; assembly code for CUBE keyboard interface
; notes for R6501AQ ....
; internal RAM is from $0040 to $00FF
; the contents of the 32 bytes from $0040 to $005F may be maintained
; by battery (not used)
; the stack pointer is 8 bits and ranges from $00FF down to $0040
LAB_00 = $00 ; port A
; bit function
; --- --------
; 7 serial Rx
; 6 serial Tx
; 5 enable serial Tx buffer
; 0 buzzer driver
; other bits unused
LAB_01 = $01 ; port B
; bit function
; --- --------
; 7 watchdog timer reset
; other bits unused
LAB_02 = $02 ; port C
LAB_12 = $12 ; interrupt enable register
LAB_14 = $14 ; mode control register
LAB_15 = $15 ; serial comms control register
LAB_16 = $16 ; serial comms status register
LAB_17 = $17 ; serial comms Tx/Rx byte
LAB_18 = $18 ; lower latch A
LAB_1A = $1A ; upper latch A
LAB_1C = $1C ; lower latch B
LAB_1E = $1E ; upper latch B
LAB_40 = $40 ; keyboard matrix p (written)
LAB_41 = $41 ; keyboard matrix q (read)
LAB_42 = $42 ; this key
LAB_43 = $43 ; last key
LAB_44 = $44 ; key held flag (bit 0 only)
LAB_45 = $45 ; 1/2 cycle count low byte
LAB_46 = $46 ; 1/2 cycle count high byte
; $47 to $FF is the available stack space
.ORG $F000
; reset vector gets here
JMP LAB_F00C ; go do reset
; IRQ vector gets here
JMP LAB_F070 ; go do IRQ
; NMI vector gets here
JMP LAB_F00C ; go do NMI
; start main code from here
JMP LAB_F09E ; go do main
; reset vector gets here - eventually
; NMI vector gets here - eventually
LDX #$40 ; set index
LDA #$00 ; set byte
STA LAB_00,X ; clear memory byte
INX ; increment index
CPX #$00 ; all done? (redundant compare)
BNE LAB_F010 ; loop if not
LDX #$FF ; set X
TXS ; set stack
; note that the 6501 stack grows down from $00FF
; not $01FF as on the 6502!
CLD ; clear decimal flag
JSR LAB_F02B ; set A, B and C ports as inputs (floating)
JSR LAB_F038 ; set serial comms control & status
JSR LAB_F041 ; set A and B timer values
JSR LAB_F052 ; set modes and interrupts
CLI ; enable interrupts
JMP LAB_F009 ; go do main loop (goes to LAB_F09E)
; set A, B and C ports as inputs
LDA #$FF ; byte all 1's
STA LAB_00 ; float port A
LDA #$FF ; byte all 1's
STA LAB_01 ; float port B
LDA #$FF ; byte all 1's
STA LAB_02 ; float port C
; set serial comms control & status
LDA #$C0 ; set for enable Tx/Rx, ASYNC, 8NO
STA LAB_15 ; set serial comms control register
LDA #$00 ; disable wake-up and EOTx
STA LAB_16 ; set serial comms status register
; set A and B timer values
LDA #$19 ; set 4800 baud for 2MHz clock
STA LAB_18 ; save to lower latch A
LDA #$00 ; set 4800 baud for 2MHz clock
STA LAB_1A ; save to upper latch A, init counter, clr flag
LDA #$D0 ; set 1mS timeout low byte
STA LAB_1C ; save to lower latch B
LDA #$07 ; set 1mS timeout high byte
STA LAB_1E ; save to upper latch B, init counter, clr flag
; the 6501 is set in 'normal' mode which means 14 bit addressing only
; A13 and A14 are not present.
; set modes and interrupts
LDA #$40 ; normal, tristate D, input B, timer B, timer A
STA LAB_14 ; set mode control register
LDA #$20 ; counter B underflow only
STA LAB_12 ; set interrupt enable register
; serial Tx byte
RMB #5,LAB_00 ; enable Tx buffer
PHA ; save A
STA LAB_17 ; Tx serial comms byte
BBR #6,LAB_16,LAB_F060 ; wait for Tx empty
BBR #7,LAB_16,LAB_F063 ; wait for Tx under run
SMB #5,LAB_00 ; disable Tx buffer
PLA ; restore A
CLC ; clear carry
JMP LAB_F06F ; exit (RTS would be better)
; unreferenced code
PLA ; restore A
SEC ; set carry
; IRQ vector gets here - eventually
PHA ; save A
TXA ; copy X
PHA ; save X
TYA ; copy Y
PHA ; save Y
LDA LAB_1C ; read lower counter B, clear flag
SMB #7,LAB_01 ; watchdog bit high
RMB #7,LAB_01 ; watchdog bit low
SMB #7,LAB_01 ; watchdog bit high (reset watchdog)
LDA LAB_45 ; get 1/2 cycle count low byte
ORA LAB_46 ; OR with 1/2 cycle count high byte
BEQ LAB_F098 ; exit if zero
SEC ; set carry for subtract
LDA LAB_45 ; get 1/2 cycle count low byte
SBC #$01 ; decrement it
STA LAB_45 ; save new 1/2 cycle count low byte
BCS LAB_F08E ; branch if no underflow
DEC LAB_46 ; decrement 1/2 cycle count high byte
BBS #0,LAB_00,LAB_F096 ; go reset sounder bit if set
SMB #0,LAB_00 ; else set sounder bit if reset
JMP LAB_F098 ; skip reset
RMB #0,LAB_00 ; reset sounder bit
PLA ; get A
TAY ; restore Y
PLA ; get A
TAX ; restore X
PLA ; restore A
; after setup we get here
; main keyboard poll loop
JSR LAB_F0CD ; poll keyboard, Cb=1 if key pressed
BCS LAB_F0AC ; branch if key pressed
RMB #0,LAB_44 ; flag no key held
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_43 ; clear last key
JMP LAB_F09E ; loop
; detected key pressed
JSR LAB_F0E8 ; get byte from table
LDA LAB_42 ; read this key (was in A already)
CMP LAB_43 ; compare with last key
BEQ LAB_F0BF ; branch if same
STA LAB_43 ; else make last key this key
RMB #0,LAB_44 ; reset key held flag
JSR LAB_F113 ; do 28.6715mS delay
JMP LAB_F09E ; loop
; is same key as last key
BBS #0,LAB_44,LAB_F09E ; loop if key held
; same key as last key and held for ??mS
SMB #0,LAB_44 ; set key held flag
JSR LAB_F126 ; set cycle time & count from A
JSR LAB_F10F ; serial Tx byte
JMP LAB_F09E ; loop
; poll keyboard, Cb=1 if key pressed
LDA #$FE ; set start bit pattern
STA LAB_40 ; save keyboard matrix p
LDA LAB_40 ; get keyboard matrix p bit pattern
STA LAB_01 ; to port B
LDA LAB_02 ; get port C
EOR #$FF ; invert it
BEQ LAB_F0E0 ; branch if no bits set
STA LAB_41 ; else save keyboard matrix q bit pattern
SEC ; set carry (flag key)
BCS LAB_F0E7 ; branch always (exit)
SEC ; set carry (to move into b0)
ROL LAB_40 ; rotate keyboard matrix p bit pattern
BBS #4,LAB_40,LAB_F0D1 ; loop if not all done
CLC ; clear carry (flag no key)
; get byte from table,00pq where ..
; p is # of first bit set in LAB_40 * 8 (keyboard matrix p)
; q is # of first bit set in LAB_41 (keyboard matrix q)
; byte saved in LAB_42 (this key)
LDA LAB_41 ; get keyboard matrix q
JSR LAB_F104 ; get # of first A bit set in Y
STY LAB_42 ; save bit # temp
LDA LAB_40 ; get keyboard matrix p
EOR #$FF ; invert it
JSR LAB_F104 ; get # of first A bit set in Y
TYA ; copy # to A
ASL ; *2
ASL ; *4
ASL ; *8
CLC ; clear carry for add (is always clear here!)
ADC LAB_42 ; add bit # temp
TAY ; copy to index
LDA LAB_F1F1,Y ; get key from table
STA LAB_42 ; save this key
; get # of first A bit set in Y
CLC ; clear carry
LDY #$00 ; clear bit #
LSR ; bit into carry
BCS LAB_F10E ; branch if set
INY ; increment bit #
JMP LAB_F107 ; loop
; serial Tx byte
JSR LAB_F05B ; serial Tx byte
; do 28.6715mS delay (57343 cycles @ 2MHz)
PHA ; save A
TYA ; copy Y
PHA ; save Y
LDY #$20 ; set outer loop count
LDA #$FF ; set inner loop count
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC #$01 ; -1
BNE LAB_F11A ; loop if not = 0
DEY ; decrement count
BNE LAB_F118 ; loop if not = 0
PLA ; get A
TAY ; restore Y
PLA ; restore A
; set cycle time & count from A
PHP ; push status
SEI ; disable interrupts
STA LAB_45 ; save in temp
PHA ; push A
TYA ; copy Y
PHA ; save Y
SEC ; set carry for subtract
LDA LAB_45 ; restore from temp
SBC #$30 ; subtract "0"
ASL ; *2 (2 bytes per word)
TAY ; copy to index
LDA LAB_F14D,Y ; get timer word low byte
STA LAB_1C ; save to lower latch B
LDA LAB_F14E,Y ; get timer word high byte
STA LAB_1E ; save to upper latch B, init counter, clr flag
LDA LAB_F19F,Y ; get timer cycles word low byte
STA LAB_45 ; save 1/2 cycle count low byte
LDA LAB_F1A0,Y ; get timer cycles word high byte
STA LAB_46 ; save 1/2 cycle count high byte
PLA ; pull A
TAY ; restore Y
PLA ; restore A
PLP ; restore status
; timer B 1/2 cycle time words
LAB_F14E = LAB_F14D+1 ; product frequency (Hz) duration (S)
.word $0341 ; 30CF0 1200.48 0.09996
.word $030D ; 30D00 1280.41 0.099968
.word $02DF ; 30CF0 1360.54 0.09996
.word $02B6 ; 30CC0 1440.92 0.099936
.word $0291 ; 30C30 1522.07 0.099864
.word $0271 ; 30D40 1600.00 0.1
.word $0253 ; 30CF0 1680.67 0.09996
.word $0238 ; 30D00 1760.56 0.099968
.word $021F ; 30C90 1841.62 0.099912
.word $0208 ; 30C00 1923.08 0.09984
.word $01F4 ; 30D40 2000.00 0.1
.word $01E0 ; 30C00 2083.33 0.09984
.word $01CE ; 30BA0 2164.50 0.099792
.word $01BE ; 30C80 2242.15 0.099904
.word $01AF ; 30D30 2320.19 0.099992
.word $01A0 ; 30C00 2403.85 0.09984
.word $0193 ; 30CD0 2481.39 0.099944
.word $0186 ; 30C00 2564.10 0.09984
.word $017A ; 30BA0 2645.50 0.099792
.word $016F ; 30BE0 2724.80 0.099824
.word $0165 ; 30CF0 2801.12 0.09996
.word $015B ; 30CC0 2881.84 0.099936
.word $0151 ; 30B50 2967.36 0.099752
.word $0148 ; 30B00 3048.78 0.099712
.word $0140 ; 30C00 3125.00 0.09984
.word $0138 ; 30C00 3205.13 0.09984
.word $0130 ; 30B00 3289.47 0.099712
.word $0129 ; 30BA0 3367.00 0.099792
.word $0122 ; 30B60 3448.28 0.09976
.word $011C ; 30D00 3521.13 0.099968
.word $0115 ; 30B10 3610.11 0.09972
.word $010F ; 30B20 3690.04 0.099728
.word $0109 ; 30A70 3773.58 0.09964
.word $0104 ; 30C00 3846.15 0.09984
.word $00FF ; 30CF0 3921.57 0.09996
.word $00FA ; 30D40 4000.00 0.1
.word $00F5 ; 30CF0 4081.63 0.09996
.word $00F0 ; 30C00 4166.67 0.09984
.word $00EB ; 30A70 4255.32 0.09964
.word $00E7 ; 30BA0 4329.00 0.099792
.word $00E3 ; 30C50 4405.29 0.09988
; 1/2 cycle count words
; see above for frequencies and durations
LAB_F1A0 = LAB_F19F+1
.word $00F0
.word $0100
.word $0110
.word $0120
.word $0130
.word $0140
.word $0150
.word $0160
.word $0170
.word $0180
.word $0190
.word $01A0
.word $01B0
.word $01C0
.word $01D0
.word $01E0
.word $01F0
.word $0200
.word $0210
.word $0220
.word $0230
.word $0240
.word $0250
.word $0260
.word $0270
.word $0280
.word $0290
.word $02A0
.word $02B0
.word $02C0
.word $02D0
.word $02E0
.word $02F0
.word $0300
.word $0310
.word $0320
.word $0330
.word $0340
.word $0350
.word $0360
.word $0370
; keyboard matrix decode table
.byte "QRST","ABCD","7890","EFGH"
.byte "456U","IJKL","123V","MNOP"
; vector words at top of ROM
.word LAB_F006 ; NMI vector
.word LAB_F000 ; reset vector
.word LAB_F003 ; IRQ vector