; SIN(A) COS(A) routines. A full circle is represented by $00 to
; $00 in 256 1.40625 degree steps. returned value is signed 16
; bit with X being the high byte and ranges over +/-0.99997
; The routine never returns +1.0 as it is out of the range of the
; returned value. The routine also never returns -1.0 as, although
; it is in range, the calculation is symetrical for both positive
; and negative results.
; get COS(A) in AX
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC #$40 ; add 1/4 rotation
; get SIN(A) in AX. enter with the Z flag reflecting the contents
; of A
BPL sin_cos ; just get SIN/COS and return if +ve
AND #$7F ; else make +ve
JSR sin_cos ; get SIN/COS
; now do twos complement
EOR #$FF ; toggle the low byte
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC #$01 ; add 1 to the low byte
PHA ; save the low byte
TXA ; copy the high byte
EOR #$FF ; toggle the high byte
ADC #$00 ; add the carry from the low byte
TAX ; copy back to X
PLA ; restore the low byte
; get AX from SIN/COS table
CMP #$41 ; compare with max+1
BCC quadrant ; branch if less
EOR #$7F ; wrap $41 to $7F ..
ADC #$00 ; .. to $3F to $00
ASL ; * 2 bytes per value
TAX ; copy to index
LDA sintab,X ; get SIN/COS table value low byte
PHA ; save it
LDA sintab+1,X ; get SIN/COS table value high byte
TAX ; copy to X
PLA ; restore the low byte
; SIN/COS table. returns values between $0000 and $7FFF
.word $0000,$0324,$0647,$096A,$0C8B,$0FAB,$12C8,$15E2
.word $18F8,$1C0B,$1F19,$2223,$2528,$2826,$2B1F,$2E11
.word $30FB,$33DE,$36BE,$398C,$3C56,$3F17,$41CE,$447A
.word $471C,$49B4,$4C3F,$4EBF,$5133,$539B,$55F5,$5842
.word $5A82,$5CB4,$5ED7,$60EC,$62F2,$64EB,$66CF,$68A6
.word $6A6D,$6C24,$6DC4,$6F5F,$70E2,$7255,$73B5,$7504
.word $7641,$776C,$7884,$798A,$7A7D,$7B5D,$7C2A,$7CE3
.word $7D8A,$7E1D,$7E9D,$7F09,$7F62,$7FA7,$7FD8,$7FF6
.word $7FFF