Square Calculator. By Lee Davison.

This routine calculates the 16-bit unsigned integer square of a signed 16-bit integer in the range +/-255 (decimal).
The code.
; Calculates the 16 bit unsigned integer square of the signed 16 bit integer in	
; Numberl/Numberh. The result is always in the range 0 to 65025 and is held in
; Squarel/Squareh
; The maximum input range is only +/-255 and no checking is done to ensure that
; this is so.
; This routine is useful if you are trying to draw circles as for any circle
; x^2+y^2=r^2 where x and y are the co-ordinates of any point on the circle and
; r is the circle radius
; Destroys all registers

	.ORG	8000		; these must be in RAM

Numberl				; number to square low byte
Numberh	= Numberl+		; number to square high byte
	.word $FFFF

Squarel				; square low byte
Squareh	= Squarel+1		; square high byte
	.word $FFFF

Tempsq				; temp byte for intermediate result
	.byte $00

	.ORG	8192		; any address will do

	LDA	#$00		; clear A
	STA	Squarel		; clear square low byte
				; (the high byte gets shifted out)
	LDA	Numberl		; get number low byte
	LDX	Numberh		; get number high byte
	BPL	NoNneg		; if +ve don't negate it
				; else do a two's complement
	EOR	#$FF		; invert
	SEC			; +1
	ADC	#$00		; and add it

	STA	Tempsq		; save ABS(number)
	LDX	#$08		; set bit count

	ASL	Squarel		; low byte *2
	ROL	Squareh		; high byte *2+carry from low
	ASL	A		; shift number byte
	BCC	NoSqadd		; don't do add if C = 0
	TAY			; save A
	CLC			; clear carry for add
	LDA	Tempsq		; get number
	ADC	Squarel		; add number^2 low byte
	STA	Squarel		; save number^2 low byte
	LDA	#$00		; clear A
	ADC	Squareh		; add number^2 high byte
	STA	Squareh		; save number^2 high byte
	TYA			; get A back

	DEX			; decrement bit count
	BNE	Nextr2bit	; go do next bit

Last page update: 28th August, 2003. e-mail me