[Return to Main Page] Decimal Mode by Bruce Clark
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Table of Contents

1  Introduction
2  What is BCD?
3  Using decimal mode on the 6502
3.1  Instructions that affect the D flag
3.2  Instructions that are affected by the D flag
3.2.1  The accumulator and the carry flag
3.2.2  The N, V, and Z flags
3.2.3  Cycle counts on the 65C02
4  Useful techniques
4.1  Valid N and Z flags on the 6502
4.2  Using CMP to compare BCD numbers
5  Interrupts (including BRK) and decimal mode
6  Code that relies upon undocumented decimal mode behavior
7  Decimal mode applications

Appendix A: What about invalid BCD values and invalid flags?
Appendix B: A program to verify decimal mode operation
Appendix C: Decimal mode on the 65816 with 16-bit numbers
Appendix D: Errata for Appendix B


BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) numbers can be directly added or subracted on the 6502 by using decimal mode. The basics of decimal mode are easily understood, but the specifics of its operation and use aren't always well documented. The material below is intended to provide those specifics.


A byte has 256 possible values, ranging, in hex, from $00 to $FF. These values may represent numbers, characters, or other data. The most common way of representing numbers is as a binary number (or more specifically, an unsigned binary integer), where $00 to $FF represents 0 to 255. In BCD, a byte represents a number from 0 to 99, where $00 to $09 represents 0 to 9, $10 to $19 represents 10 to 19, and so on, all the way up to $90 to $99, which represents 90 to 99. In other words, the upper digit (0 to 9) of the BCD number is stored in the upper 4 bits of the byte, and the lower digit is stored in the lower 4 bits. These 100 values are called valid BCD numbers. The other 156 possible values of a byte (i.e. where either or both hex digits are A to F) are called invalid BCD numbers. By contrast, all 256 possible values of a byte are valid binary numbers.

For example, when $28 is a BCD number it represents 28 (in decimal), and when $28 is a binary number it represents 40 (in decimal).

The term BCD arithmetic means arthmetic that involves BCD numbers, whereas the term binary arithmetic means arithmetic that involves binary numbers. Likewise for the terms BCD addition, binary addition, BCD subtraction, and binary subtraction. For example, $19 + $28 = $47 using BCD addition, but $19 + $28 = $41 (i.e. 25 + 40 = 65) using binary addition.

The BCD representation described above is called packed BCD, which means that there are two digits per byte. There is a related representation called unpacked BCD where there is one digit per byte. In unpacked BCD, $00 to $09 represents 0 to 9, and $0A to $FF (the other 246 possible values of a byte) are invalid. Note the similarity to how the digits 0 to 9 are represented in ASCII, namely, $30 to $39. Unpacked BCD is an inefficient use of memory, but on processors that, unlike the 6502, cannot directly perform BCD addition or subtraction, unpacked BCD is typically the fastest and simplest way to perform BCD calculations.


On most processors that directly support BCD addition or subtraction, the addition and subtraction instructions always use binary arithmetic, and a subsequent instruction (which follows the addition or subtraction instruction) is used to turn the binary result into a BCD result. By constrast, the addition and subtraction instructions of the 6502, ADC and SBC, may produce either a binary result or a BCD result. The D (Decimal) flag determines whether a binary result (D flag clear) or a BCD result (D flag set) is produced. Thus, the D flag selects a processor mode for arithmetic. The mode when D is clear (zero) is called "binary mode" (officially, in manufacturer documentation such as a datasheet) or "hex mode" (informally, by programmers, in source code, notes, etc.). The mode when D is set (one) is called "decimal mode" (officially) or "BCD mode" (informally).


There are 4 instructions that affect the D flag: CLD, PLP, RTI, and SED. (The BRK instruction will be covered later when interrupts are discussed.) CLD and SED are the most commonly used. CLD simply clears the D flag (binary mode), and SED simply sets the D flag (decimal mode). PLP and RTI pull the P (processor status) register from the stack which affects all flags, including the D flag (bit 3 of the P register). PLP and RTI are commonly found in 6502 debugger or monitor programs, to allow the user to set or clear any of the flags, including the D flag.

On the 65816, there are two additional instructions that can affect the D flag: REP and SEP. REP and SEP can be used to affect any of the flags, including the D flag.

Most 6502 routines assume that the processor in is binary mode (D flag = 0) upon entry, and these routines will return in binary mode also (usually because they don't affect the D flag). In this case, BCD calculations are performed by starting with a SED instruction, followed by the instructions to perform calculation itself, and finishing with an CLD instruction. However, routines used for debugging (e.g., a routine that displays the contents of the 6502 registers) may wish to use a CLD or SED to ensure that the D flag has the expected value, but return with the D flag containing the same value it had upon entry (i.e. preserve the D flag). In that case, the routine might begin with a PHP instruction followed by a CLD (or SED) instruction, and exit with a PLP instruction.

3.2 Instructions that are affected by the D flag

Believe it or not, only two instructions are affected by the D flag: ADC and SBC. These two instructions are usually not among the most frequently used instructions on a 6502, but they are often found in critical sections of code. It is interesting to note that almost all moderate to large size 6502 programs will not behave correctly when the 6502 is in decimal mode inadvertently. The culprit must be an ADC or SBC instruction whose result is expected to be binary, rather than BCD.

Since no other instructions are affected by the decimal flag, these other instructions will always return a binary, rather than a BCD, result. This includes instructions such as ASL and INC, which always return a binary result, no matter what the value of the D flag is. For example, after:

SED      ; Decimal mode
LDA #$05
ADC #$05

the accumulator is $10, but after:

SED      ; Decimal mode (has no effect on this sequence)
LDA #$05

the accumulator is $0A. Also, after:

SED      ; Decimal mode
LDA #$09
ADC #$01

the accumulator is $10, but after:

SED      ; Decimal mode (has no effect on this sequence)
LDA #$09

NUM (assuming it is an ordinary RAM location) will contain $0A.


In decimal mode, like binary mode, the carry (the C flag) affects the ADC and SBC instructions. Specifically:

The only difference is that ADC and SBC perform a binary calculation in binary mode, and perform a BCD calculation in decimal mode.

The ADC and SBC instructions affect the accumulator and the C, N, V, and Z flags. In decimal mode, the accumulator contains the result of the addition or subtraction, as expected. In binary mode, after an ADC, the carry is set if the result was greater than 255 ($FF) and clear otherwise, and after a SBC, the carry is clear if the result was less than 0 and set otherwise. By contrast, in decimal mode, after an ADC, the carry is set if the result was greater than 99 ($99) and clear otherwise, and after a SBC, the carry is clear if the result was less than 0 and set otherwise. A few examples are in order:

CLD      ; Binary mode (binary addition: 88 + 70 + 1 = 159)
SEC      ; Note: carry is set, not clear!
LDA #$58 ; 88
ADC #$46 ; 70 (after this instruction, C = 0, A = $9F = 159)

SED      ; Decimal mode (BCD addition: 58 + 46 + 1 = 105)
SEC      ; Note: carry is set, not clear!
LDA #$58
ADC #$46 ; After this instruction, C = 1, A = $05

SED      ; Decimal mode (BCD addition: 12 + 34 = 46)
LDA #$12
ADC #$34 ; After this instruction, C = 0, A = $46

SED      ; Decimal mode (BCD addition: 15 + 26 = 41)
LDA #$15
ADC #$26 ; After this instruction, C = 0, A = $41

SED      ; Decimal mode (BCD addition: 81 + 92 = 173)
LDA #$81
ADC #$92 ; After this instruction, C = 1, A = $73

SED      ; Decimal mode (BCD subtraction: 46 - 12 = 34)
LDA #$46
SBC #$12 ; After this instruction, C = 1, A = $34)

SED      ; Decimal mode (BCD subtraction: 40 - 13 = 27)
LDA #$40
SBC #$13 ; After this instruction, C = 1, A = $27)

SED      ; Decimal mode (BCD subtraction: 32 - 2 - 1 = 29)
CLC      ; Note: carry is clear, not set!
LDA #$32
SBC #$02 ; After this instruction, C = 1, A = $29)

In binary mode, subtraction has a wraparound effect. For example $00 - $01 = $FF (and the carry is clear). In decimal mode, there is a similar wraparound effect: $00 - $01 = $99, and the carry is clear. For instance:

SED      ; Decimal mode (BCD subtraction: 12 - 21)
LDA #$12
SBC #$21 ; After this instruction, C = 0, A = $91)

SED      ; Decimal mode (BCD subtraction: 21 - 34)
LDA #$21
SBC #$34 ; After this instruction, C = 0, A = $87)

The carry flag allows BCD addition and subtraction to be extended beyond 8 bits as easily as binary addition and subtraction. For example:

SED       ; Decimal mode (BCD addition: NUM3 = NUM1 + NUM2)
LDA NUM1L ; Add low bytes first
LDA NUM1H ; Then add high bytes

SED       ; Decimal mode (BCD subtraction: NUM3 = NUM1 - NUM2)
LDA NUM1L ; Subtract low bytes first
LDA NUM1H ; Then subtract high bytes


ADC and SBC not only affect the carry, but also affect the N, V, and Z flags, even in decimal mode.

In binary mode, the Z flag simply indicates where the result of the instruction is non-zero (Z flag clear) or zero (Z flag set). In decimal mode, the Z flag has the same meaning.

In binary mode, the 6502 directly supports the addition and subtraction of twos complement numbers using the ADC and SBC instructions. In twos complement representation, $00 to $7F represents 0 to 127 and $80 to $FF represents -128 to -1. After an ADC or SBC instruction, the N flag is clear when the result is non-negative (0 to 127) and set when the result is negative (-128 to -1), and the V flag is clear when the result is in the range -128 to 127 inclusive and set when the result is outside that range.

A similar BCD representaion is not directly supported by the ADC and SBC instructions. The most common (and often the most efficient) way of handling negative BCD numbers is to store digits in one or more bytes and the sign in a separate byte.

However, another common (and correct) interpretation of the N flag is that it contains the value of the high bit (i.e. bit 7) of the result of the instruction. This second interpretation is the meaning of the N flag in decimal mode.

With that interpretation of the N flag, it is possible to interpret $00 to $79 as 0 to 79 and $80 to $99 as -20 to -1 in decimal mode. The number -1 can be defined as the number which, when added to one, gives zero as a result. In decimal mode, $99 + $01 gives the result (the accumulator) $00. However, there are a few of downsides to representing negative numbers with BCD. First, one advantage of BCD is that it is not necessary to convert the hex value of a number into a form that can be output. For example, when $99 represents 99, the hex digits can be output directly, but when $99 represents -1, after a minus sign is output, $99 must be converted to $01 (by subtracting $99 from zero) before the 1 is output. While this extra step is simple, costing only a few extra bytes and a few extra clock cycles, this cost does cut into the benefits of using BCD. Second, the extreme asymmetry of positive and negative values may limit the usefulness of this representation, since there are nearly 4 times as many positive values (1 to 79) as negative values (-1 to -20). Third, the upper digit does not have the full 0 to 9 range (i.e. from -9 to 0 to 9), which may also be a limitation.

By that interpretation, the V flag would indicate whether an addition or subtraction result was inside (V flag clear) or outside (V flag set) the range -20 to 79 (inclusive). However, this is not how the V flag actually behaves. For example, after:

SED      ; Decimal mode
LDA #$90
ADC #$90

the V flag will be set on a 6502, 65C02 and 65816, which would be the expected result for a binary addition ($90 + $90 = -112 + -112 = -224), but not when the addition is (incorrectly) interpreted as -10 + -10 = -20.

As it turns out, there isn't a simple interpretation that accurately describes what the value of V flag will be in decimal mode. Since BCD is really an unsigned representation, it is perhaps not so surprising that the V flag does not have a useful meaning in decimal mode. For the curious, the exact details of how the V flag is affected in decimal mode is given in Appendix A.

On the 6502, only the C flag is valid. The 65C02 and 65816 datasheets state that the N, V, and Z flags are valid as well as the C flag, but ironically, given the same inputs (carry flag, accumulator, and operand of the ADC or SBC instruction), the resulting V flag will be the same on the 6502, 65C02, and 65816! Again, the details are in Appendix A.

However, the N and Z flags do have meaning as described above. What is meant by valid is that the N and Z flags will match the result in the accumulator. For example, on a 6502, after:

SED      ; Decimal mode
LDA #$01
SBC #$01

the accumulator will be $00, and the Z flag will be 1, which matches the result in the accumulator. But after:

SED      ; Decimal mode
LDA #$99
ADC #$01

the accumulator will be $00, but the Z flag will be 0, which does not match the result in the accumulator. So sometimes the Z flag will be correct (in the sense of matching the accumulator), and sometimes it will not. The same is true of the N flag on a 6502.

On the 65C02 and 65816, the Z flag will be 1 in both examples above, because the Z flag is valid.

The value of an invalid flag falls into the realm of undocumented behavior. The value of the accumulator and all four flags (N, V, Z, and C) when one or both BCD numbers are invalid is also considered undocmented behavior. To summarize, on the 6502, the value of the N, V, and Z flags when both BCD numbers are valid and the value of the accumulator, N, V, Z, and C flags when one or both BCD number are invalid is undocumented behavior. On the 65C02 and 65816, the value of the V flag (despite the claim in the datasheet that it is valid) when both BCD numbers are valid and the value of the accumulator, N, V, Z, and C flags when one or both BCD number are invalid is undocumented behavior. The details of all undocumented behavior are given in Appendix A.


One ramification of the N and Z flags being valid on the 65C02 is that ADC and SBC take one additional cycle on the 65C02. The 65816, on the other hand, matches the timing of the 6502; in other words, a 65816 does not take an additional cycle, even though the N and Z flag will be valid on the 65816. A couple of examples are in order:

SED      ; 2 cycles
ADC #$00 ; 2 cycles on the 6502 and 65816, 3 cycles on the 65C02

SED         ; 2 cycles
LDX #$FF    ; 2 cycles
SBC $01FF,X ; 5 cycles on the 6502 and 65816, 6 cycles on the 65C02

Note the SBC $01FF,X instruction takes 4 cycles for Absolute,X addressing, plus 1 cycle for a page boundary crossing (for a total of 5 cycles on the 6502 and 65816), plus 1 more cycle on the 65C02, for a total of 6 cycles on the 65C02.

So, programs that depend on exact timing (i.e. a specific number of cycles), should be aware that ADC and SBC will have different cycle counts in decimal mode on the 65C02 than on the 6502. On the other hand, this difference can be used to even out the timing of other instructions that have a smaller cycle count on the 65C02 than on the 6502 and 65816. (ASL $1000,X when X = $00 is one such example. It takes 7 cycles on a 6502 and 65816, but 6 cycles on a 65C02 since there was not a page boundary crossing.)



A simple way to obtain valid N and Z flags in decimal mode on the 6502 is to insert an EOR #0 instruction after the ADC or SBC instruction. (A valid Z flag is usually the more useful of the two.) The N and Z flags will then reflect the contents of the accumulator. An AND #$FF or ORA #0 instruction could also be used; all three instructions take the same amount of space and have the same cycle count, so they are completely interchangable.

An EOR #0 instruction is not necessary on the 65C02 and 65816, and could be omitted with conditional assembly. However, including the EOR #0 has one benefit: the object code can run on a 6502, 65C02, or 65816 without modification, or the need to reassemble or recompile the source code. One minor point: the EOR #0 is intended for use with valid BCD numbers; there are some cases where the 6502, 65C02, and 65816 return different accumulator values when invalid BCD numbers are involved. For example, after:

SED      ; decimal mode
LDA #$90
SBC #$0F ; invalid BCD!

The accumulator will contain $8B on a 6502 and 65816, but the accumulator will contain $7B on a 65C02. Appendix A covers the details of undocumented decimal mode behavior, including invalid BCD numbers.


Something that often goes unstated is that the CMP instruction can be used with (valid) BCD numbers (as can CPX and CPY, but this is often not as useful) to obtain valid Z and C flags, even though these flags are always based on a binary subtraction, even in decimal mode. The reason is that $19 < $20, regardless of whether $19 and $20 represent 25 and 32 (unsigned binary numbers) or 19 and 20 (BCD numbers), so the resulting carry flag represents less than when clear, and greater than or equal when set. Likewise for the Z flag, and the comparison $15 = $15, regardless of whether $15 represents (the binary number) 21 or (the BCD number) 15.

This also means that BCD comparisons can be extended beyond 8 bits in the same way that unsigned binary comparisons are. For example, after:

LDA NUM1L ; a common technique for comparing two 16-bit numbers

the C flag will be 0 if NUM1 < NUM2, and the C flag will be 1 if NUM1 >= NUM2, if NUM1 and NUM2 represent (valid) BCD numbers or if they represent unsigned binary numbers.


On the 6502, a BRK instruction, an IRQ interrupt, and an NMI interrupt do not affect the D flag, and after a RESET interrupt, the D flag is undefined. On the 65C02 and 65816, after pushing the P register onto the stack, the D flag is cleared by a BRK instruction, an IRQ interrupt, and a NMI interrupt, and a RESET interrupt clears the D flag as well. On the 65816, a COP interrupt and an ABORT interrupt also clear the D flag (after pushing the P register onto the stack).

This is most useful with IRQ and NMI, since it saves 2 cycles (since a CLD is not necessary) each time an interrupt is serviced. That may not seem like much, but it can add up if interrupts occur frequently and/or regularly, and it can improve the response time for the event. Typically, interrupts should be handled as quickly as possible, and every little bit of time saved helps.

BRK is typically used one of two ways: as an OS call, where it serves as JSR to an OS routine, returning after handling the OS call, or as breakpoint, stopping the program, and waiting for the user to decide whether or not to resume. In the former case, the 2 cycle savings helpful, especially if many OS calls are made. In the latter case, the 1 byte and 2 cycle savings is usually insignificant since the program is stopping and the CLD will only be executed once.

Similarly, since a RESET interrupt will typically be used as a cold start or a warm start, the 1 byte and 2 cycle savings during is usually insignficant, since the unneeded CLD instruction would only be executed once during initialization. It's merely for the sake of simplicity that all 65C02 and 65816 interrupts clear the D flag.

Thus, for breakpoint and reset handlers, it may be worthwhile in some instances just to simply include the CLD in the event the code is ever used on an (NMOS) 6502.


Beyond the usual BCD arithmetic, there are some nifty tricks that involve decimal mode, but rely upon undocmented behavior -- either invalid BCD numbers, or invalid flags on the 6502. While these tricks will work on an actual 6502 family microprocessor IC, they may not work on a simulator, because the simulator would have to replicate undocumented behavior -- that means it has to know when an invalid flag doesn't match the result in the accumulator. And it isn't really fair to expect a simulator to do that.

So, nifty can sometimes be a little too clever. It's worthwhile to carefully consider whether saving a few bytes and/or a few cycles it really worth it. Here are a couple of examples that appear in source code from time to time:

Example #1: Distinguishing a (NMOS) 6502 from a 65C02

LDA #$99
ADC #$01

This code returns with the Z flag set on a 65C02 (the Z flag is valid), and returns with the Z flag clear on a 6502 (the Z flag is invalid, and in this case it does not match the result in the accumulator). This code is used to distinguish a 6502 from a 65C02, but relies upon the Z flag being invalid (which is documented behavior) and not matching the accumulator (which is undocumented behavior).

Example #2: Converting a hex digit (0-F) to ASCII

CMP #$0A
ADC #$30

This code converts a hex digit 0 to F (i.e. the accumulator $00 to $0F) to $30 to $39 (for 0 to 9) and $41 to $46 (for A to F). However, this can also be done without using BCD arithmetic, as follows:

     CMP #$0A
     ADC #$66 ; Add $67 (the carry is set), convert $0A to $0F --> $71 to $76
SKIP EOR #$30 ; Convert $00 to $09, $71 to $76 --> $30 to $39, $41 to $46

Which takes 2 more bytes, but the same number of cycles (or one less if the BCC is taken to the same page). In this case, it may be worth weighing the 2 byte cost versus the dependence on undocumented behavior.

In either case, it's a good idea to add comments to the source that point out any instances where there is any dependence on undocumented behavior.


BCD can be a convenient representation for hardware. For example, a 74HC160 is a 4-bit BCD counter that counts from 0 to 9 and then rolls over. A 74HC161 is a 4-bit binary counter that counts from 0 to 15 and then rolls over. So, for displaying a two digit number from 0 to 99 on a pair of 7-segment LEDs, the former is more convenient than the latter.

On a microprocessor, displaying a binary number from 0 ($00) to 99 ($63) can be done with a simple, relatively small, and quick routine, even on microprocessors that, like the 6502, don't have a multiply or divide instruction. So BCD doesn't offer as much of an increase in convenience. However, there are situations where BCD can be quite useful.

For example, in a game it's often desirable to update a score or a counter that displays the time remaining as quickly as possible, especially in an arcade-style game where graphics and sound effects must be handled also. Any time saved could be used for additional action or other features.

Another example is fixed point and floating point math routines. For instance, 2 bytes of a 4-byte fixed point number might represent the integer portion of the number, and the other 2 bytes might represent the fractional portion of the number (a floating point number is similar, but floating point representation is similar to scientific notation so there is an exponent as well). If the fractional portion is binary, then it can range from 0/65536 to 65535/65536. However, the downside is that 0.1 cannot be represented exactly. 6553/65536 is slightly less than 0.1 and 6554/65536 is slightly greater than 0.1. Because the denominator of the fraction is not a multple of 10, using more bytes to represent the fractional portion does not change the fact that 0.1 cannot be represented exactly.

However, if the fraction portion is BCD, then it ranges from 0/10000 to 9999/10000 and 0.1 can be represented exactly. (In floating point, the exponent is always an integer, so it is usually binary so that it will have greater range.) Note that, for example, the fraction 2/3 cannot be represented exactly when the fractional portion is either binary or BCD, since neither denominator is a multiple of 3. However, when 2/3 is entered or displayed as .6666 it is reasonable to expect that it would be treated as an approximation of 2/3 and not 2/3 exactly. On the other hand, it is reasonable -- and often useful -- to expect a number entered or displayed as 0.1 to be 0.1 exactly and not an approximation.


Decimal mode has some undocumented behavior. First, there is arthimetic when one or both numbers are invalid BCD. Second, there is the value of the N and Z flags on the (NMOS) 6502, which are invalid. Third, there is the value of the V flag. Even though the 65C02 and 65816 datasheets state the V flag is valid (it is invalid on the 6502, however), ADC and SBC perform unsigned BCD arithmetic, and the V flag has meaning for signed rather than unsigned arithmetic, so the the value (and meaning) of the V flag is effectively undocumented in decimal mode.

The decimal mode behavior of ADC and SBC is described below in terms of binary arithmetic. A and B represent the two numbers to be added or subtracted, and C represents the value of the carry flag beforehand. A represents the accumulator, but note that B represents the operand (e.g. a memory location), and does not refer to a 65816 register. In fact, all cases, including valid cases, are covered.

In the tables, "bin" means that flag is the same as in binary mode. For example, in binary mode:

CLD      ; binary mode: 99 + 1
LDA #$99
ADC #$01

the accumulator is $9A, and the Z flag is clear. Since the Z flag after ADC on the 6502 is "bin", that means the decimal mode Z flag is clear. Thus, to predict the value of the Z flag, simply perform the ADC using binary arithmetic.

"dec" means that the flag is based on the BCD accumulator result. For example, after:

SED      ; decimal mode: 99 + 1
LDA #$99
ADC #$01

the accumulator is $00. Since the Z flag after ADC on the 65C02 and 65816 is "dec", that means that the Z flag is set, since its value is based on the the value of the accumulator, which in this case is $00.

A few other notes:

  1. All calculations use unlimited precision
  2. All arithmetic is binary arithmetic
  3. All arithmetic is unsigned unless otherwise noted
  4. The & operator is bitwise AND, just like the 6502 AND instruction.
  5. AL is a variable for holding intermediate results

ADC B: A = A+B+C

  6502 65C02 & 65816
ASeq. 1Seq. 1
CSeq. 1Seq. 1
NSeq. 2dec
VSeq. 2Seq. 2

Seq. 1:

1a. AL = (A & $0F) + (B & $0F) + C
1b. If AL >= $0A, then AL = ((AL + $06) & $0F) + $10
1c. A = (A & $F0) + (B & $F0) + AL
1d. Note that A can be >= $100 at this point
1e. If (A >= $A0), then A = A + $60
1f. The accumulator result is the lower 8 bits of A
1g. The carry result is 1 if A >= $100, and is 0 if A < $100

Seq. 2:

2a. AL = (A & $0F) + (B & $0F) + C
2b. If AL >= $0A, then AL = ((AL + $06) & $0F) + $10
2c. A = (A & $F0) + (B & $F0) + AL, using signed (twos complement) arithmetic
2e. The N flag result is 1 if bit 7 of A is 1, and is 0 if bit 7 if A is 0
2f. The V flag result is 1 if A < -128 or A > 127, and is 0 if -128 <= A <= 127

SBC B: A = A-B+C-1

  6502 65C02 65816
ASeq. 3Seq. 4Seq. 3

Seq. 3:

3a. AL = (A & $0F) - (B & $0F) + C-1
3b. If AL < 0, then AL = ((AL - $06) & $0F) - $10
3c. A = (A & $F0) - (B & $F0) + AL
3d. If A < 0, then A = A - $60
3e. The accumulator result is the lower 8 bits of A

Seq. 4:

4a. AL = (A & $0F) - (B & $0F) + C-1
4b. A = A - B + C-1
4c. If A < 0, then A = A - $60
4d. If AL < 0, then A = A - $06
4e. The accumulator result is the lower 8 bits of A


The program below can be used for several purposes. First, it can be used to verify that decimal mode behavior (both valid and undocumented) behaves as described. Second, it can be used to verify that a simulator correctly replicates all (valid and undocumented) decimal mode behavior. Third, with modifications described below, it can be used to verify that a simulator correctly replicates valid (documented) decimal mode behavior, since it isn't really fair to expect a simulator to replicate undocumented behavior. Fourth, it can be used to implement decimal mode in a simulator; for example, the assembly could be translated to another language, such as C.

The program works by testing all 262144 = 2 * 2 * 256 * 256 cases -- 2 instructions (ADC and SBC), 2 possible values for the carry flag beforehand, 256 possible values for the first number (of the two numbers being added or subtracted), and 256 possible values for the second number. 0 is stored in ERROR if successful, and 1 is stored in ERROR if unsuccessful.

Modifying the program to check only valid (documented) behavior involves several steps. The points in the program below where modifications are to be made are marked in the program with a "[number]" comment.

To check only valid BCD numbers:

  1. add the label NEXT1 to INC N1 (line [5])
  2. add the label NEXT2 to INC N2 (line [6])
  3. after the AND #$0F in LOOP1 (line [1]), add:
    CMP #$0A
  4. after the AND #$F0 in LOOP1 (line [2]), add:
    CMP #$A0
  5. after the AND #$0F in LOOP2 (line [3]), add:
    CMP #$0A
  6. after the AND #$F0 in LOOP2 (line [4]), add:
    CMP #$A0

    Note that CMP #$0A and CMP #$A0 should be used instead of replacing INC N1 (and likewise for INC N2) with:

    LDA N1
    ADC #1
    STA N1

    especially when checking a simulator. The reason is that if the simulator has a bug and does not correctly replicate valid decimal mode behavior, then the ADC #1 could skip a case which could result in a false pass of the test. CMP #$0A and CMP #$A0 are dependent only on binary arithmetic working properly, and not on BCD arithmetic working properly.

    For the 6502:

  7. Compare only the A and C result, by removing the N, V, and Z result comparison from COMPARE (lines [7] through [10], inclusive)

    For the 65C02 and 65816:

  8. Compare only the A, C, N, and Z results, by removing the V result comparison from COMPARE (lines [8] through [9], inclusive)

    Note that this program is not optimized for space or speed. Instead, it was written to be modular, and with clarity in mind.

    ; Verify decimal mode behavior
    ; Written by Bruce Clark.  This code is public domain.
    ; Returns:
    ;   ERROR = 0 if the test passed
    ;   ERROR = 1 if the test failed
    ; This routine requires 17 bytes of RAM -- 1 byte each for:
    ;   AR, CF, DA, DNVZC, ERROR, HA, HNVZC, N1, N1H, N1L, N2, N2L, NF, VF, and ZF
    ; and 2 bytes for N2H
    ; Variables:
    ;   N1 and N2 are the two numbers to be added or subtracted
    ;   N1H, N1L, N2H, and N2L are the upper 4 bits and lower 4 bits of N1 and N2
    ;   DA and DNVZC are the actual accumulator and flag results in decimal mode
    ;   HA and HNVZC are the accumulator and flag results when N1 and N2 are
    ;     added or subtracted using binary arithmetic
    ;   AR, NF, VF, ZF, and CF are the predicted decimal mode accumulator and
    ;     flag results, calculated using binary arithmetic
    ; This program takes approximately 1 minute at 1 MHz (a few seconds more on
    ; a 65C02 than a 6502 or 65816)
    TEST    LDY #1    ; initialize Y (used to loop through carry flag values)
            STY ERROR ; store 1 in ERROR until the test passes
            LDA #0    ; initialize N1 and N2
            STA N1
            STA N2
    LOOP1   LDA N2    ; N2L = N2 & $0F
            AND #$0F  ; [1] see text
            STA N2L
            LDA N2    ; N2H = N2 & $F0
            AND #$F0  ; [2] see text
            STA N2H
            ORA #$0F  ; N2H+1 = (N2 & $F0) + $0F
            STA N2H+1
    LOOP2   LDA N1    ; N1L = N1 & $0F
            AND #$0F  ; [3] see text
            STA N1L
            LDA N1    ; N1H = N1 & $F0
            AND #$F0  ; [4] see text
            STA N1H
            JSR ADD
            JSR A6502
            JSR COMPARE
            BNE DONE
            JSR SUB
            JSR S6502
            JSR COMPARE
            BNE DONE
            INC N1    ; [5] see text
            BNE LOOP2 ; loop through all 256 values of N1
            INC N2    ; [6] see text
            BNE LOOP1 ; loop through all 256 values of N2
            BPL LOOP1 ; loop through both values of the carry flag
            LDA #0    ; test passed, so store 0 in ERROR
            STA ERROR
    DONE    RTS
    ; Calculate the actual decimal mode accumulator and flags, the accumulator
    ; and flag results when N1 is added to N2 using binary arithmetic, the
    ; predicted accumulator result, the predicted carry flag, and the predicted
    ; V flag
    ADD     SED       ; decimal mode
            CPY #1    ; set carry if Y = 1, clear carry if Y = 0
            LDA N1
            ADC N2
            STA DA    ; actual accumulator result in decimal mode
            STA DNVZC ; actual flags result in decimal mode
            CLD       ; binary mode
            CPY #1    ; set carry if Y = 1, clear carry if Y = 0
            LDA N1
            ADC N2
            STA HA    ; accumulator result of N1+N2 using binary arithmetic
            STA HNVZC ; flags result of N1+N2 using binary arithmetic
            CPY #1
            LDA N1L
            ADC N2L
            CMP #$0A
            LDX #0
            BCC A1
            ADC #5    ; add 6 (carry is set)
            AND #$0F
    A1      ORA N1H
    ; if N1L + N2L <  $0A, then add N2 & $F0
    ; if N1L + N2L >= $0A, then add (N2 & $F0) + $0F + 1 (carry is set)
            ADC N2H,X
            BCS A2
            CMP #$A0
            BCC A3
    A2      ADC #$5F  ; add $60 (carry is set)
    A3      STA AR    ; predicted accumulator result
            STA CF    ; predicted carry result
    ; note that all 8 bits of the P register are stored in VF
            STA VF    ; predicted V flags
    ; Calculate the actual decimal mode accumulator and flags, and the
    ; accumulator and flag results when N2 is subtracted from N1 using binary
    ; arithmetic
    SUB     SED       ; decimal mode
            CPY #1    ; set carry if Y = 1, clear carry if Y = 0
            LDA N1
            SBC N2
            STA DA    ; actual accumulator result in decimal mode
            STA DNVZC ; actual flags result in decimal mode
            CLD       ; binary mode
            CPY #1    ; set carry if Y = 1, clear carry if Y = 0
            LDA N1
            SBC N2
            STA HA    ; accumulator result of N1-N2 using binary arithmetic
            STA HNVZC ; flags result of N1-N2 using binary arithmetic
    ; Calculate the predicted SBC accumulator result for the 6502 and 65816
    SUB1    CPY #1    ; set carry if Y = 1, clear carry if Y = 0
            LDA N1L
            SBC N2L
            LDX #0
            BCS S11
            SBC #5    ; subtract 6 (carry is clear)
            AND #$0F
    S11     ORA N1H
    ; if N1L - N2L >= 0, then subtract N2 & $F0
    ; if N1L - N2L <  0, then subtract (N2 & $F0) + $0F + 1 (carry is clear)
            SBC N2H,X
            BCS S12
            SBC #$5F  ; subtract $60 (carry is clear)
    S12     STA AR
    ; Calculate the predicted SBC accumulator result for the 6502 and 65C02
    SUB2    CPY #1    ; set carry if Y = 1, clear carry if Y = 0
            LDA N1L
            SBC N2L
            LDX #0
            BCS S21
            AND #$0F
    S21     ORA N1H
    ; if N1L - N2L >= 0, then subtract N2 & $F0
    ; if N1L - N2L <  0, then subtract (N2 & $F0) + $0F + 1 (carry is clear)
            SBC N2H,X
            BCS S22
            SBC #$5F   ; subtract $60 (carry is clear)
    S22     CPX #0
            BEQ S23
            SBC #6
    S23     STA AR     ; predicted accumulator result
    ; Compare accumulator actual results to predicted results
    ; Return:
    ;   Z flag = 1 (BEQ branch) if same
    ;   Z flag = 0 (BNE branch) if different
            CMP AR
            BNE C1
            LDA DNVZC ; [7] see text
            EOR NF
            AND #$80  ; mask off N flag
            BNE C1
            LDA DNVZC ; [8] see text
            EOR VF
            AND #$40  ; mask off V flag
            BNE C1    ; [9] see text
            LDA DNVZC
            EOR ZF    ; mask off Z flag
            AND #2
            BNE C1    ; [10] see text
            LDA DNVZC
            EOR CF
            AND #1    ; mask off C flag
    C1      RTS
    ; These routines store the predicted values for ADC and SBC for the 6502,
    ; 65C02, and 65816 in AR, CF, NF, VF, and ZF
    A6502   LDA VF
    ; since all 8 bits of the P register were stored in VF, bit 7 of VF contains
    ; the N flag for NF
            STA NF
            LDA HNVZC
            STA ZF
    S6502   JSR SUB1
            LDA HNVZC
            STA NF
            STA VF
            STA ZF
            STA CF
    A65C02  LDA AR
            STA NF
            STA ZF
    S65C02  JSR SUB2
            LDA AR
            STA NF
            STA ZF
            LDA HNVZC
            STA VF
            STA CF
    A65816  LDA AR
            STA NF
            STA ZF
    S65816  JSR SUB1
            LDA AR
            STA NF
            STA ZF
            LDA HNVZC
            STA VF
            STA CF


On the 65816, 16-bit (m flag = 0) BCD arithmetic can be described in terms of 8-bit (m flag = 1) BCD arithmetic. Note that 8-bit BCD arithmetic is the same in emulation (e flag = 1) and native (e flag = 0) modes. All code below assumes native mode, and that the accumulator and carry flag beforehand are the same. This includes both valid and undocumented behavior.

N2 and the N, V, Z, and C flags of:

REP #$20 ; 16-bit accumulator and memory
are the same as N2 and the N, V, and C flags of:
SEP #$20 ; 8-bit accumulator and memory
ADC N1   ; add low bytes first
ADC N1+1 ; then add high bytes
STA N2+1

and the Z flag of:

SEP #$20 ; 8-bit accumulator and memory
ADC N1   ; add low bytes first
ADC N1+1 ; then add high bytes
ORA N2   ; use all 16 bits of the result to determine the Z flag

N2 and the N, V, Z, and C flags of:

REP #$20 ; 16-bit accumulator and memory

are the same as N2 and the N, V, and C flags of:

SEP #$20 ; 8-bit accumulator and memory
SBC N1   ; subtract low bytes first
SBC N1+1 ; then subtract high bytes
STA N2+1

and the Z flag of:

SEP #$20 ; 8-bit accumulator and memory
SBC N1   ; subtract low bytes first
SBC N1+1 ; then subract high bytes

APPENDIX D: Errata for Appendix B (copied with permission from here.)

The program in Appendix B is lightly documented, and has a significant omission.

As written, it tests all aspects of 8-bit decimal mode behavior on an NMOS 6502: documented and undocumented behavior of both ADC and SBC, valid and invalid BCD values, and checks the results of the accumulator, and the N, V, Z, and C flags.

The omission is that it neglects to mention that to test a 65C02, you must substitute JSR A65C02 and JSR S65C02 for JSR A6502 and JSR S6502, respectively. Likewise, it also neglects to mention that to test the 8-bit cases for the 65816, substitute JSR A65816 and JSR S65816 for JSR A6502 and S6502, respectively.

To supplement what little documentation there is, what follows here can be considered a mini user's guide.

The program works by calculating the correct values of the accumulator and N, V, Z, and C flags using binary arithmetic. Thus, for testing a simulator it is important that binary arithmetic be working correctly. Otherwise, a false positive or a false negative might result.

Note that N2H is a 2 byte variable. All other variables are 1 byte variables.

It tests 2 * 2 * 256 * 256 cases, i.e. 2 instructions (ADC and SBC), 2 possible input values for the carry, 256 possible input values for the accumulator, and 256 possible values for the operand. The program is just an implementation of the formulas given in Appendix A (which, despite its title, covers all cases, not just undocumented behavior).

If all of the cases tested passed, $00 is returned in the ERROR variable, and if any of the cases tested failed, $01 is returned in the ERROR variable. It stops at the first case which failed, so you can tell what input values failed, the expected accumulator and flag results, and the actual results. It doesn't tell you whether the ADC or the SBC failed, though by looking at the input values and the expected values, you can usually tell. Alternatively, there are a few other ways to handle this.

Input values:

Correct results (calculated using binary arithmetic):

Actual results (i.e. values produced by the processor or simulator in decimal mode):

The COMPARE routine simply compare the correct results with the actual results. It is intended to be easy to made modifications to it that will remove tests.

If you wish to test all 8-bit decimal mode behavior COMPARE does not need to be modified at all. COMPARE must be modified to remove tests (and thus test only a subset of 8-bit decimal mode behavior). For example, it is probably not necessary (or even useful) for a simulator to replicate the correct V flag behavior. The directions in Appendix B describe modifications to test only valid BCD numbers (steps 1 through 6 inclusive) and modifications to test only valid flags (steps 7 and 8).

Last Updated September 12, 2016.