André's 8-bit pages
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André's 8-bit pages

On these pages you will find quite some information concerning 8-bit computers of the 6502 line.

    2024-09-21 Updated the Ulti-PET page to the current state - the prototype Ulti-PET machine! Updated the GeckOS page to its current version 2.2.
    2024-10-30 Update on the Ulti-PET page.
    2024-02-06 Updated the GeckOS page to its current version 2.1.1.
    2024-02-03 Updated the Ulti-PET page (also renamed "Ultimate PET" to "UltiPET", to avoid confusion with the Ultimate projects by Gideon. Added the CS/A IEC and UART board.
    2023-12-13 Added a CSA SID board, as well as links to Ultra-CPU and Ultra-Bus boards to the CS/A page.
    2023-08-27 Added an alternative definition of the CS/A bus with a shorter connector and only 48 signals.
    2023-07-23 Added some links on the PET index pages
    2023-01-08 Introduced The Ultimate PET.
    2022-03-13 Updated PETIO board on the CS/A65 machine.
    2021-12-29 Updated boards on the CS/A65 machine.
    2021-10-18 Added the link to the github source code repo of GeckOS.
    2021-10-18 Updated the CS/A VDC Video board, PETIO, and BIOS boards.
    2021-09-13 Added the Micro-PET page.



A list of hardware information and links to the old CBM PET machines

Commodore Hardware mods and projects

Various CBM hardware projects, like SCSI interface, or a project to build Your own new PET 4032. Other items are C64 kernel mods and IEEE488 interfaces, including one for the PC to use it as disk drive.


A 65816 replacement and accelerator board for a 6502, as tested in CBM PETs and my CS/A


A firmware and server to use an embedded device as disk drive for the Commodore (PET as well as C64 and others), with the help of a PC serving files or internet connections.


and Gecko are my selfdesigned and selfbuilt multi- resp. singleboard 6502 computers. The CS/A65 features virtual memory, video card, a SCSI interface and many more stuff I have now linked my CS/A65 emulator, based on the VICE emulator, to this page.

The Advanced 6502 page

is there for projects that go beyond the original 6502 design. It currently contains the PET816 board that speeds up a 1 MHz PET up to 10 MHz! This page will also be the home for the future 65k project.

Hardware info

Information on various items and standards used in these pages. Examples are CRTC and 74ls610 MMU info, and information about the SCSI and I2C standards.

Hardware Tools and Stuff

Miscellaneous hardware stuff. Currently contains a Logic Probe.


A small 6502 multitasking operating system that runs on the Commodore C64 and PET computers, as well as my selfbuilt 6502s.


is an attempt in defining a C-like standard library for 6502 assemblers. It is used in GeckOS/A65.


fileformat is a flexible relocatable 6502/65816 fileformat.


I wrote with relation to the 6502. Features cross assembler, C64 basic extension, etc.


I wrote about computer system and operating system architecture with relation to the 6502. Currently contains a articles about 6502 multiasking, Use of an MMU with the 6502, and about the GeckOS/A65 multitasking operating system.

6502 hardware related articles

I wrote. Articles are about hardware like RDY generation, using a UART in a 6502 system, or how to create an infrared remote control. Also has a discussion with - or rather a design lesson I got from - Bil Herd, the hardware designer of the Commodore 128. Now contains the Xilinx tools page about the CPLD tools I am using for my newest designs.

Emulation related articles

I wrote, resp. videos on a presentation I gave.


Further information can be found on my blog extrapages in the 8bit category.


All Copyrights are acknowledged. The information here is provided under the terms of the GNU Public License version 2 unless noted otherwise.

Last modified: 2024-10-30

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Dive into the retro feeling and build yourself a Micro-PET or a Multi-board Commodore 4032 replica

Need more speed? Speed up your 6502 computer with this 10 MHz 6502 CPU accelerator board

Interested in electronics design? Look at the design lesson I got from Bil Herd, the hardware designer of the C128

Want 64bit? - pimp the 6502 with the 65k processor design!

    2020-10-29 Updated a number of links on the PET index and elsewhere.
    2020-05-02 Updated the PET killer poke article.
    2019-08-31 Celebrate the 30th anniversary of the CS/A machine on the overhauled Gallery page.
    2019-08-31 Started working on the documentation of the XS1541 device to connect Commodore computer and devices to the PC.
    2018-12-29 Updated some links on the Petindex page.
    2018-04-01 Mike and I have moved the source repository of this web page to github at You can now submit merge requests if you think stuff should be updated and can come up with the update :-) Note - that is no promise of me being able to process it quickly, but nevertheless... Some items still may need to be ironed out. The last modified dates have changed in the process. They may even be more accurate now using the git commit log to use the last commit date (but they are in cases different from the previously used last-modified timestamp on my svn-based repository).
    2017-09-29 A lot of PETindex updates as I cleaned up my TODO list...
    2017-08-29 PETindex updates, esp. on RS232 extensions and projects.
    2017-08-13 Added the 1st version ROM dump for the PET diagnostic cartridge and a disassembly for it. Added contributed Backplanes to the CS/A computer. Added a link to Michael Steil's github repository with my commented C64 kernal mods.
    2017-07-23 Added the page for the Commodore PET Diagnostic clip.
    2016-04-24 Updated some links in the PETindex and 65k pages.
    2015-09-20 Updated some links on the PETindex.
    2014-08-22 Also added some more links on the PETindex.
    2014-08-11 Added more ROM version info on the drive ROMs page. Also added some more PET repair information.
    2014-08-11 Linked my blog extrapages on the article teaser.
    2013-12-30 Minor updates in the PETindex. Also added the Emulation page, with link to my YouTube presentation about the emulation of classic computers.
    2013-11-02 Moved the description of the different modes of operation from the diffs page to the CRTC operation page. Added the C64 80 column card and hires mode descriptions to the CRTC system integration page.
    2013-10-13 Added the Commodore USB interface
    2013-10-13 Added a small demo video to my GeckOS Operating System page. Also added small demo video on the PET816 accelerator card.
    2013-05-02 Fix some web design bugs, a few smaller updates Added the Colour PET project description. Added the Colour PET description to the CRTC pages.
    2013-04-14 New, flexible web design, suitable for PCs as well as handheld devices :-)
    2013-04-14 Added a RAM drive for the 8296 to the Hardware page, more on french internationalized machines on the new Internationalization page. Added a link to the 60Hz version of the "No PETs allowed" Demo.
    2013-01-13 Added drivers to the NET/USB/SD-Card board.
    2013-01-13 The VIA can actually do SPI model 0 to access SD cards.... See the new version of my SD Card schematics.
    2013-01-06 Added a page for the newly published usb65 USB drivers.
    2013-01-04 Added a page for the new XD2031 firmware, to use the PC as disk drive for Commodore computers via an AtMega(tm) and a USB connection.
    2013-01-04 Added the new NetUSB board with SD-Card, Ethernet and USB host + device!
    2013-01-04 A number of smaller updates, mostly PETindex.
    2012-05-06 Published more extended docs for the af65002 processor!
    2012-05-06 Another web design update - hope you like it!
    2012-04-12 First release! Documented the first R0 version of the af65002 in its own af65002 page.
    2012-01-01 Added my own SPI65/B solution for the SPI bus. Added a separate page for 6502-based Ethernet and TCP/IP. Added a separate page for 6502-based USB solutions.
    2011-12-23 Some small updates to the programming specs; see change log there.
    2011-06-04 Added a 6502 networking page Updated the BIOS board with a new layout. Updated and added a new version of the Power supply board. Various other updates across the site.
    2011-05-04 Updated the CS/A Video board with a bug-fixed version.
    2011-05-01 The 65k project: Some general updates and a larger update to the programming specs. Added the Design Notes page to explain some of the design decisions.
    2011-04-29 Added a new Block Transfer Engine to my CS/A computer.
    2011-04-24 Added a page to describe the funny things I found in an 8032-SK I got.
    2011-04-23 Added a page for the 8032-SK model and started a programming languages page to the PET index.
    2011-04-22 Added a completely new USB board to my CS/A computer. Device and Host operation possible with a 1MHz 6502!
    2011-01-15 Added a section about bringing a PET on the 'Net. (and updated the PET CS/A adapter page that is being used here).
    2011-01-04 Added a completely new Ethernet board to my CS/A computer.
    2011-01-02 Some small updates to the 65k programming specs. Moved some opcodes around to achieve a more regular mapping
    2011-01-02 Updated the CS/A Ramdisk board. Now a CPLD-based version is available in addition to the older TTL-based version.
    2010-12-28/2010-12-22 Minor update to the 65k programming specs - added the "NF" prefix bit. Moved some LSB $f opcodes to ext page to add "abs,Y" addressing mode opcodes.
    2010-12-22 Updated the CPU816 board (v2) to fix the ROM programming, and make it compatible with the PET816 board.
    2010-12-20 Reorganized the CRTC pages.
    2010-10-23 It took a while, but now I published the first draft of my 65k processor design - Pimp your 6502 with 64 bit! :-)
    2010-09-12 Some more web design updates. Using web sprites, css and javascript compression should result in better load performance. Total files for this start page goes from 23 down to 9, the total size to load goes from 182k down to 150k.
    2010-09-05 I managed to use my 65816 board successfully in a PET4032, even use it for debugging the hardware problems of the 4032
    2010-08-29 I have added some experience and sample measurements with my new oscilloscope on the oscilloscope bits page.
    2010-08-28 Again (and again :-) I have updated the PET 65816 board, to speed up the PET to 10MHz by replacing the 6502 with a 65816 card. As far as I am concerned, this version now works as much as I can test it! The page now also contains in-depth explanations of the features and how it works!
    2010-08-22 Again I have updated the PET 65816 board, to speed up the PET to 10MHz by replacing the 6502 with a 65816 card.
    2010-08-22 Improved the CS/A VDC and CPU boards with better layout and a bug fixed.
    2010-08-11 I have updated the PET 65816 board, to speed up the PET to 8MHz by replacing the 6502 with a 65816 card.
    2010-08-02 Improved the CS/A BIOS and CPU boards with better timing.
    2010-06-06 Major web design update. New (menu) icons, new stylesheet with a new 3-column layout, and a much more functional menu. The menu is now dynamic, and allows filtering it for keywords. I hope you like it. Caveat emptor: I have tested with a number of browsers and system but not everything is perfect yet. Let me know if you find anything annoying.
    2010-05-31 Added a Sneak Preview page with my 8-bit plans... (Edit: removed since then)
    2010-05-11 Added some links and updates to the PETindex page
    2010-05-11 Added a patched PET BASIC4 kernal ROM to enable the CS/A PET replica to run at 2MHz
    2010-04-21 Updated the page for the Xilinx tools with information about VHDL simulation tools I use.
    2010-04-20 I have added a PET 65816 board, to speed up the PET to 10MHz!
    2010-04-12 Added a new error pattern for the PET repairs page.
    2010-04-11 Added a page for the Xilinx tools I am using for my newest designs
    2010-04-11 Updated the PET extensions page.
    2010-04-11 I finally made my first CPLD design work. See the CSA 65816 CPU page.
    2010-01-12 During the development of my RAMDisk board I had a very good discussion with Bil Herd, the principal design er of the Commodore Plus/4, C16/C116, and the much more successful Commodore 128, in which I learned a lot about hardware design in a mass production setup. Here is a summary of our discussion about the use of DRAM and schematics and board design in general.
    2010-01-06 Added a PET extension page, as well as a page for the PET harddisks to the PETindex. Fix an error in the keyboard matrix shown on the keyboard page. Improve layout of some PETindex pages.
    2010-01-04,2010-01-06 Add block diagram and memory map for 65816 CS/A board. Added V1.2B of the power supply board. Added a (partially working) RAMdisk board using old 30pin SIMM dRAM modules.
    2010-01-03, 2010-01-07 Fixed a number of links all over the place. Separated the knowledge bits section into two subsections.
    2010-01-01 Finally here it is! I managed to build the 65816 CPU board for the CS/A65. The CPU runs at 8 MHz and makes a PET real fast :-)
    2009-12-13 A bit late, but actually in october 2009 the CS/A65 had its 20th anniversary! I had hoped to have a 65816 CPU board ready that I have in the making, but I am still working out some timing issues. Stay tuned!
    2007-06-29 The Video board page has helper circuits to convert the output to composite video.
    2007-06-27 A new version of the Gecko board, including a PET ROM version using an RS232 interface as editor.
    2007-06-07 A new SPI page for the CS/A computer, with a schematics and driver to handle MMC and SD-Cards.
    2007-05-28 The new Miscellaneous Hardware page has a logic probe.
    2007-05-26 The CS/A65 computer now has a power supply adapter for PC power supplies, and a VIA prototyping board.
    2007-01-12 Added a page with PET repair information.
    2007-01-03 Added an Auxiliary CS/A65 CPU board, that can handle bus error conditions on the main cpu bus, as well as an article on the hardware aspects of multitasking and multiprocessing explaining the reasoning behind the board.
    2006-12-21 Added a prototype PET CS/A65 adapter board, so that PETs can use CS/A65 boards as well. Also added an old article about the GeckOS operating system.
    2006-12-16 Finally! Added a new CSA coprocessor board, that allows simultanous multiprocessing :-) Also added a new C64 adapter to use CS/A boards.
    2006-12-14 Added a new CSA SCSI board, that now includes an I2C controller, and also a test driver for the PETCPU RS232 interface and confirmation that this interface works.
    2006-11-26 Added a section to build your own, new, Commodore VC1581 using a PETCPU and DRVIO CS/A65 board.
    2006-11-24 Updated the CS/A computer with a memory map, also added a new I/O board for PC floppies and serial IEC bus. Also added tables with jumper settings for the PETCPU board.
    2006-11-21 Better graphical look-and-feel by using nicer icons. Also overhauled layout of the CRTC info pages and actually linked the CRTC raster effects test programs. Additionally I have added more information about the PET 8032 and 8296 use of the CRTC to the PETindex CRTC page.
    2006-11-20 Updated the PETindex to version 1.1 by adding more information on the SuperPET and 8x96 boards.
    2006-11-12 I have added ROMs and jumper settings to the Roll-you-own-PET page.
    2006-11-12 There are three new articles in the Knowledge bits sections. One article explains virtual address spaces and how to implement them with a 6502, one describes the use of a UART chip for an RS232 interface with a 6502, and the third article explains an infrared remote control using a VIA 6522.
    2006-11-01 I have added the article page with for now one article how to generate the RDY signal for a slow device.
    2006-11-01 I have added a few items, like the MMU replacement board, or the Roll-you-own-PET page where you can build your own PET 4032.
    2006-11-01 For some of the CS/A65 boards I have added the driver code as extracted from the GeckOS operating system.
    2006-11-01 The CS/A65 part has been completely overhauled, and some boards have been updated and new boards have been added!
    2006-11-01 Completely overworked the 8-bit pages. Now includes a navigation menu and is better maintainable (for me :-). I have also streamlined the webpage hierarchy. I hope you like it!
    2006-08-07 I have updated the links from funet to the new home of the Commodore archive at, as well as checked the other links and updated them where necessary.
    15jun2000 Some of those pages have been rewritten into XML that is transformed into HTML by using an XSL transformation.