30cps and 11111 = 2cps.
; $F4		keyboard enable, clears the keyboard buffer and starts
;		scanning.
; $F5		keyboard disable, clears the keyboard buffer and stops
;		scanning.
; $F6		restore default values upon sending the keyboard will
;		respond with ACK ($FA)
; $F7		sets all keys typematic. responds with ACK ($FA)
; $F8		sets all keys make/break. responds with ACK ($FA)
; $F9		sets all keys make. responds with ACK ($FA)
; $FA		sets all keys typematic/make/break. responds with ACK ($FA)
; $FB		set key type typematic.
; $FC		set key type make/break.
; $FD		set key type make.
; $FE		retransmit the last character please upon sending the
;		keyboard will respond by resending the last character
; $FF		reset, you stupid keyboard

	STA	TxChar		; save A in transmit buffer
	SEB	KDA,KEYwrite	; data low
	LDX	#$08		; eight bits to send
	CLB	KCL,KEYwrite	; clock high (tell keyboard to receive)
	LDY	#$01		; 1's count to one (odd parity)
	ROR	TxChar		; bit into carry
	BCC	NotOne		; skip increment if zero

	INY			; else increment 1's count
	JSR	SendB		; send bit to keyboard
	DEX			; decrement bit count
	BNE	SendByte	; loop if not all done
	ROR	TxChar		; last bit back into TxChar
	TYA			; copy parity count
	LSR	A		; parity bit into carry
	JSR	SendB		; send bit to keyboard
	SEC			; set stop bit
	JSR	SendB		; send bit to keyboard
	JSR	GetBit		; get bit from keyboard (ack bit)

	LDX	#$80		; 1000uS delay (8Mhz 3806 1w)
	JSR	WaitH		; long wait and get the response
	CMP	#$FE		; compare with not ok response
	BEQ	Send_AT		; if wrong go do it again


; send bit to keyboard, Cb is the bit to send

	BBS	KCL,KEYread,SendB	; test clock line and wait for it to fall

	BCC	kwr_0		; branch if data bit = 0

	CLB	KDA,KEYwrite	; high out to data
	BRA	WaitB		; skip low write

	SEB	KDA,KEYwrite	; low out to data
	BBC	KCL,KEYread,WaitB	; test clock line and wait for it to rise

ATtable:			; the first byte of the table is unused so
	RTS			; this RTS can be the first byte

; AT keyboard decoding table 

; [Fn] keys are coded $C1 to $CC but not acted on

; Lock keys are ..
;	[SCROLL LOCK]		$81
;	[NUM LOCK]		$82
;	[CAPS LOCK]		$84
; ... and they change flags internal to the decode routine,
; they also toggle the keyboard LEDs

; other non character keys are ..
;	[L_SHIFT]		$90
;	[L_CTRL]		$91
;	[L_WIN]			$92 (toggles bit but otherwise ignored)
;	[L_ALT]			$93 (toggles bit but otherwise ignored)
;	[R_SHIFT]		$94
;	[R_CTRL]		$95
;	[R_WIN]			$96 (toggles bit but otherwise ignored)
;	[R_ALT]			$97 (toggles bit but otherwise ignored)
;	[WIN_MENU]		$98 (ignored)

; AT keyboard decoding table first part.
; this mostly holds unshifted key values
; the second character in the comments field is usually the shifted
; character for that key

;	.byte	$00		; first byte replaced by RTS above
	.byte	$C9		; [F9]
	.byte	$00  		;
	.byte	$C5		; [F5]
	.byte	$C3		; [F3]
	.byte	$C1		; [F1]
	.byte	$C2		; [F2]
	.byte	$CC		; [F12]
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$CA		; [F10]
	.byte	$C8		; [F8]
	.byte	$C6		; [F6]
	.byte	$C4		; [F4]
	.byte	$09		; [TAB]
	.byte	"`"+$80		; `	¬
	.byte	$00		;

	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$93		; [L_ALT]
	.byte	$90		; [L_SHIFT]
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$91		; [L_CTRL]
	.byte	"q"+$80		; q	Q
	.byte	"1"+$80		; 1	!
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"z"+$80		; z	Z
	.byte	"s"+$80		; s	S
	.byte	"a"+$80		; a	A
	.byte	"w"+$80		; w	W
	.byte	"2"+$80		; 2	"
	.byte	$00		;

	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"c"+$80		; c	C
	.byte	"x"+$80		; x	X
	.byte	"d"+$80		; d	D
	.byte	"e"+$80		; e	E
	.byte	"4"+$80		; 4	$
	.byte	"3"+$80		; 3	£
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	" "		; [SPACE]
	.byte	"v"+$80		; v	V
	.byte	"f"+$80		; f	F
	.byte	"t"+$80		; t	T
	.byte	"r"+$80		; r	R
	.byte	"5"+$80		; 5	%
	.byte	$00		;

	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"n"+$80		; n	N
	.byte	"b"+$80		; b	B
	.byte	"h"+$80		; h	H
	.byte	"g"+$80		; g	G
	.byte	"y"+$80		; y	Y
	.byte	"6"+$80		; 6	^
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"m"+$80		; m	M
	.byte	"j"+$80		; j	J
	.byte	"u"+$80		; u	U
	.byte	"7"+$80		; 7	&
	.byte	"8"+$80		; 8	*
	.byte	$00		;

	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	","+$80		; ,	[less than]
	.byte	"k"+$80		; k	K
	.byte	"i"+$80		; i	I
	.byte	"o"+$80		; o	O
	.byte	"0"+$80		; 0	)
	.byte	"9"+$80		; 9	(
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"."+$80		; .	[greater than]
	.byte	$2F+$80		; /	?
	.byte	"l"+$80		; l	L
	.byte	";"+$80		; ;	:
	.byte	"p"+$80		; p	P
	.byte	"-"+$80		; -	_
	.byte	$00		;

	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$27+$80		; '	@
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"["+$80		; [	{
	.byte	"="+$80		; =	+
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$84		; [CAPS LOCK]
	.byte	$94		; [R_SHIFT]
	.byte	$0D		; [RETURN]
	.byte	"]"+$80		; ]	}
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"#"+$80		; #	~
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;

; keys with bit 7 set, but not the /, are only affected by num lock
; these are the num lock on values

	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$5C+$80		; \	|
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$08		; [BACKSPACE]
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"1"+$80		; 1 keypad
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"4"+$80		; 4 keypad
	.byte	"7"+$80		; 7 keypad
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;

	.byte	"0"+$80		; 0 keypad
	.byte	"."+$80		; . keypad
	.byte	"2"+$80		; 2 keypad
	.byte	"5"+$80		; 5 keypad
	.byte	"6"+$80		; 6 keypad
	.byte	"8"+$80		; 8 keypad
	.byte	$1B		; [ESC]
	.byte	$82		; [NUM LOCK]
	.byte	$CB		; [F11]
	.byte	"+"		; + keypad
	.byte	"3"+$80		; 3 keypad
	.byte	"-"		; - keypad
	.byte	"*"		; * keypad
	.byte	"9"+$80		; 9 keypad
	.byte	$81		; [SCROLL LOCK]
	.byte	$00		;

; AT keyboard decoding table second part.
; this mostly holds shifted key values of the first half

	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;    
	.byte	$C7		; [F7]
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"¬"		; [SHIFT] `
	.byte	$00		;

	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$97		; [R_ALT]
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$95		; [R_CTRL]
	.byte	"Q"		; [SHIFT] q
	.byte	"!"		; [SHIFT] 1
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"Z"		; [SHIFT] z
	.byte	"S"		; [SHIFT] s
	.byte	"A"		; [SHIFT] a
	.byte	"W"		; [SHIFT] w
	.byte	$22		; [SHIFT] 2
	.byte	$92		; [L_WIN]

	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"C"		; [SHIFT] c
	.byte	"X"		; [SHIFT] x
	.byte	"D"		; [SHIFT] d
	.byte	"E"		; [SHIFT] e
	.byte	"$"		; [SHIFT] 4
	.byte	"£"		; [SHIFT] 3
	.byte	$96		; [R_WIN]
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"V"		; [SHIFT] v
	.byte	"F"		; [SHIFT] f
	.byte	"T"		; [SHIFT] t
	.byte	"R"		; [SHIFT] r
	.byte	"%"		; [SHIFT] 5
	.byte	$98		; [WIN_MENU]

	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"N"		; [SHIFT] n
	.byte	"B"		; [SHIFT] b
	.byte	"H"		; [SHIFT] h
	.byte	"G"		; [SHIFT] g
	.byte	"Y"		; [SHIFT] y
	.byte	"^"		; [SHIFT] 6
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"M"		; [SHIFT] m
	.byte	"J"		; [SHIFT] j
	.byte	"U"		; [SHIFT] u
	.byte	"&"		; [SHIFT] 7
	.byte	"*"		; [SHIFT] 8
	.byte	$00		;

	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$3C		; [SHIFT] ,
	.byte	"K"		; [SHIFT] k
	.byte	"I"		; [SHIFT] i
	.byte	"O"		; [SHIFT] o
	.byte	")"		; [SHIFT] 0
	.byte	"("		; [SHIFT] 9
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$3E		; [SHIFT] .
	.byte	$3F		; / keypad
	.byte	"L"		; [SHIFT] l
	.byte	":"		; [SHIFT] ;
	.byte	"P"		; [SHIFT] p
	.byte	"_"		; [SHIFT] -
	.byte	$00		;

	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"@"		; [SHIFT] '
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"{"		; [SHIFT] [
	.byte	"+"		; [SHIFT] =
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$0D		; [ENTER] keypad
	.byte	"}"		; [SHIFT] ]
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"~"		; [SHIFT] #
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;

; keys marked "& keypad" are only affected by num lock
; these are the num lock off values

	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	"|"		; [SHIFT] \
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		; [END]		& keypad
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		; [CURSOR_LT]	& keypad
	.byte	$00		; [HOME]	& keypad
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;

	.byte	$00		; [INSERT]
	.byte	$7F		; [DELETE]	& keypad
	.byte	$00		; [CURSOR_DN]	& keypad
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		; [CURSOR_RT]	& keypad
	.byte	$00		; [CURSOR_UP]	& keypad
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		; [PAGE_DN]	& keypad
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		;
	.byte	$00		; [PAGE_UP]	& keypad
;	.byte	$00		; these two bytes are never accessed so don't
;	.byte	$00		; need to be defined in the table

Last page update: 12th August, 2003. e-mail me e-mail