Changes from lib6502 version 0.2 to 0.6 --------------------------------------- Log says: 0.5 -> 0.6: added getenvp added os version call getos changed cwd definition to let the app provide a buffer removed a/y length of data processed return value from fread/fwrite, added end-of-file comment to fread added "cwd" call added SIG_CHLD definition to signal added "yield" call 0.4 -> 0.5: moved file mode in fopen to xr Moved getenv/putenv from the Ideas section to an own subsection added directory entry definitions, added owner/group (this makes fsetattr equivalent to chmod and chown) remove no-block bit from freaddir, use fcntl(FC_RCHECK) E_FNAMLEN for name too long added to fopen absolute values for FC_* constants added fopen bits for exclusive etc added realloc added Trying to add more explicit values to not only have source but also binary compatibility someday getenv/putenv added to ideas section. 0.3 -> 0.4: completely moved to bi-directional file-nos added more comments on flock introduced fcntl(FC_RCHECK) and fcntl(FC_WCHECK) put a note for the directory into the fopen() description 0.2 -> 0.3: added fseek added stddup changed forknexec to forkto added forkthread added how to get list of file devices added how a program is started (main, a/y=pars) added o65 impementation notes. added dup call and notes about read-write file-nrs added kill