Multiply & Divide from 6502 Software Design, Expanded by Greg
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Multiply & Divide
Here are some multiplication and division routines to use for larger integers. I haven't taken any time to document the code much but it should be fairly straightforward and self explanatory. These are routines that I expanded from the 6502 Software Design book by Leo J. Scanlon. Anyone may contact me for questions or comments at
;32 bit multiply with 64 bit product MULTIPLY: lda #$00 sta PROD+4 ;Clear upper half of sta PROD+5 ;product sta PROD+6 sta PROD+7 ldx #$20 ;Set binary count to 32 SHIFT_R: lsr MULR+3 ;Shift multiplyer right ror MULR+2 ror MULR+1 ror MULR bcc ROTATE_R ;Go rotate right if c = 0 lda PROD+4 ;Get upper half of product clc ; and add multiplicand to adc MULND ; it sta PROD+4 lda PROD+5 adc MULND+1 sta PROD+5 lda PROD+6 adc MULND+2 sta PROD+6 lda PROD+7 adc MULND+3 ROTATE_R: ror a ;Rotate partial product sta PROD+7 ; right ror PROD+6 ror PROD+5 ror PROD+4 ror PROD+3 ror PROD+2 ror PROD+1 ror PROD dex ;Decrement bit count and bne SHIFT_R ; loop until 32 bits are clc ; done lda MULXP1 ;Add dps and put sum in MULXP2 adc MULXP2 sta MULXP2 rts ;64 bit divide routine with 32 bit quotent DIVIDE: ldy #$40 ;Set bit length DO_NXT_BIT: asl DVDQUO rol DVDQUO+1 rol DVDQUO+2 rol DVDQUO+3 rol DVDQUO+4 rol DVDQUO+5 rol DVDQUO+6 rol DVDQUO+7 rol DVDR+8 rol DVDR+9 rol DVDR+$a rol DVDR+$b rol DVDR+$c rol DVDR+$d rol DVDR+$e rol DVDR+$f ldx #$00 lda #$08 sta ADDDP sec SUBT: lda DVDR+8,x ;Subtract divider from sbc DVDR,x ; partial dividend and sta MULR,x ; save inx dec ADDDP bne SUBT bcc NXT ;Branch to do next bit inc DVDQUO ; if result = or - ldx #$08 ;Put subtractor result RSULT: lda MULR-1,x ; into partial dividend sta DVDR+7,x dex bne RSULT NXT: dey bne DO_NXT_BIT sec lda DIVXP1 ;Subtract dps and store result sbc DIVXP2 sta DIVXP2 rtsLast page update: August 6, 1999.