Radix 256 Counting Sort by Dwight Elvey
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Radix 256 Counting Sort
I often see it stated that QuickSort is the fastest sort. That is just wrong. For larger data sets, there are a number of sorts that are so much faster that it is a myth. QuickSort is the fastest in place sort but by no means the fastest sort.
I have written a 6502 radix 256 counting sort here to demonstrate that other sorts can be significantly faster. This does a signed 16 bit integer sort of 1K of data. I'll admit that is is optimized for 1K but the concept can be generalized. This type of sort should beat QuickSort on integers at around 30 to 100 someplace. It is many times faster on 1K of integers.
Here is how a counting sort works. Say you had a handful of cards, of mixed partial decks. You wanted to sort them based on suite and then value. You'd first count how many diamonds, clubs, hearts and spades you have. Say you have 20 diamonds, 15 clubs, 13 hearts and 17 spades.
You have 65 cards so you have 65 slots to put them in. If a 0 based array, you start putting the card into the array. The diamond start at 0, the clubs at 20, the hearts at 20+15=35 and the spades at 20+15+13=48. This is why it is called a counting sort, because it depends on knowing the counting of the values. You'd pick up the cards in order and repeat this, using the values of the cards for counts. Say 6 aces, 5 2's etc.
In this code, I split the data into MSBs and LSBs. I first count them all into two 256 arrays that have the totals of each value. I convert the totals into pointers by adding the number of elements of the previous count. When making the totals, I offset the first location by $80 on the MSBs to get signed order, for the sort.
It should be noted that any sort order could be applied at this point with a simple pass through a translation table to the desired order. The penalty is only payed once for each block of data values. On a large data set it is almost no cost. QuickSort would need to apply it at every compare.
Now that I have array pointers I simply pick the pieces and use their values as pointer into the pointer arrays to transfer the data. It makes two passes, using the LSBs first and then the MSBs. This takes second array to temporarily hold the data after the LSBs sort.
What makes it so fast compared to QuickSort is that it only moves any data element twice. It makes one pass through the data to make the counts and two passes through the counts to create the totals pointers.
QuickSort moves the data many many times in a fashion similar to the bubble sort. It is of the form:
K(n Log(n))
This sort is of the form:
While the overhead of c can be large and Ks can be different, one can easily see that for some data size it will out perform QuickSort.
The zero page usage can be cut in almost half by reusing pointer space not needed for each step.
Locations of the DATA and the temporary BUFF need aligned to $100 boundaries and the counter arrays need to be $100 aligned and sequential for the ZEROS100 subroutine.
There are other optimizations, I'm sure but this is my first significant 6502 program.
The code was debugged by a friend. I don't have a 6502 machine with enough RAM to run it on. This clearly takes much more code than QuickSort but is so much faster on large data sets that it is worth the space.
4000 .DISP_SORT 4000 A9 00 LDA #0 4002 A2 14 LDX #20 4004 9D 10 04 .iloop STA &410,X \ Zero BASIC integer variables D% to H% 4007 CA DEX 4008 10 FA BPL iloop 400A .INITS 400A \ Zero cycle counter 400A 2B EQUB &2B \ SCC (Swap Cycle Count) (Emulator hack!) 400B 10 04 EQUW &410 \ Address of BASIC integer variable D% 400D 400D A2 00 LDX # 0 ; assumes &100 aligned and consecutive 400F 86 84 STX PNTR 4011 A2 48 LDX # LCPLoc DIV &100 4013 86 85 STX PNTR+1 4015 20 5E 41 JSR ZEROS100 4018 20 5E 41 JSR ZEROS100 401B 20 5E 41 JSR ZEROS100 401E 20 5E 41 JSR ZEROS100 4021 A2 00 .DOCNTS LDX # 0 ; setup from DATA as input values 4023 86 70 STX FROMPNTR 4025 A0 30 LDY # data DIV &100 4027 84 71 STY FROMPNTR+1 4029 86 74 STX LPNTR 402B A0 48 LDY # LCPLoc DIV &100 402D 84 75 STY LPNTR+1 402F 86 76 STX LPNTRH 4031 A0 49 LDY # LCPLocH DIV &100 4033 84 77 STY LPNTRH+1 4035 86 78 STX MPNTR 4037 A0 4A LDY # MCPLoc DIV &100 4039 84 79 STY MPNTR+1 403B 86 7A STX MPNTRH 403D A0 4B LDY # MCPLocH DIV &100 403F 84 7B STY MPNTRH+1 4041 A2 08 LDX #DSIZE*2 DIV &100 ; How many &80 16 bit value loops to do 4043 18 CLC 4044 A0 00 LDY #0 ; is the to index 4046 84 86 STY TEMPY 4048 \ BEGIN ; needs 8 loop to do &400 words or &800 4048 .loop1 4048 \ BEGIN ; Over &100 but only &80 words 4048 .loop2 4048 18 CLC 4049 A4 86 LDY TEMPY ; Y is even for LSBs 404B B1 70 LDA (FROMPNTR),Y ; first LSBs value 404D A8 TAY 404E A9 02 LDA #2 4050 71 74 ADC (LPNTR),Y 4052 91 74 STA (LPNTR),Y 4054 \ IF CARRY 4054 90 06 BCC nocarry1 4056 A9 00 LDA # 0 4058 71 76 ADC (LPNTRH),Y ; notice how these arrays are split. 405A \ It reduces the amount of Y fiddling 405A 91 76 STA (LPNTRH),Y ; at no extra cost in space 405C .nocarry1 405C \ ENDIF 405C E6 86 INC TEMPY 405E A4 86 LDY TEMPY ; Y is odd for MSBs 4060 B1 70 LDA (FROMPNTR),Y ; now MSB 4062 A8 TAY 4063 A9 02 LDA #2 4065 71 78 ADC (MPNTR),Y 4067 91 78 STA (MPNTR),Y 4069 \ IF CARRY 4069 90 06 BCC nocarry2 406B A9 00 LDA # 0 406D 71 7A ADC (MPNTRH),Y 406F 91 7A STA (MPNTRH),Y 4071 .nocarry2 4071 \ ENDIF 4071 E6 86 INC TEMPY ; Y is even 4073 D0 D3 BNE loop2 4075 \ UNTIL ZER0 4075 \ ONLY DID 1/4 of DATA for each loop 4075 E6 71 INC FROMPNTR+1 4077 CA DEX 4078 D0 CE BNE loop1 407A \ UNTIL ZERO ; do the rest 407A \ COUNTS ARE DONE 407A \ now change the counters to pointers 407A .CONVRT2PNTRS 407A 2B EQUB &2B \ SCC (Swap Cycle Count) (Emulator hack!) 407B 20 04 EQUW &420 \ Address of BBC BASIC integer variable H% 407D \ LSB counters to pointers 407D A2 00 LDX # 0 407F 86 7C STX PNTRL 4081 A0 48 LDY # LCPLoc DIV &100 4083 84 7D STY PNTRL+1 4083 84 7D STY PNTRL+1 4085 86 7E STX PNTRH 4087 A0 49 LDY # LCPLocH DIV &100 4089 84 7F STY PNTRH+1 408B 86 82 STX total 408D A0 38 LDY # BUFF DIV &100 408F 84 83 STY total+1 4091 A0 00 LDY # 0 ; no sign offset for LSBs 4093 20 40 41 JSR MKPNTR 4096 2B EQUB &2B \ SCC (Swap Cycle Count) (Emulator hack!) 4097 1C 04 EQUW &41C \ Address of BBC BASIC integer variable G% 4099 \ Now MSB counter to pointers 4099 A2 00 LDX # 0 409B 86 7C STX PNTRL 409D A0 4A LDY # MCPLoc DIV &100 409F 84 7D STY PNTRL+1 40A1 86 7E STX PNTRH 40A3 A0 4B LDY # MCPLocH DIV &100 40A5 84 7F STY PNTRH+1 40A7 86 82 STX total 40A9 A0 30 LDY # data DIV &100 40AB 84 83 STY total+1 40AD A0 80 LDY # &80 ; does signed by starting at the center 40AF 20 40 41 JSR MKPNTR 40B2 2B EQUB &2B \ SCC (Swap Cycle Count) (Emulator hack!) 40B3 18 04 EQUW &418 \ Address of BBC BASIC integer variable F% 40B5 \ Now LCPLoc and MCPLoc have the pointers to move data. 40B5 A2 00 LDX # 0 40B7 86 7C STX PNTRL 40B9 A0 48 LDY # LCPLoc DIV &100 40BB 84 7D STY PNTRL+1 40BD 86 7E STX PNTRH 40BF A0 49 LDY # LCPLocH DIV &100 40C1 84 7F STY PNTRH+1 40C3 86 70 STX FROMPNTR 40C5 A0 30 LDY # data DIV &100 40C7 84 71 STY FROMPNTR+1 40C9 86 72 STX topntr 40CB A0 38 LDY # BUFF DIV &100 40CD 84 73 STY topntr+1 40CF A0 00 LDY # 0 ; DATA OFFSET FOR MSB AND LSB 40D1 20 08 41 JSR moveit 40D4 2B EQUB &2B \ SCC (Swap Cycle Count) (Emulator hack!) 40D5 14 04 EQUW &414 \ Address of BBC BASIC integer variable E% 40D7 A2 00 LDX # 0 40D9 86 7C STX PNTRL 40DB A0 4A LDY # MCPLoc DIV &100 40DD 84 7D STY PNTRL+1 40DF 86 7E STX PNTRH 40E1 A0 4B LDY # MCPLocH DIV &100 40E3 84 7F STY PNTRH+1 40E5 86 70 STX FROMPNTR 40E7 A0 38 LDY # BUFF DIV &100 40E9 84 71 STY FROMPNTR+1 40EB 86 72 STX topntr 40ED A0 30 LDY # data DIV &100 40EF 84 73 STY topntr+1 40F1 A0 01 LDY # 1 ; DATA OFFSET FOR MSB AND LSB 40F3 20 08 41 JSR moveit 40F6 2B EQUB &2B \ SCC (Swap Cycle Count) (Emulator hack!) 40F7 10 04 EQUW &410 \ Address of BBC BASIC integer variable D% 40F9 \ DONE JMP DONE ; replace with RTS if called from someplace 40F9 60 RTS 40FA \ subroutines 40FA 40FA .IncPH \ Here if carry 40FA B1 7E LDA (PNTRH),Y 40FC 69 00 ADC #0 40FE 91 7E STA (PNTRH),Y 4100 4C 22 41 JMP nocarry3 4103 .IncFRH \ If carry 4103 E6 71 INC FROMPNTR+1 4105 4C 35 41 JMP nocarry4 4108 .moveit \ used to move items from DATA to BUFF and back 4108 A2 08 LDX # DSIZE*2 DIV &100 410A \ BEGIN ; 8 times 410A .loop3 410A \ FETCH POINTER AND PUT IN TOPNTR 410A \ INCREMENT THE POINTER BY 2 410A \ MOVE THE @ FROMPNTR TO @ TOPNTR 410A 86 87 STX TEMPX 410C A2 80 LDX # &80 410E \ BEGIN ; &80 times over &100 address 410E .loop4 410E 84 86 STY TEMPY 4110 B1 70 LDA (FROMPNTR),Y ; Y is 0 or 1 depending on LSB or MSB poi 4112 A8 TAY 4113 B1 7C LDA (PNTRL),Y 4115 85 72 STA topntr 4117 18 CLC 4118 69 02 ADC #2 411A 91 7C STA (PNTRL),Y 411C B1 7E LDA (PNTRH),Y 411E 85 73 STA topntr+1 4120 B0 D8 BCS IncPH 4122 .nocarry3 4122 \ MOVE THE @ FROMPNTR TO @ TOPNTR 4122 A0 00 LDY # 0 4124 B1 70 LDA (FROMPNTR),Y 4126 91 72 STA (topntr),Y 4128 C8 INY 4129 B1 70 LDA (FROMPNTR),Y 412B 91 72 STA (topntr),Y 412D A4 70 LDY FROMPNTR 412F C8 INY 4130 C8 INY 4131 84 70 STY FROMPNTR 4133 F0 CE BEQ IncFRH 4135 .nocarry4 4135 A4 86 LDY TEMPY 4137 E8 INX 4138 D0 D4 BNE loop4 413A \ UNTIL ZERO 413A A6 87 LDX TEMPX 413C CA DEX 413D D0 CB BNE loop3 413F \ UNTIL ZERO 413F 60 RTS 4140 .MKPNTR \ X IS NUMBER TO DO Y IS FIRST ADDRESS, 0 OR &80 4140 18 CLC 4141 \ BEGIN ; &100 times 4141 .loop5 4141 B1 7C LDA (PNTRL),Y 4143 85 80 STA TEMP 4145 A5 82 LDA total 4147 91 7C STA (PNTRL),Y 4149 65 80 ADC TEMP 414B 85 82 STA total 414D B1 7E LDA (PNTRH),Y 414F 85 81 STA TEMP+1 4151 A5 83 LDA total+1 4153 91 7E STA (PNTRH),Y 4155 65 81 ADC TEMP+1 4157 85 83 STA total+1 4159 C8 INY 415A E8 INX 415B D0 E4 BNE loop5 415D \ UNTIL ZERO 415D 60 RTS 415E .ZEROS100 \ ZEROS &100 bytes at PNTR for begining counts 415E A9 00 LDA # 0 4160 A8 TAY 4161 \ BEGIN \ ASSUMES CNTZ MODULO 4 = 0 4161 .loop6 4161 91 84 STA(PNTR),Y 4163 C8 INY 4164 D0 FB BNE loop6 4166 \ UNTIL ZERO 4166 E6 85 INC PNTR+1 4168 60 RTS
To run sort, enter CALL &4000
To view cycle counts (emulator only), enter PRINT H%,G%,F%,E%,D%
Last page update: January 28, 2017.