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Intel HEX File Downloader by Ross Archer
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Intel HEX File Downloader
Ross Archer, 9 February 2001

This program is freeware. Use it, modify it, ridicule it in public, or whatever, so long as authorship credit (blame?) is given somewhere to me for the base program.

Although this program has worked on two different 65C02-based boards, with TASM output files, I make no warranty of fitness or anything else. It's free -- so no matter what, happens you get your money's worth.

Feel free to write me at dogbert@mindless.com if you are having difficulties or have suggestions for improvement. This is still a work in progress.

To customize for your 6551-equipped 6502 SBC
[UK users have dispensation to customise it instead.]

  1. Set ACIA_BASE to the location of your 6551 ACIA (UART).
  2. Change ENTRY_POINT as needed, if you prefer to jump somewhere other than to $0200 after downloading code to RAM.
  3. Change .org location to locate START wherever you like. I put it in the top 2K of memory since my hardware write-protects the EEPROM there but allows me to write to the lower 30K at will, making this the only 100% safe place for monitor code in EE. YMMV
  4. When burning EPROMs, remember to account for the File offset with your programmer. For example, if burning a 32K E(E)PROM, the offset is $8000. If using a 16K E(E)PROM, the offset is $C000, etc. Best to see that your start vectors are in the top six locations in your E(E)PROM as a sanity check before blasting away.
  5. ALL RAM-ified programs you download MUST have an entry point at ENTRY_POINT, if only as a jump instruction to somewhere else.
  6. If the user program uses NMI or IRQs, it is responsible for writing the RAM "shadow" vectors at RUN-TIME prior to enabling interrupts. This is because the hex monitor initializes them to a "sane" values pointing into the ROM monitor on every reset, so recovery from user program crashes is always possible.
  7. A lot of nice things are missing. For example, no timeouts are provided since that would require support of additional timer hardware. It seems that if a download halts, pressing the big red RESET button is the right thing to do anyways. :) This is minimal bootstrap. It does the job needed and little more.
; ($7FFB, $7FFA):	NMI RAM vector
; ($7FFF, $7FFE):       IRQ RAM vector
; (User program may not set a new RESET vector, or we could load
; an unrecoverable program into SRAM if battery backed, which would
; kill the system until the RAM was removed!)
; Macros for converting 16-bit values to high and low bytes
#define hi(x)  (x >> 8)
#define lo(x)  (x & $FF)
; 6551 ACIA equates for serial I/O
#define ACIA_BASE $F000	        ; This is where the 6551 ACIA starts
#define SDR  	ACIA_BASE       ; RX'ed bytes read, TX bytes written, here
#define SSR     ACIA_BASE+1     ; Serial data status register. A write here
                                ; causes a programmed reset.
#define SCMD    ACIA_BASE+2     ; Serial command reg. ()
#define SCTL    ACIA_BASE+3     ; Serial control reg. ()
; Quick n'dirty assignments instead of proper definitions of each parameter
; "ORed" together to build the desired flexible configuration.  We're going
; to run 19200 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit.  Period.  For now.
#define SCTL_V  00011111b       ; 1 stop, 8 bits, 19200 baud
#define SCMD_V  00001011b       ; No parity, no echo, no tx or rx IRQ, DTR*
#define TX_RDY  00010000b       ; AND mask for transmitter ready
#define RX_RDY  00001000b       ; AND mask for receiver buffer full
; Zero-page storage
#define DPL             $00     ; data pointer (two bytes)
#define DPH             $01     ; high of data pointer
#define RECLEN          $02     ; record length in bytes
#define START_LO        $03
#define START_HI        $04
#define RECTYPE         $05
#define CHKSUM          $06     ; record checksum accumulator
#define DLFAIL          $07     ; flag for download failure
#define TEMP            $08     ; save hex value

; "Shadow" RAM vectors (note each is $8000 below the actual ROM vector)
#define	NMIVEC		$7FFA	; write actual NMI vector here
#define IRQVEC          $7FFE   ; write IRQ vector here

#define	ENTRY_POINT	$0200	; where the RAM program MUST have its first instruction

org $F800
START   sei                     ; disable interrupts
        cld                     ; binary mode arithmetic
        ldx     #$FF            ; Set up the stack pointer
        txs                     ;       "
        lda     #hi(START)      ; Initialiaze the interrupt vectors
        sta     NMIVEC+1        ; User program at ENTRY_POINT may change
        sta     IRQVEC+1	; these vectors.  Just do change before enabling
        lda     #lo(START)	; the interrupts, or you'll end up back in the d/l monitor.
        sta     NMIVEC
        sta     IRQVEC
        jsr     INITSER         ; Set up baud rate, parity, etc.
        ; Download Intel hex.  The program you download MUST have its entry
        ; instruction (even if only a jump to somewhere else) at ENTRY_POINT.
HEXDNLD lda     #0
        sta     DLFAIL          ;Start by assuming no D/L failure
        jsr     PUTSTRI
        .byte   13,10,13,10
        .byte   "Send 6502 code in"
        .byte   " Intel Hex format"
        .byte  " at 19200,n,8,1 ->"
        .byte   13,10
	.byte	0		; Null-terminate unless you prefer to crash.
HDWRECS jsr     GETSER          ; Wait for start of record mark ':'
        cmp     #':'
        bne     HDWRECS         ; not found yet
        ; Start of record marker has been found
        jsr     GETHEX          ; Get the record length
        sta     RECLEN          ; save it
        sta     CHKSUM          ; and save first byte of checksum
        jsr     GETHEX          ; Get the high part of start address
        sta     START_HI
        adc     CHKSUM          ; Add in the checksum
        sta     CHKSUM          ;
        jsr     GETHEX          ; Get the low part of the start address
        sta     START_LO
        adc     CHKSUM
        sta     CHKSUM
        jsr     GETHEX          ; Get the record type
        sta     RECTYPE         ; & save it
        adc     CHKSUM
        sta     CHKSUM
        lda     RECTYPE
        bne     HDER1           ; end-of-record
        ldx     RECLEN          ; number of data bytes to write to memory
        ldy     #0              ; start offset at 0
HDLP1   jsr     GETHEX          ; Get the first/next/last data byte
        sta     (START_LO),y    ; Save it to RAM
        adc     CHKSUM
        sta     CHKSUM          ;
        iny                     ; update data pointer
        dex                     ; decrement count
        bne     HDLP1
        jsr     GETHEX          ; get the checksum
        adc     CHKSUM
        bne     HDDLF1          ; If failed, report it
        ; Another successful record has been processed
        lda     #'#'            ; Character indicating record OK = '#'
        sta     SDR             ; write it out but don't wait for output
        jmp     HDWRECS         ; get next record
HDDLF1  lda     #'F'            ; Character indicating record failure = 'F'
        sta     DLFAIL          ; download failed if non-zero
        sta     SDR             ; write it to transmit buffer register
        jmp     HDWRECS         ; wait for next record start
HDER1   cmp     #1              ; Check for end-of-record type
        beq     HDER2
        jsr     PUTSTRI         ; Warn user of unknown record type
        .byte   13,10,13,10
        .byte   "Unknown record type $",
	.byte	0		; null-terminate unless you prefer to crash!
        lda     RECTYPE         ; Get it
	sta	DLFAIL		; non-zero --> download has failed
        jsr     PUTHEX          ; print it
	lda     #13		; but we'll let it finish so as not to
        jsr     PUTSER		; falsely start a new d/l from existing
        lda     #10		; file that may still be coming in for
        jsr     PUTSER		; quite some time yet.
	; We've reached the end-of-record record
HDER2   jsr     GETHEX          ; get the checksum
        adc     CHKSUM          ; Add previous checksum accumulator value
        beq     HDER3           ; checksum = 0 means we're OK!
        jsr     PUTSTRI         ; Warn user of bad checksum
        .byte   13,10,13,10
        .byte   "Bad record checksum!",13,10
        .byte   0		; Null-terminate or 6502 go bye-bye
        jmp     START
HDER3   lda     DLFAIL
        beq     HDEROK
        ;A download failure has occurred
        jsr     PUTSTRI
        .byte   13,10,13,10
        .byte   "Download Failed",13,10
        .byte   "Aborting!",13,10
	.byte	0		; null-terminate every string yada yada.
        jmp     START
        .byte   13,10,13,10
        .byte   "Download Successful!",13,10
        .byte   "Jumping to location $"
	.byte	0			; by now, I figure you know what this is for. :)
        lda	#hi(ENTRY_POINT)	; Print the entry point in hex
        jsr	PUTHEX
        lda	#lo(ENTRY_POINT)
        jsr	PUTSTRI
        .byte   13,10
        .byte   0		; stop lemming-like march of the program ctr. thru data
        jmp     ENTRY_POINT	; jump to canonical entry point

; Set up baud rate, parity, stop bits, interrupt control, etc. for
; the serial port.
INITSER lda     #SCTL_V 	; Set baud rate 'n stuff
        sta     SCTL
        lda     #SCMD_V 	; set parity, interrupt disable, n'stuff
        sta     SCMD

; SerRdy : Return
SERRDY  lda     SSR     	; look at serial status
        and     #RX_RDY 	; strip off "character waiting" bit
        rts             	; if zero, nothing waiting.
; Warning: this routine busy-waits until a character is ready.
; If you don't want to wait, call SERRDY first, and then only
; call GETSER once a character is waiting.
GETSER  lda     SSR    		; look at serial status
        and     #RX_RDY 	; see if anything is ready
        beq     GETSER  	; busy-wait until character comes in!
        lda     SDR     	; get the character
; Busy wait

        jsr     MKNIBL  	; Convert to 0..F numeric
        asl     a
        asl     a
        asl     a
        asl     a       	; This is the upper nibble
        and     #$F0
        sta     TEMP
        jsr     GETSER
        jsr     MKNIBL
        ora     TEMP
        rts             	; return with the nibble received

; Convert the ASCII nibble to numeric value from 0-F:
MKNIBL  cmp     #'9'+1  	; See if it's 0-9 or 'A'..'F' (no lowercase yet)
        bcc     MKNNH   	; If we borrowed, we lost the carry so 0..9
        sbc     #7+1    	; Subtract off extra 7 (sbc subtracts off one less)
        ; If we fall through, carry is set unlike direct entry at MKNNH
MKNNH   sbc     #'0'-1  	; subtract off '0' (if carry clear coming in)
        and     #$0F    	; no upper nibble no matter what
        rts             	; and return the nibble

; Put byte in A as hexydecascii
PUTHEX  pha             	;
        lsr a
        lsr a
        lsr a
        lsr a
        jsr     PRNIBL
PRNIBL  and     #$0F    	; strip off the low nibble
        cmp     #$0A
        bcc     NOTHEX  	; if it's 0-9, add '0' else also add 7
        adc     #6      	; Add 7 (6+carry=1), result will be carry clear
NOTHEX  adc     #'0'    	; If carry clear, we're 0-9
; Write the character in A as ASCII:
PUTSER  sta     SDR     	; write to transmit register
WRS1    lda     SSR     	; get status
        and     #TX_RDY 	; see if transmitter is busy
        beq     WRS1    	; if it is, wait
;Put the string following in-line until a NULL out to the console
PUTSTRI pla			; Get the low part of "return" address (data start address)
        sta     DPL
        sta     DPH             ; Get the high part of "return" address
                                ; (data start address)
        ; Note: actually we're pointing one short
PSINB   ldy     #1
        lda     (DPL),y         ; Get the next string character
        inc     DPL             ; update the pointer
        bne     PSICHO          ; if not, we're pointing to next character
        inc     DPH             ; account for page crossing
PSICHO  ora     #0              ; Set flags according to contents of Accumulator
        beq     PSIX1           ; don't print the final NULL
        jsr     PUTSER          ; write it out
        jmp     PSINB           ; back around
PSIX1   inc     DPL             ;
        bne     PSIX2           ;
        inc     DPH             ; account for page crossing
PSIX2   jmp     (DPL)           ; return to byte following final NULL
; User "shadow" vectors:
GORST	jmp	START		; Allowing user program to change this is a mistake

.org $FFFA
;  start at $FFFA
NMIENT  .word     GONMI
RSTENT  .word     GORST
IRQENT  .word     GOIRQ
.end				; finally.  das Ende.

Last page update: March 22, 2001.