Pattern Matcher by Paul Guertin
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Pattern Matcher
String pattern matcher in 6502 assembly.
By Paul Guertin (, 30 August 2000.
This routine matches a string against a pattern and returns with the carry bit set if they match, or clear if they don't. The two characters ? and * have a special meaning when they appear in the pattern. All other characters match themselves.
? matches any one character. For example, F?? matches FOO but not FU, and ?? matches all two-character strings.
* matches any string, including the empty string. For example, F* matches all strings starting with F. *O*O* matches all strings with at least two Os. Finally, ?* matches all non-empty strings.
Both the pattern and the string must be NUL-terminated (that it, followed with a 00 byte) and at most 255 characters long (excluding the NUL).
; Input: A NUL-terminated, <255-length pattern at address PATTERN. ; A NUL-terminated, <255-length string pointed to by STR. ; ; Output: Carry bit = 1 if the string matches the pattern, = 0 if not. ; ; Notes: Clobbers A, X, Y. Each * in the pattern uses 4 bytes of stack. ; MATCH1 EQU "?" ; Matches exactly 1 character MATCHN EQU "*" ; Matches any string (including "") PATTERN EQU $2000 ; Address of pattern STR EQU $6 ; Pointer to string to match PATTERNMATCH: LDX #$00 ; X is an index in the pattern LDY #$FF ; Y is an index in the string NEXT LDA PATTERN,X ; Look at next pattern character CMP #MATCHN ; Is it a star? BEQ STAR ; Yes, do the complicated stuff INY ; No, let's look at the string CMP #MATCH1 ; Is the pattern caracter a ques? BNE REG ; No, it's a regular character LDA (STR),Y ; Yes, so it will match anything BEQ FAIL ; except the end of string REG CMP (STR),Y ; Are both characters the same? BNE FAIL ; No, so no match INX ; Yes, keep checking CMP #0 ; Are we at end of string? BNE NEXT ; Not yet, loop FOUND RTS ; Success, return with C=1 STAR INX ; Skip star in pattern CMP PATTERN,X ; String of stars equals one star BEQ STAR ; so skip them also STLOOP TXA ; We first try to match with * = "" PHA ; and grow it by 1 character every TYA ; time we loop PHA ; Save X and Y on stack JSR NEXT ; Recursive call PLA ; Restore X and Y TAY PLA TAX BCS FOUND ; We found a match, return with C=1 INY ; No match yet, try to grow * string LDA (STR),Y ; Are we at the end of string? BNE STLOOP ; Not yet, add a character FAIL CLC ; Yes, no match found, return with C=0 RTSLast page update: September 8, 2000.