256-Byte Data Buffer. By Lee Davison.

This routine is an interrupt serviced 256 byte data buffer for serial ports and the like. Very similsr code was used to supply the stepper motor driver routine with line co-ordinate pairs.

This is not a finished solution, you will need to add your own code to drive the target of the buffer.

The code.

; code for an interrupt serviced data buffer. similar code is used to drive
; the XY stepper motors on a plotter with new position information every 5mS
; and also to allow pen up/down movement time of 70mS

; buffer and variables must be in RAM

Buffer				; 256 byte buffer (must start at page edge)
	.ds	$100

BRindx				; buffer read index
	.byte	$00

BWindx				; buffer write index
	.byte	$00

Sendf				; am sending flag
	.byte	$00

WByte				; temp store for the byte to be sent
	.byte	$00

; write the data to the buffer a byte at a time and increment the pointer.
; the routine is called with the byte to write in A. If the interrupt
; device is idle when this routine is called it will wake it up by doing
; a BRK before it exits

; destroys the Y register

; can be ROM or RAM

	STA	WByte		; save byte to write
	LDA	BRindx		; get read index
	SEC			; set carry for subtract
	SBC	BWindx		; subtract write index
	BEQ	Dowrite		; if equal then buffer empty so do write
	CMP	#$02		; need at least n+1 bytes to avoid rollover
	BCC	Incwritb	; loop if no space

				; construct and write data to buffer
	LDY	BWindx		; get write index
	LDA	WByte		; get byte to write
	STA	Buffer,Y	; save it
	INY			; increment index to next byte
	STY	BWindx		; save new write index byte

; now see if the interrupt service routine is already running or if it's
; idle

	LDA	Sendf		; get the sending flag
	BNE	Doingit		; skip call if running
	BRK			; software call to interrupt routine
	NOP			; need this as return from BRK is +1 byte!
	CLI			; enable the interrupts


; this is the interrupt service routine. takes a byte a time from the
; buffer and does some thing with it. also sets up the device(s) for
; the next interrupt

; no registers altered

	PHA			; save A
	TXA			; copy X
	PHA			; save X
	TYA			; copy Y
	PHA			; save Y

; insert code here to ensure this is the interrupt you want. if it
; isn't then just exit quietly via ResExit the end of the routine

	JSR	Increadb	; increment pointer and read byte from buffer
	BCS	ExitIRQ		; branch if no byte to do

; here would be the guts of the routine such as sending the byte to
; the ACIA or a printer port or some other byte device. it will also
; ensure the device is set to generate an interrupt when it's completed
; it's task

	LDA	#$FF		; set byte
	STA	Sendf		; set sending flag
	JMP	ResExit		; restore the registers & exit

				; all done, clear the flag restore the
				; registers & exit
	LDA	#$00		; clear byte
	STA	Sendf		; clear sending flag

	PLA			; pull Y
	TAY			; restore it
	PLA			; pull X
	TAX			; restore it
	PLA			; restore A
	RTI			; this was an interrupt service request
				; so exit properly

; get byte from the buffer and increment the pointer. If the buffer is empty
; then exit with the carry flag set else exit with carry clear and the byte
; in A

	LDY	BRindx		; get buffer read index
	CPY	BWindx		; compare write index
	BEQ	NOktoread	; branch if empty (= sets carry)
	LDA	Buffer,Y	; get byte from buffer
	INY			; increment pointer
	STY	BRindx		; save buffer read index
	CLC			; clear not ok flag


Last page update: 6th June, 2004. e-mail me