6502 Pen plotter - Drawing lines By Lee Davison.


Because of the nature of the plotter's motors the number of possible lines that can be drawn can be halved by reversing the direction of the X axis motor in the case of lines with a -ve end X co-ordinate.

The same can be done again for lines with a -ve end Y co-ordinate. The result of this is that all possible lines can be drawn using only unsigned integer maths.


Drawing a line between any two arbitary points on a grid the exact line cannot be drawn as we are limited to either horizontals, verticals or diagonals. So to draw a representation of the line on the square lattice the program can only generate the best approximation.

The routine used by the plotter does just this. Given the distant endpoint of a line, the near endpoint is always (0,0) as all lines are drawn relative to the current pen position the routine generates the intermediate points.

The main feature of this routine is that the drawing of the line involves no multiplication or division operations so even long lines are generated quicker that they are drawn.

This graphic shows how three possible lines can be drawn using just one horizontal or vertical and one diagonal.

The routine.

First the endpoint X co-ordinate is tested and if it is -ve the X motor direction is set -ve and the sign of the X co-ordinate is changed.

	LDA	#$02		; set X direction +ve
	STA	Dirbyte		; and save it

	LDA	Xwordh		; get X axis high byte
	BPL	Xispos		; branch if not -ve

	EOR	#$FF		; invert byte
	STA	Xwordh		; save it
	LDA	Xwordl		; get low byte
	EOR	#$FF		; invert it
	STA	Xwordl		; save it
	INC	Xwordl		; +1
	BNE	Nohighx		; branch if no carry

	INC	Xwordh		; else increment high byte		
	LDA	#$00		; clear A (direction -ve)
	STA	Dirbyte		; clear direction byte

Next exactly the same thing is done for the endpoint Y co-ordinate.

	LDA	Ywordh		; get Y axis high byte
	BPL	Yispos		; branch if not -ve

	EOR	#$FF		; invert byte
	STA	Ywordh		; save it
	LDA	Ywordl		; get low byte
	EOR	#$FF		; invert it
	STA	Ywordl		; save it
	INC	Ywordl		; +1
	BNE	Nohighy		; branch if no carry

	INC	Ywordh		; else increment high byte		
	LDA	#$08		; set Y direction +ve
	ORA	Dirbyte		; OR in X direction
	STA	Dirbyte		; and save it

Now both X and Y are positive and the motor step directions are set according to the original signs of the X and Y co-ordinates.

Next we test to see if the line is vertical, i.e. X = 0. If it is then we have only a simple line and no interpolation is needed as the line can be drawn with only steps along the Y axis.

	LDA	Xwordh		; get X high byte
	ORA	Xwordl		; OR with low byte
	BNE	Testhoriz	; if not 0 go test horizontal line	

	LDX	Ywordl		; get Y low byte
	LDY	Ywordh		; get Y high byte
	LDA	#$04		; step Y motor
	BNE	Savnwrite2	; go save and draw segment,
				; branch always


	STX	Lcntl		; save as count low byte
	STY	Lcnth		; save as count high byte
	STA	Stepbyte	; save step byte
	JMP	WriteSeg	; go draw segment

If it wasn't a vertical line we then test for a horizontal line as this can be simply drawn with only X axis steps.

	LDA	Ywordh		; get Y high byte
	ORA	Ywordl		; OR with low byte
	BNE	Testdiag	; if not 0 go test diagonal line	

	LDA	#$01		; step X motor
	BNE	Savnwrite	; go save & draw segment,
				; branch always


	LDX	Xwordl		; get X low byte
	LDY	Xwordh		; get X high byte
	STX	Lcntl		; save as count low byte
	STY	Lcnth		; save as count high byte
	STA	Stepbyte	; save step byte
	JMP	WriteSeg	; go draw segment

If it wasn't a horizontal line the final test compares the X and Y co-ordinates. If they are equal our final simple case, where the line can be drawn by stepping simultaneously along both the X and Y axes, has been found.

	LDA	Xwordh		; get X high byte
	CMP	Ywordh		; compare Y high byte			
	BNE	Diffbyte	; branch if not equal

	LDA	Xwordl		; get X low byte
	CMP	Ywordl		; compare Y low byte
	BNE	Diffbyte	; branch if not equal

	LDA	#$05		; step both motors
	LDX	Xwordl		; get X low byte
	LDY	Xwordh		; get X high byte
	STX	Lcntl		; save as count low byte
	STY	Lcnth		; save as count high byte
	STA	Stepbyte	; save step byte
	JMP	WriteSeg	; go draw segment

At this point the three simple cases have been disposed of and only lines requiring interpolation remain. The first thing to do is determine which is the bigger of X and Y. This is conviniently already available inthe carry flag as a result of the earlier X and Y compare.

	BCC	Yisbigger	; branch if Y gt X			

Now we can set the total number of steps (always equal to the greater of X and Y) and we also know if the non diagonal step is horizontal or vertical (along the X or Y axis) from which was greater.

We also know how many diagonal moves we need to make (the smaller of X and Y) and we save this as Doublel/h. Now we can calculate the number of horizontal/vertical moves needed by subtracting this from the total number of moves and saving it as Singlel/h. P> Here is the code for the case of X gt Y.

				; carry is set for subtract		
	LDA	Xwordl		; get X low byte
	STA	Totall		; save as total low byte
	STA	Testl		; save as test low byte
	SBC	Ywordl		; subtract Y low byte
	STA	Singlel		; save single low byte
	LDA	Xwordh		; get X high byte
	STA	Totalh		; save as total high byte
	STA	Testh		; save as test high byte
	SBC	Ywordh		; subtract Y high byte
	STA	Singleh		; save single high byte

	LDX	Ywordl		; get Y low byte
	LDY	Ywordh		; get Y high byte
	LDA	#$01		; set X as step

The last thing we need is a way to decide which of the steps we need to take next as we are drawing the line. For this we use the test variable which is initialised to the smaller of X and Y minus half the number of the larger of X and Y. (This gives the smallest errors at the ends of the line, where they would be noticed most.)

	STX	Doublel		; save as double low byte
	STY	Doubleh		; save as double high byte		
	STA	Stepsav		; save it

	LSR	Testh		; shift test high byte
	ROR	Testl		; shift test low byte
	SEC			; set carry for subtract
	LDA	Doublel		; get double low byte
	SBC	Testl		; subtract test low byte
	STA	Testl		; save as test low byte
	LDA	Doubleh		; get double high byte
	SBC	Testh		; subtract test high byte
	STA	Testh		; save as test high byte,
				; Test=Double-(Single/2)

More to come.
Last page update: 28th April, 2002. e-mail me